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Tara sat to the corner of Sam inhaling her inhaler.
"Hey." Sam called approaching her. Tara turned around without replying and looked at her dead in the eye. Billie and Ethan came in laughing but stopped at their unsure faces. "Sam when do i get to be a normal person again?" Tara asked. "Oh fucking hell she takes everything for granted. We're all in the same boat." Billie whispered to Ethan. "I dont know." Sam replied.
"I don't wanna be apart of this. I don't wanna be apart of some stupid legacy because of..."
"Because of me." Sam interrupted. "I'm sorry." Sam teared looking at Tara. Tara walked off and Kirby ran after her.

Gale made her way to Billie, Ethan and Sam. "That seemed intense." Gale reassured. "Ever since I came back into her life I just. Made a mess of it." Sam gulped. "Hey where's your mother in all this?" Gale asked. Billie shuffled uncomfortably as the words came out of Gale's mouth. "She cut me off. When I told Tara about Billy. Then Tara cut her off because she wouldn't talk to me so now neither of us have a mother."
"I'm sorry to say this but. Fuck her! My parents sucked too. No wonder why I am such a bad mother too. I'm sorry Billie." Gale smiled. "Hey mom. No matter what I still love you okay. I'm sorry I've been such an asshole to u I'm really sorry because I love you." Billie sniffled. "I love you too Billie. But you can still make your own family. I mean what are all of us." Gale implied. "Family!" Ethan screamed.
"Okay no not you because I'm not dating a family member. That's so gross!" Billie laughed.
"Sorry!" Ethan chuckled.
"Dating? You guys are exclusive?" Sam asked.
"Yeah Billie said I love you to-" Ethan started but was dragged out by Billie. "Okay let's Go you idiot."
Sam and Gale both laughed as Gale held her hand. "We're Family." She implied.

As Tara and Kirby we're talking Gale, Sam and Detective Bailey interrupted them. "Sorry to interrupt. But I think I know how to turn the tables on this creep." Bailey assigned. The group made their way to a park nearby the college and Sam and Tara walked with Billie waiting on a Ghostface call.
"You two should've stayed with the others." Sam said trying to protect them. "That's not gonna happen." Tara said. "Exactly we're not leaving you Sam. We're in this together." Billie smiled happily. Meanwhile Kirby, Mindy, Chad and Ethan were in the van trying to hack where Ghostface is located. "So we're really doing the fun chasing thing that never works in the movies! 'Keep on talking Sam two more minutes' I've almost got him! Then he hangs up just before we can get a lock!" Mindy mimicked. "I can trace a call in under fifteen seconds." Kirby backfired.
Mindy raised her eyebrows and continued to doubt Kirby. Chad and Ethan watched confused as they were waffling on and on about the tracking system. Ethan was digging into a bag of Cheetos which he then offered Chad some as they listened into the bickering of the two.

Detective Bailey was in a bush looking around for people making phone calls and had an earpiece on his ears to listen in. Sam eventually got a call. She picked up. It was Richie's Phone number again. "Your gonna die you know!" Sam said as she picked up the phone.
"No your gonna die Samantha! Choking on your own blood while I hack up your sister and your little fatherless friend." Ghostface shouted.
"Unless we find you First!" Sam raged back.
"For a mastermind. Your not very bright. Waiting for me to call desperately hoping im nearby so the police can grab me. But I'm not nearby. I'm a step ahead." Ghostface said as Kirby was finding his location. "Be seeing you Samantha."
"Did you get it?" Sam asked Kirby. "Yep GL location coming through right now. He's on the on the upper west side. Inside an apartment building half way across the city." Kirby informed. "West 96." Tara called. "How did you know that?" Kirby asked.
"Gale." Sam said. "NO. NOT MY MOM!" Billie screamed as she sprinted for the car.

