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Elemental Breaths of user, there is some sorcery in it, breaths as follows;

Elemental Breathing, 1st style: Strong tides=  user strikes in vertical and horizontal forms and from it the weapon will have thin but sharp stream of water which slows opponent down and gives user the chance to decapitate the opponent.

Elemental Breathing, 2nd style: aftershock= user strikes opponent in a quick zigzag motion and the weapon has sand enveloping it. The opponent feels the ground shake and user slices opponent diagonally.

Elemental Breathing,3rd style: radiant fire= user moves with speed and flexibility as user strikes in circular motions repeatedly. The weapon is engulfed in colorful flames with blinds opponent giving user chance to decapitate.

Elemental Breathing,4th style: treacherous tornado= user cuts empty space from any distance to counter incoming attacks using mini tornadoes creating an opening opponent cannot see for user to deliver the finishing slice.

Elemental Breathing,5th style: Goddess devine= user jumps and twirls on the air as the user is surrounded in beautiful swirls of the elements with a purple glow. In a quick burst, user comes close to opponent and swirls stretch before slashing the neck. The opponent feels no pain, warm and safe and sees a paradise garden before dying.

Elemental Breathing,6th style: earthquake= user slices the air in an "X" form sending impaling vibrations which paralyse and destroy opponent internally allowing user to slash the neck

Elemental Breathing, 7th style: heat of hell= user charges at opponent head on as blue flames engulfing weapon heats up more aiming at the torso but uses and under cut slice to the head, killing opponent.

Elemental Breathing,8th style: sorceress puppet= user chants " tima chobi sabinli " and throws weapon to pierce opponent keeping them still but conscious. User pushes the weapon into them before dicing opponent in quick motion.

Elemental Breathing, 9th style: decisive winds= user slices the air sending cool winds which heals the injured when the breath in and freezes the demon's lungs and throat allowing user to kill.

Elemental Breathing, final style: Blood moon combined chaos= user combines all elements and sorcery which turns the weapon red with golden designs and moves faster than the speed of sound enough to make user invisible and kill opponent.
  ( I made it especially for Muzan Incase I decide to kill him)

Elemental Breathing, eleventh style: nighttime melody= user dances with weapon in quick flexible movements and spins which creates soft sound waves that fix 40% of any damage created during fighting, causes demons under Muzan's control to explode and put distressed people in a two minute coma of peace.

Ability bar
Charisma : 100/10
Strength: 1000/10
Sarcasm: 10/10
Battle IQ: 10/10
Strategy: 10/10
Co operativeness : it depends
Stamina: 10/10

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