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Sam sat there smoking upon the herd of police's spiralling the alley. Billie and the rest of the group huddled up warmly in the ambulance beneath her. Danny spooked Sam. "Hey you okay?"
Sam turned around still in shock from the previous night. "This isn't your fault."
"But it is." She bluntly said forcing herself not to drop any tears. She looked over at the group protectively. "Someone took our knives. So we couldn't fight back. I don't know who i can trust!" She frowned. Danny stepped towards her uncomfortably. "Then don't trust anyone. Not your friends. Not me. Not anyone." He whispered to her. Sam looked up at him alarmed as the police officer called him for more questioning.

Ethan limboed under the police tape towards his friends. Chad noticed him from afar and grabbed his collar of his shirt while bashing him into a car. "Where were you?!" Chad fumed.
"What? When?" Ethan mumbled.
"Last night!"
"I-i had econ! You know this!" Ethan jumped.
"Bullshit man! You disappeared and my sister nearly gets killed!" Chad cried.
"Dude! I was in a study hall with over a hundred different people. You can ask any of them."
"Fuck man!" Chad said releasing his hands from his neck.
"What the fuck Chad! Let him go!" Billie screamed from the ambulance. Ethan looked over at the police tape. "Oh my god? Who?" He said worried.
"Anika and Quinn." Chad said.
"Mindy I'm so sorry." Ethan cried.
"Step the fuck back! Your on the top of my list." Mindy moaned.
"I HAD ECON!" Ethan cried.
"Mindy jesus lets not just blame Ethan it could be any of us." Billie cried.
"Billie your always sticking up for Ethan."
"Seriously Mindy. Shut the fuck up!" Billie replied.
"Okay chill..." Chad hushed.

Detective Bailey ran down from the police tape crying. Tara and Billie exited the ambulance towards him. "I'm really sorry about Quinn." Tara gulped.
"Yeah you okay?" Billie smiled holding her hand on his shoulder.
"Ill be fine. Thank you." He muffled as Sam placed her hand over Billie's and his shoulder. "Both my kids are gone... my whole family is gone." He cried.
"They took me off the case. But I'm not gonna stop until I find him. You fuck with my family... you die!"
"Agreed." Sam said. Gale ran from her car greeting them four. "You okay I came as soon as I heard."
"Gale I swear to god!" Sam raged. "Actual piss off uhhhh!" Billie eye-rolled. "I'm telling the truth okay! I'm here for whatever you need!" Gale pleaded.
"Okay nice try." Sam laughed.
"No really I am! Okay fine. Off the record okay?"
"Okay." Sam bluntly replied looking at Tara and Billie. "Thank you." Tara apologised to Gale for punching her the other day. "Okay and Billie are you finally ready to make up?" Gale frowned.
"No. Dream on mate." Billie laughed.
"Anyways. I know where the masks are coming from." Gale said.
"Show me." Detective Bailey said eagerly. Kirby gingerly walked in. "Ladies."
"Kirby?" Gale said shocked.
"Gale!" She fake smiled.
Gale refused to believe Kirby was in the FBI as she last saw her when she was a kid in school with Jill.

Gale lead the group to the shrine. As the group entered a room full of legacy things from old Ghostface killings, their faces were distraught. Sam fiercely looked up at the cloaks of previous Ghostface swarming the stage. Kirby carried herself over to a mannequin which revealed Jill's costume hung on it. She frowned as she touched it emotionally. Gale peered at the drawings of Jennifer Jolie her old friend and her previous wrote books about the Woodsboro killings before bumping into Billie. Billie was standing by a glass cabinet which held drawings of Dewey and his sheriff hat. "There's our sheriff." Gale smiled. "My sheriff." Billie replied.
"Billie please. I'm trying to be here for you."
"Why do you want to be here for me if you never were in the first place?" Billie cried.
"I'm here now!"
"Like you was all them years? Leaving them all on dad? So like it would make a difference if you stayed anyways." Billie argued.
"You didn't deserve what Amber did to you. How she took your dad. And the love of my life."
"At least Amber was there for me." Billie bit her lip.
"Billie please."
"No Gale i am sick of your bullshit." Billie screamed.
"When will we get along?" Gale begged.
"When you stop being such a stuck up self absorbed bitch. Then come back to me." Billie stormed off in a hurry over the Ghostface cloaks.

As she looked at Amber's the shimmering floor lit up. It was Amber's face. "Hey Billie." Amber's reflection called."
"No your not real." Billie shivered.
"Oh I am. Don't listen to Gale okay she's just going to do you dirty again!" Amber encouraged.
"No fuck! You killed my dad you sick bitch!"
"And you cheated on me with one of my friends." Amber replied.
"Amber." Billie muffled.
"Be safe. Ive got your back. Always mine." She said as she disappeared into the cracks. She frowned at the cloak. Billie ran down into the crowd of ancient memorials and confused teenagers. Sam went to her dads cloak. As she peeked into the glass she saw her dad towering behind her.

"How fucking cool is this place?" Billy Loomis replied in the corner of Sam's eye.
"Fuck no." Sam denied seeing visions of him again.
"Fuck yes!" Her dad laughed, "come on Sam you must be excited to get our murder on again together! Billy and Sam. Team Loomis! Get ready to slice up more motherfuckers!"
Sam placed her hand on the glass and an eerie presence travelled over her. Tara made her jump. "What are you doing." Sam turned around and moved her hand. The group all stood next to a Ghostface's cloak. Ethan tried to hold Billie's hand but she pushed it away as she saw Amber smiling in the shimmers of the shrine. Mindy ran to sit down. As Kirby followed her. "The tv that killed Stu Macher!" Kirby smiled. "If you believe he's dead." Mindy said. Kirby and Mindy chatted away as Ethan and Billie were talking.

"Billie why did you push away my hand?" He huffed.
"No. It's. Not the right time."
"Then when is the right time?" Ethan asked. "Now?"
"No I'm going to Sam." Billie rushed.
"Listen I know you get emotional with your father!"
"No it's not about my father!" Billie frowned.
"Then who is it? Tell me! It's not hard!"
"Fine you wanna know? Really?" Billie asked.
"Yeah i do."
"Fine it's Amber okay." Billie dropped in expression.
"Amber? Oh? But she's not!"
"Here? I know. It's just hitting home you know. Don't worry Ethan i still love you." She smiled kissing his cheek.
"Did you just say love." He joked.
"Ew. What no!" Billie said embarrassed.
"Okay let's go to the others!" Ethan said. Billie was happy with Ethan but she knew her head was with him and her heart was still set on Amber.

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