chapter 57

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Everyone got back to their rooms when we got a text.
"Clothes back on, there's been another murder" I say to Emily. I was jusy changing I'm my pj's. I put my jeans back on and leave the shirt as it is.

We rush out to the house.
Putting on our bullet proof vest first
"Fbi!" Luke kicked down the door.

"Definitely replacing derek" I wisperd.
We rush in holding up our guns with flash light.

"Got 2 bodies down back here" I could hear jj screaming from the otherside of the room.

I follow behind luke.
"I got your back" I say to him as we walk in a new part of the house.
I make sure we're covered when luke opens the closet.

A teenage boy is shaking and crying in the closet.
"Let me see your hands!" Luke said
As he shinned a light in his eyes.
The boy had peed his pants from fear.
"Luke put the light out!"
I walk up to the boy.
"Okay let's get you up your safe"
I help him up and grab a blanket to wrap around his middle.
I took underwear and pants out of a drawer.

We got him down to the precinct and got him freshend up. He was still very much in shock.
I was tired but i tried my best to hide it.
"Your safe now Matthew "
Me and jj were interviewing him.
Hoping he saw something but also trying to comfort him.
"Matthew?" I repeated his name bc he didn't respond.
"We want to find who did this, so if there is anything you can remember seeing or hearing.  Anything at all, it could help us" jj said in her soft voice.

Matthew was crawled up on the couch.
"What you did calling 991 that was brave" I tried to make him feel better. But you can't make anyone feel better who saw their family member get shot.
"That call saved your life" jj tried to same as I.
Silence fell. We were trying to give him time to talk.
"I heard him walking...and he stopped. He was in my room. Right there. Why am I alive?"
He cried out.

I wish I could answer him but I couldn't.
"Why me"
I look at jj as Matthew put his head in between his knees.

We realised that the unsub is deliberately leaving them alive. The survivors are the real victims.

*next morning *
It was time to deliver the profile.

I hate this part.
"We beloved our unsube is a variation of what we know as a family annihilator"
Rossi started.
"The garden variety family annihilator is usually is usually a narcissistic male patriarch experiencing pshychological stress. This causes him to become homicidal and them suicidal" I followed behind Rossi. I continued to play with my fingers.

"His narcissism often manifest as rage, directed at a specific family member. Prompting him to murder the entire family as an act of punishment and revenge. He then blames the objects of his rage of his violent outbursts" spence said.

The rest of the team then delivers the rest of the profile.

"Are you always so nervous to deliver the profile? I saw you play with your hands" luke asked when it was over.
"Ow yea. I have anxiety disorder so..."
"I'm sorry i didn't know"
"1 you didn't say anything wrong. 2 I actually like that someone doesn't know about all my troubles. I like that we still have a clean slate"
I say with a smile. We both walk out.
"Your a private person aren't you?"
"I was but I'm trying not to hold on to things anymore by opening up"

We called up penelope.
"Any connections between Amanda and Matthew?" Rossi asked.
"Yes stay with me. So basically both of their Facebook pages are a outpouring of love and support from their peers.  And it's touching really and its very reassuring for the hope of our species"

"What do you mean basically?" Emily asked.
"In-between all the wonderfulness there is a tiny tributary of nasty comments from some of their peers saying that matt and Amanda got what they deserved."

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