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The night was cold but freshened with moonlight. The sun had just hid behind the clouds.
Billie was swallowed by the grief and distraught of what she had previously done to her friends.

Her phone tweeted. It was her cousin Cameron.
"hey Billie how are you holding up?" he texted.
"fine." She bluntly stated as she returned back to staring at her college bedroom ceiling.
Billie was scared knowing she could be executed for what she had done. But she knew no one believed the other four back in New York.

Her phone rang. It was Cameron.
"Oh hey Cam." She greeted.
"Hey." A deepened voice replied.
"Why are you calling I told you I was fine." She asked.
"We haven't talked in ages!" He added.
"I just texted you."
"We haven't talked in four months Billie!" The voice distorted, "remember me?"

The voice revealed Ghostface's menacing laugh screeching behind the phone.
"What the fuck do you want!" Billie cried.
"I know your little secret Billie. Your one of us!"
"No I'm not!" She screamed.
"Amber wouldn't be proud..."
"Fuck off!" She shrieked hanging up the phone and reaching for her college door.

As she opened the door the lights were off. No one in sight. RING RING RING!
her phone terrorised her every move.
"what do you want asshole?!" She yelped.
"You. For winning!" Ghostface said as he jumped out and stabbed her in the chest.
"Look whose won now?!" He added before stabbing her again.

Billie yanked the cylinder red-rose filled vase and smacked it over his head causing him to tumble.
Billie crawled around the corner quickly and hid behind a table.
Ghostface skimmed around with his knife dangling from his fingertips. "Oh Billie come out!" He shouted intimidatingly.

As he hurried past her Billie jumped out and pushed him over. He got up and ran at Billie as she limped holding her wound through the hallway.
She looked around scared as she fell immediately to the ground. Ghostface rose on top of her and raised his knife. The blood was still bright red and dripping onto the torn roses on the floor. "Please! No!" She screamed as he swiped down slowly but sinisterly.

BANG! Ghostface was on the floor again. Billie turned towards the side to see her friend Ashley.
"Billie! Come on I'll help you up!" She said frightened.
She put her arm around Billie and lifted her inside her dorm.

"Oh my god! No bill the ambulance is coming stay with me stay with me!" She shook as she called Cameron's dorm through the college landline.

He hurried up with Professor Jackson into Ashley's dorm.
"Where is he?!" Professor Jackson asked.
"Out there!" Ashley said in complete tears.
"NO HES NOT." Cameron replied scared for his cousin, "Bill its gonna be okay." He stated as the ambulance crew rushed in.

Lynda Gomez was a shy petite girl. Very smart but shy. She'd like to go on morning walks some days when she was stressed. And today was one of them days.
She slithered down the hallway minding her own business. But then she got a call. Professor Jackson was calling her.
"Hello Sir." She said politely.
There was no reply.
"Hello Sir?!"
Still no reply.
She hung up. RING RING RING!
"Professor. Can you hear me?" She asked as she picked up suspiciously.

"Hello. Lynda." Ghostface chuckled.
"Hello Professor!" She chuckled back, "where are you it's echoing?"
"Behind you!" He laughed as he plunged his knife into Lyndas back. She kicked him down to the floor and then rose and ran to the stairs to the rooftop. He timelessly followed her and cornered her.
"Leave me alone!" She cried innocently.
"This is what you deserve Lynda. You smart little bitch. Your not that smart after all!" Ghostface shrieked.
"Smarter than you think!" She fought back.
"Is that so? If you was so smart you wouldn't be on your death bed right now!" Ghostface laughed as he stabbed her through the jugular.
She lost all sense in voice and gained all sense in pain. Ghostface retrieved his knife while kicking her off the rooftop.

Billie was sent to Woodsboro hospital; where she previously went before with Tara.
Here eyes adjusted as she woke up to her cousin and group of friends surrounding her bed.
"W-what?" She mumbled.
"Your in safe hands." Angelina (Ashley's sister) said.
"Yeah your good." Cameron added smiling softly at Billie.

"Please say. I'm the only one." Billie muffled.
The group sighed as they looked down.
"Hey. It's Lynda." Cameron stated as he held Billie's hand softly.
"No! No!" She cried, "I can't be around you all!"
"Hey I know your upset. And I know what Tara, Sam, Chad and Mindy did was terrible. But you can't trust me." Cameron smiled.
"Thanks Cam." Billie calmed down.

However Billie could see something near the corner of her eye. She turned around to view it. To her surprise she saw Amber.
"Amber" she cried as she jumped up and walked towards her.
"Billie no! There's no Amber!" Ashley shouted beside her.
"Amber." She continued.
"Billie. You've done me proud. Never let them win." Amber smirked, "my girl forever."

Amber started to fade into the hospital seat. Because she wasn't truly there. Just in Billie's mindset.
"Oh-" Billie tumbled back down onto her bed.
"Get some rest we'll see you tomorrow." Cameron instructed.
"Bye!" The group shouted as they left.
Billie shut her eyes but was interrupted by the door opening.
It was Joey.

"I thought you was going?" She questioned.
"Billie I wanna be honest with you." He over-excitedly said.
"What Joey?"
"The thing is. I really like you. And with everything that's happening again I don't want it to end!" He exclaimed.
"Woah. Hold on. You like me?" She asked.
"I like you too." She warmed up inside. Joey pulled her in and kissed her lips softly.
"The doctor said I can go back to college tomorrow." She insured.
"Great. Your staying with Cam and Evie right?" Joey asked.
"Sadly. But yeah."
"I'll see you tomorrow Bill." He said.
"See you." She said as he kissed her cheek.

Billie was in a swarm of butterflies. It made her totally forget about everything that happened in the past few months and everything that happened that night. She was like a kid in a candy store.
She snuggled up in her bed smiling and fell asleep to the excitement in her mind.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒, screamWhere stories live. Discover now