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It was late afternoon in murderous Woodsboro. Tara and Billie were still located in the hospital for treatment due to their stab wounds. Amber had left the room to go to billies and to leave Tara and Sam to talk about their issues.
"Do you remember when dad left?" Sam gulped.
"Parts, sure." Tara replied. "I was eight. What does that have to do with anything?"
"It has to do with it." Sam smiled.
"Do you remember how... Mom used to keep those boxes up in the attic? Well, I was up there once... When I was 13, looking for Christmas presents. And I found these old diaries that she kept from high school. " she said tearing up.
"Sam, what is..." Tara asked
Tara was left in confusion.
"I have to do this." Sam continued.
"So I found these old diaries. And I knew it was wrong, but I read some anyway because Mom got pregnant with me in high school, and I thought it could be cool to find out how she and Dad got together. How romantic it must have been. So I read some. Only it wasn't romantic. Mom was dating Dad, but... she was in love with this other guy... and he got her pregnant. She told Dad it was his, and that's why he proposed senior year."
"Sam, what are you talking about?" Tara rose in uncomfortableness.
"And I'm sitting there, in this attic... and I'm 13... and I just found out my dad isn't my dad." Sam cries.
"So I go find Mom in her bedroom, and I'm screaming at her and shoving this diary in her face, and I didn't even realize... that Dad was standing right behind me. He didn't know. He found out right then from me. He left that night. I'm the reason he left." Sam frowned.
"No." Tara hurried brushing her shoulder  "No, Sam..."

"Mom never forgave me. Then she made me promise never to tell you because you were so young. And that's why I changed and I got distant and weird with you. And I went out and I started doing every drug that I could get my hands on until I couldn't take it anymore and I left town. I just couldn't be around you anymore, Tara." She stuttered. Tara looked up in anger.
"Not only because I destroyed our family that night, but because... those diaries told me who my real father was. It was Billy Loomis. And somebody knows, and I think that's why you got hurt. And I'm so fucking sorry that I never told you and then I ran away." She carried on.
"I'm so sorry." Sam said with pure sympathy
"Get out." Tara screamed
"You're gone for five years... Five whole years. And then I get stabbed and you want to come back and drop all this shit on me?" Tara raged.
"I thought I was protecting you." Sam howled in despair.
"Protecting me from what?" Tara said trying to be a smartass. "The truth?"
Sam was struggling to get her words out as she felt so bad for Tara. "No. No, I... Please, Tara."
"Sam. Sam, I need you to get the fuck out!" She hissed.
"I'm so sorry." Sam said in hysterical tears.
"Please." She pleaded."
"Get the fuck out!" Tara melted.
Sam ran out the room with her heart sank into her mouth.

In the following room Billie was talking with Amber. "Damn!" Billie said revealing a dirty look which was followed by Amber's chuckle. "Drama much" Amber replied. They were alerted by the doctor. "Billie you are free to go home! Just take it easy and Rest!" He smiled. "Thanks." She and Amber replied with a thankful smile. They were both so happy and were going to meet up at the twins house Mindy and Chad. However back at Billie's trailer Sam and Richie met up with Dewey. Sam arrived at the door. "Hello I need to talk." She said. "Give me one good reason why I should talk to you.." he frowned. "I'm Billy Loomis' daughter" she replied. "That's a terrible reason why I should talk to you" he said waiting at the door.

"My name is Samantha Carpenter, I was attacked last night at the hospital." She gulped. "The night before that, my sister was stabbed seven times I know you know what that's like."
"I'm just trying to protect my family. Five minutes. That's all I'm asking." She pleaded
"I'll give you two minutes." Dewey politely said. "I'm missing a show I like."
"If I ever threaten to get bangs, stage an intervention." A voice called from the tv.
"Gale Weathers! Weren't you two... wait that's Billie's mom!" Richie screamed.
"Yeah. Who's he?" Dewey questioned.
"This is Richie, my boyfriend." Sam answered.
"How long have you known him?"
"Six months?" She replied confused.
"Did he know who your dad was when you met. Express any interest in Woodsboro or the Ghostface killings?" Dewey jumped.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Sam smirked.
"Your killer's obsessed with the Stab movies, right? Well, there are certain rules to surviving a Stab movie." Dewey implied. "Believe me, I know. Rule number one:
Never trust the love interest.
They seem sweet, caring, supportive.
Then welcome to act 3, where they're trying to rip your head off." Dewey jumped.
"I was with Sam in Modesto when Tara was attacked." Richie said defending himself.

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