21: Look-Alike

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Warnings: Cussing (please read the note at the end!)

Inna yet again woke Y/N from her slumber by opening the curtains and letting the blinding light come in. Y/N flinched, pulling the blanket further to shield her face from the blinding light."If you're going to wake me up every morning, can you at least not do it like that!" She shouted out of frustration. Being woken up in such a way starts her day in a bad way and makes her feel cranky.

"I apologize, my lady. I will keep that in mind for next time." She continued on with her routine, pulling clothes out of the closet for Y/N to wear. Unwillingly, she gets up from the bed. She aggressively grabbed the clothes from Inna trying to show her distaste. She headed into the bathroom to get ready. "You can change out here!" Inna called out. "I really don't mind!"

She turned around to give Inna a weird look. "No, I'm fine." She continued heading to the bathroom. She found it strange how Inna thought she should be the one to mind when Y/N was the one changing. She hated Inna, and the interactions she had with her every morning, which caused her to be uncomfortable the second she awoke.

Once she finished getting ready, she walked out of the bathroom to find Inna idly standing around, waiting for her to return. "Master is expecting you to join him for breakfast. Would you like to attend or should I tell him you'd rather eat your meal in here?"

She paused for a second to think, casting a quick glance at Inna. She would rather deal with Zandik than have Inna stand over her shoulder and watch her eat again. "I will join him." She left the room before any other words could be exchanged between the two. She felt a pressure be lifted off her shoulder as she continued down the hall. Something about Inna felt intensely off but pointing out what specifically, was very hard. Or she could just say that everything about her was off. The way she seemed so cheery, with the lack of social awareness makes an uncomfortable feeling.

Y/N tried her best to find the dining room. Trying to remember the directions from the tour that was given the previous night. The mansion was about the size of her whole village, so it was like a maze to her. After many wrong turns, she was able to find the dining hall.

Zandik sat at the head of the long table. "You've finally arrived." He was looking at some documents that lay beside his untouched food. "I was beginning to suspect you were not going to join me."

"Sorry," she apologized, sitting at the opposite end of the table. "I got a bit lost."

"I showed you how to get here yesterday. Have you already forgotten?" He told her like she was a child as he placed the papers down and picked up his silverware, beginning to eat.

She frowned at his attitude toward her. "Well this is a very big house and a lot of the halls look similar." She defended herself.

He hummed out before suggesting. "Shall I add a variety of different decorations to each hall so you remember your way?"

While his suggestion was sweet, she still felt like she was being belittled by him. "No, I'll get better over time." Her tone was snappy back at him.

"As you wish then." He ignored her tone as he continued to eat. "So how do you like Inna?" He asked as he stared directly at her.

Even though his mask was in the way, she could tell that he was staring at her intensely to see her reaction. She felt slightly apprehensive at his unmoving stare. "I don't like her." She honestly told him. "At all."

He tilted his head slightly out of confusion. "Why?" He sternly asked.

"She's fucking creepy!" She loudly exclaimed, her nervousness fading as she continued to speak. She felt finally relieved letting out all her frustrations from this morning. "She stares at me so long, I wonder if she even knows how to blink. It makes me feel like some sort of prey about to be attacked by a predator lurking in the shrubbery. Her tone never changes and it makes me feel like she's not even a human and makes me uncomfortable!" She named a few things, but the list could go on. She was practically like a machine.

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