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Tired /-/-/-/-/-/ Seungin ~ Fluff
"Innie!" Seungmin yelled as he opened the door to the younger boys room, "what are you doing up so late?" Seungmin asked, "what are you doing up so late?" Jeongin asked back, Seungmin rolled his eyes and went over to Jeongin's bed and laid on it. He put the blanket over himself and closed his eyes once he was comfortable. "No not again." Jeongin said, "why?" Seungmin whined, "I want my bed to myself, you have your bed." Jeongin said, he placed his phone on the table next to him. "I don't like sleeping alone." Seungmin said with a pout, "but you take up all the room." Jeongin said, Seungmin huffed and sat up, "fine I'll go to Changbin-hyung." Seungmin said in a angry voice.
He stood up from the bed and was about to walk out the room but Jeongin called his name. "Seungmin!" The elder boy looked back, "what now?" He asked, still with an angry voice, "come lay back down." Jeongin said with a sigh. Seungmin's face lit up, he quickly ran over to the bed and laid back down. Jeongin sighed again and also laid down, he turned the lamp off next to him and faced Seungmin who was smiling with his eyes closed.
"Why do you always come in here when you are tired?" Jeongin asked, Seungmin opened his eyes, "you're comfortable to hug, and you let me, and you hug me back, and you smell good, and-" "okay okay! Come here then." Jeongin said while rolling his eyes, he did have a time is it on blush on his cheeks though.
Seungmin laid his head in the younger boy's chest and placed one of his hands there too. Jeongin wrapped his arms just a little bit more up to where his waste is and placed his head on Seungmin's. "You're comfortable too." Jeongin said with a smile, Seungmin also smiled and moved himself closer to Jeongin.
/-/-/-/-/-/ Thank you for reading! Would you maybe like a second part to this? Please let me know!