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"Run!" Richie shouted.
"Holy shit!" Billie screamed.
"Sam, come on!" Richie pulled Sam.
"Run! Go, go, go! Go!"
Richie dragged Sam down to the basement where they could hide from Amber executing them.
"Oh, my God... Tara!" Sam panicked.
"Wait, no, Sam. She has a gun. There are always two killers." Richie screamed terrified. Sam raised a knife to his chin. He began to back away.
"Sam, please put the knife down." He shivered "Look, I think... I think the other killer might be Tara. Or Billie, look..."
"What?" Sam eye rolled.
"I mean Billie is dating Amber so it makes perfect sense if she is the other killer. But Tara she's the one that brought us here and you two have been estranged for years. I mean... how well do you really know her?"
"Better than I know you." Sam said storming off away from Richie.
"Sam, wait. Sam!"

Sidney and Gale arrived at the house. Screams pierced there ears as they prepared for what is to come.
"Sounds about right." Gale laughed.
"You ready?" Sidney asked.
"For this? Never." Gale replied.
"Here we go." They both said as the journeyed towards the door. However the door opened. It was Amber. She was holding her stomach as if she'd been stabbed and was fake crying.
"Help me, help me! He stabbed me!"
"What do you think?" Sidney asked Gale.
"Trap." She replied.
"Fuck it." Amber screamed while shooting Gale.
Gale fell to the floor pressurising her wound so it wouldn't loose any more blood. Sidney insisted for her to go to hospital but Gale declined with the words...
"You said we were gonna finish this. Go finish it, Sidney. For Dewey."

Sidney cautiously entered the house. It was silent. Only the whimpers of the innocent were left to hear.
"Anyone hiding, killer or not, you have five seconds to show yourself!" She said casually walking up the stairs pointing her pistol around. Footsteps appeared above her as Sam found Tara and Billie in the closet. They had tape round there mouths and were tied up.
"Tara. Billie. Oh, my God." Sam cried. She reached out her knife to cut the tape of them. But remembered what Richie had said. He was getting into her head.
"Sam. Sam, please." They said crying with their muffled voices. Sam looked up in despair to hear the gunshots from Sidney. Sidney was shooting each door to try and kill Ghostface. But she got a call.
"Hello, Sidney!" Ghostface hissed.
"Hello there. Where'd you go?" She asked.
"This isn't Amber. I'm the other one."
"There's two of you. Again." She sighed. "I've seen this movie before."
"Not this movie, Sidney." Ghostface interrupted.
"You really need some new material." She replied.
"I got you here, didn't I?"
"You might actually be the most derivative one of all.
I mean, Christ, the same house?" She laughed.
"Maybe so. But you forgot the first rule of surviving a Stab movie. Never answer the..."
"I'm bored." She said while hanging up the call. She finally arrived at the top of the stairs. To two doors. She shot instantly at the one glaring at her. A piercing scream was let out from Richie behind the door.

"Put your hands up! Show me your hands! What are you doing in there?" Sidney screamed.

"Hiding from murderers." Richie cried.

"I told you to come out!" Sidney replied.

"I'm not gonna come out! You're shooting everything!" Richie frowned. However Ghostface was in the previous door next to her and ran out and strangled Sidney. Sidney put up a fight against him but was knocked over the stairs edge onto the ground. The hun retrieved from her hand as she was struggling to move as she had hurt herself.
"Richie! Gun. Get the gun." She screamed as her and Ghostface were crawling on the floor.

"Kind of hard since you shot me in the leg." He said stumbling down the stairs. Sam appeared out from the other door and took the gun.

"Yes! Yes! Shoot him!" Richie smiled. Sam fired at ghostface. Richie hurried over to her.

"Thank God you're okay. 'Cause I really, really wanted to be the one to kill you." He laughed while stabbing Sam in the gut.
"Sit the fuck down, Prescott!" Richie screamed at Sidney as she was rising from the floor.
"I can't believe this worked. I know. It's a bummer it's me. But it really was the best choice for the movie." He continued.
"This isn't a fucking movie!" Sam screamed.
"No. But it will be. That's the point, right, Amber?" Richie hissed.
"Right, hon! Third Act bloodbath, check. Killers revealed, check. Time for the big finale!" Amber screamed. Sam looked at Richie in despair but was soon dragged into the kitchen with Sidney.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒, screamWhere stories live. Discover now