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Everyone in Woodsboro seemed off. No one could trust anyone. The group arrived at the hospital and greeted Sam and her boyfriend Richie at the entrance. They went into an old sky-blue room. Tara was lying on the bed. "Hey how are you holding up?" Billie asked. "I'm fine thanks" she smiled.
A sense of awkwardness filled the air. "Bill can we chat?" Chad asked. "Not right now Chad. We're here for Tara not ourselves.." she bluntly replied.
Sam hurried into the room. She wrapped her arms around Tara and squeezed her. "Hey. This is my boyfriend Richie." Sam pleaded. "Hey" Tara replied. "Thanks for calling Wes. I like you hair!" Sam smiled while hugging him. "These are Chad and Mindy the twins and Wes!" Sam explained to Richie. "I used to babysit them." She laughed. "Oh my god. Billie wow! Look at you!" She said calmingly giving her a soft hug. "Hey Sam" she replied. "Hi Amber!" "Hi" she bluntly replied.
"Hey Tara's tired let her rest" Wes said while exiting. "Sam stay." Tara begged.
Tara needed some time alone with Sam so that meant Billie and Chad could talk.

"Bill it's been so awk-"
"I get it Chad okay. We're over there's no awkwardness about it. Be my friend or don't. Up to you." She said.
Amber eavesdropped the conversation between the two. A jealous look revealed across her face. "Billie come on let's get some drinks!" She interrupted. Billie looked at Chad before stumbling after Amber.
Chad clearly still liked Billie and wished it wasn't just some dumb summer fling. He was so annoyed that Billie and Amber have a fling now because Billie was all he could think about.
Ring! ring! ring!
Chad jumped at the vibration of his phone in his pocket. It was Billie.
"Hey bill-" Chad said.
"Hello Chad" an eerie man's voice called.
"Who is this?"
"Someone your friend knows." the voice replied.
"Billie stop now!" He joked.
"Not Billie. Tara..."
Chad instantly hung up. He was in complete shock in what had just happened. "Oh my god!" he screamed while running into Tara's hospital room. Tara was sat with Sam holding her hand crying. "I was so scared.." Tara cried. "Sam. A moment please.." Chad said.

Sam followed Chad outside of the hospital window. "I got a call. From you know. Who might of attacked Tara.." he gulped. Sams face went into shock but was interrupted by Billie. "Hey guys what's up?" Billie greeted with Amber throbbing her hands on her shoulder. "Billie. Where's your phone?" Chad asked. "Oh shit! I think in the office of the hospital.." she said. "You called me. But it was the person that hurt Tara." Chad stuttered. "What the fuck Chad! Are you trying to say it's Billie?!" Amber screamed. "Hey no" he replied. Amber stormed off dragging Billie behind with her.

Sam went into a room to take her pills. She quickly slurped the water from the tap to down them before being frightened by her dad in the mirror. It was Billy Loomis (the psycho who killed a bunch of teens with his friend Stu Macher). Billy wasn't actually there Sam was visualising it. "That's my girl" he whispered. Sam was about to reply but was called. It was an unknown number. "Hello?" Sam said.
"Hello Samantha..." the voice called.
"Who is this?" She asked.
"Someone who knows your little family secret."
"You're the fuck who hurt my sister?" She screamed
"Shes not the only one I'm gonna hurt.." replied Ghostface. "I had to get you to come back here somehow, didn't I?"
"You want to fuck with me asshole?" She raged. "I'm right here, come and get me!"
"With pleasure." He growled before busting open the door. Sam ran behind the table while Ghostface swang shots at her with his knife. "HELP!!" Sam screamed in agony. She shoved the table onto him causing him to fall over before she ran out to the police officer. "Somebody help me he's trying to kill me!" She cried. The police gathered and checked the room. But there was no sight of him.

While Sam was with the police, the group stayed to protect Tara. "You said the call came from Ambers number?" Asked Wes. "So we know he called on my phone before her attacked Tara." Amber implied.
"What the fuck is going on!" Billie shouted. Wes delicately placed his hands on Billie's shoulder. "Hey, keep calm. It will be okay" he comforted.
"You're the killer." Richie screamed at Amber. "And where were you when all this happened?" Amber screamed. "I was watching netflix" Richie said. "Ooh. Yeah. Super solid alibi bro." Mindy laughed rolling her eyes. "Guys chill." Tara said. Billie exited the room with Wes while Amber and the rest comforted Tara.

"Wes what the fuck is happening here?" Billie shaked. "Hey woah.. breathe it's all okay." He replied. "I just don't know who to trust I mean it could be anyone."
"I know Billie I know it's scary but I promise you can trust me and I trust you." Wes smiled. Billie hugged him softly. Amber watched in jealousy with her doe brown eyes so pure but annoyed through the hospital curtains. She didn't want anyone else to have Billie but herself and even though she knew Wes and Billie were best friends and nothing more. Amber disrupted them. "Come on bill, let's go. I'm tired as fuck!" She smiled. "Bye Wes" she smiled. "Bye bill".

Wes secretly had always had feelings towards Billie. But with Amber in the way he knew all he could be was her friend but that was fine. As long as they were good friends it was fine. They became close friends when they were little. They instantly bonded and have always had similar interests no matter their parents disliking each-other. Wes was very family orientated but Billie not so much. Only with her father as her mom and dad split up and she had moved to New York.

Billie got home to her dad. "Hey Billie. Hey Amber." Dewey politely greeted. "Hey, do you mind if I stay the night?" Amber questioned. "Your welcome any time Amber" he smiled. "Thanks" she said as she followed Billie to her bedroom.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒, screamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora