: Nightmare : 2min :

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Nightmare/-/-/-/-/-/2min ~ Fluff

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2min ~ Fluff

Seungmin woke up with a gasp, his eyes watering and hands shaking. The had woken up from A nightmare and he was alone. The puppy-like boy slowly stood from his bed, he shakily walked out of the room. He had seven room options to go to and he chose his favourite hyung, Minho.

Seungmin slowly opened the door to the elders room and walked inside, it was dark, too dark. He quickly shut the door and ran over to Minho, the elder man woke up from the slam of the door and looked up to see Seungmin.

"Seungmin?" Minho whispered confused, he slowly sat up, "Why are you up? Do you know what time it is?" Minho asked, slightly annoyed that he was woken up so late. Seungmin didn't say anything and just shook his head, Minho sighed, "what's wrong?" Minho asked while patting the space next to him, signing Seungmin to lay down.

Seungmin understood and laid down next to his hyung, he didn't answer Minho's question and wrapped his arms around the elder boys upper body and buried his head on Minho's chest. Minho was shocked, Seungmin hasn't hugged him like this for years. He slowly wrapped his arms around the younger boy's waist and made circles with his index finger on the boys back.

"Tell me what's wrong baby." Minho new what he said, he also knew this would make the younger boy very shy but also calm. When Seungmin was upset one of the members would always call him baby, and it was the first time Minho had done it. He wanted to always do it, and also be the only one that was allowed to do it.

"N-nightmare." Seungmin stuttered out, the younger boy didn't cry much, so when he did it broke all the members hearts, especially Minho's.

"Oh baby." Minho said in a sad voice, he felt bad that Seungmin had another nightmare. Not too long ago Chan had found Seungmin crying in his room because of one, that night Seungmin stayed with Chan, and Minho didn't like that. If Minho had known he would have took the younger boy from Chan but the other members didn't find out until the morning.

Chan asked if Seungmin would feel better if he stayed with a different member every night for a little, Seungmin said that he didn't wanna trouble anyone.

For a whole week Minho checked on Seungmin every time he would go to the bathroom, if he woke up in the middle of the night to go he would quickly pop his head in Seungmin's room to make sure he was okay. No one knew about this, only Minho.

"Do you wanna stay with hyung?" Minho asked softly, Seungmin nodded his head slowly, "always." Seungmin whispered, Minho was confused, "always what?" Minho asked, Seungmin didn't say anything for a couple of seconds and then sniffed, "stay with you." The younger boy finally said, Minho smiled, he knew what the younger boy was trying to say.

He wanted to stay with Minho always, every night. Minho was obviously going to let him, he was happy that it was him that Seungmin had chose to go to when he had that nightmare. He hoped that it will always be that way.

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