Tw the case
The next morning emily woke me up.
"Garcia wake up. It's time for breakfast and then we need to go to the precinct." She took the blanket of by bed.
"Ughhh yes lieutenant prentiss"
I groin and walk into the bathroom."You still call me that?" She screamed after me.
I did my hair brushed my teeth and put this outfit on. One of the new once I got before I left for a month
"You look cute" emily said
"Thanks" I was kinda upset bc I never wore this outfit and well the pants was tight.We went out and ate breakfast with the team. After that we got back to work. Spencer gave me my antidepressants
Me jj and rossi went down to meet the people from the support group, I once again being the translator.
George introduced is *in ASL*
"Hey everyone. These are some agents of the fbi. They just want to have a look around"
Several people seemed confused or nervous."Hi I'm special agent garcia. But you can call me y/n. These are special agents jareau and rossi. But you can call them jj and dave if you like"
Alot of people were surprised that I knew ASL. I did seem to settle some if them down a little.There was an interpreter in the room so we splits up in 2 to ask some questions.
Jj and the interpreter went to the older members. And me and rossi with the younger once. Teens and young adults.We thought this was better since alot of the younger members seemed more at easy with me, probably bc im only 22 and bc i sign.
A few of the members we talked to were actually my age so.We questions this kid about 20 years old, he looked nervous and a bit intimated by rossi.
"You don't have to worry, he looks like a grumpy man but he's a softy"
This time I didn't translate so Rossi had no idea what I said."So kid are you still In school " rossi wanted me to ask.
"Ye I was getting bullied alot and had to transfer""What school did you go to?"
He looked hesitant but he gave us rhe name ."Do you remember the names of those kids?"
The guy all of a sudden changed. Became more distant and cold."No I don't! Can I go now"
Rossi suggested that he can leave."Wow, non of the other people reacted that way"
I say shocked.
"Ye. And I dont think anyone could forget their bully" Rossi added.
"I know I didn't "
Rossi looked at me
"You got bullied?""I was a chubby kid in middle school. Easy pray" I said as if it were nothing
We walked up to jj and asked if she had anything."No one knows who could have done it. They haven't received any specific hate or anything. So I think your right y/n. I think the unsub might be deaf "
Jj explained"And I think we might have just met our unsub " Rossi added.
"Hey sis could you look into a Peter diek?" I called up penelope from the precinct.
"Eeem Peter diek in his last year of high school. He just Changed schools a year ago. Oo he has a criminal record.
Looks like he got into fights alot. He just got out of juvie...1 week ago""Damn girl you just found our unsub on the second day. Once again" Derek commented
"Getting out of juvie could defently be his stresser" Tara pointed out.

criminalminds x reader
Fanfiction⚠️tw⚠️ mental health issue's such as sh, depression, Ed and suicide... y/n garcia penelope's sister has been with the bau for 1 year. she's a very private person but now, her mental health caves in after another lose in her life. everyone will see h...