In Gale's apartment she sat on her computer mimicking Kirby while Tara, Sam and Bailey ran after Billie. Billie called Sam from inside the police car and then Sam got in. They stole the police car and put on the sirens to go and help Gale. Gales boyfriend Brooks got a call and he answered. "Hello." He called, "it's not the food it's for you." He said looking at Gale. "Who is it?" Gale asked. Brooks asked who was calling and told Gale he said he was the killer. Gale shut her laptop and pounced for the phone. "Hello?" She huffed.
"Hello Gale. Strange that you and I haven't spoken on the phone!" Ghostface laughed. "This is Long overdue."
"I agree." Gale panted as she insisted Brooks to calll the police.
"I figured after all these years you'd want an interview." Ghostface hissed.
"Huh. You figured Right! So whats your motive this time? You angry at the movies or you just trying to stay relevant?"
"Well I could ask you the same. Don't you know the legacy characters are disposable now!" Ghostface informed, "Nobody cares about last centuries' heroes."
"Then why bother with me at all?" Gale asked.
"Call it nostalgia. Or maybe you deserve to be punished for all that money you made off the misery of others. Maybe it's time someone made a book reporting your death..."
"You know your like the tenth guy to try this right?" Gale bit her lip. And spoiler alert it never works out for the dipshit in the mask!"
"Oh but they certainly leave a mark before they go though. Don't they! Richie and Amber managed to butcher Dewey and leave Billie in hospital. Carved them up like a Christmas goose. How does it feel to loose the only man whose ever loved you?"
"Fuck you!" Gale cried as the words pierced her.
"How does it feel to know you weren't there for him at the end? Ha! There to give him comfort as he died screaming in his own guts!"
"Your the one whose gonna die screaming!" Gale sniffled.
"Maybe... but you wont be around to see it."
"You couldn't stop what happened to Dewey. And you your a shit mother to Billie she deserves way better than you. Looks like your not gonna be able to stop this!" Ghostface said before smashing a window in her apartment. Gale screamed as she saw Brooks dead on the floor. Gale looked up and saw Ghostface swiping the blood off his knife. He stepped through the window onto the remaining bits of glass on the floor facing her. Gale ran as Ghostface followed behind her eerily pouncing off the sofa trying to gut her.

Ghostface grabbed Gale and swiped his knife towards her. She dodged it and yanked the frying pan into Ghostface's head which caused him to fall and gave her a little bit of time to run. As Gale got to her balcony Ghostface rose and followed her. He repetitively slashed his knife at her. She reached for the table and pulled it out in-front of him trying to trip him over but it didn't work. She managed to escape him and run into a room which had a safe containing a gun. As soon as she got her hands on the gun she fired three times at the door. "How's that for nostalgia fucker!" She screamed. However she was called again. "You missed." Ghostface chuckled.
"Sure I did."
"You win! I'm in the elevator heading for the ground floor." Ghostface joked.
"Sure you are." Gale said not believing him. She shot again at the door as she travelled over to it.
"Maybe you did hit me! Maybe I'm wounded!" Ghostface panted, "or maybe I'm wearing a bulletproof vest!"
"That's why I'm gonna shoot you in the fucking head!" Gale screamed. She opened the door. But no one was there. She cautiously travelled outside of the room towards her living room.
"You would've made a good killer Gale! Sidney never would've made sense and Dewey was the fan favourite but you... cracking under the pressure and turning into Ghostface would've been a great twist!" Ghostface called from the phone.
"Keep talking asshole!"
"Haha! Sure." Ghostface replied, "what do you wanna talk about? You never got to be the leading lady did you? It was always all about poor sweet Sidney sucking up all the oxygen. Where would that leave you to be?"
"The brains and the sex appeal." Gale announced.
"Sorry about your boyfriend. All those muscles didn't help much!"
"They sure didn't." Gale agreed.
Ghostface laughed while Gale asked him to hold. She re-called him and heard the phone ringing behind her. She turned around quickly and shot at the door. She walked slowly towards it. But before she knew Ghostface jumped out of the doors and lifted her gun up towards the ceiling. He then stabbed her in the chest as she screamed in pain. She shoved her hand on his face trying pull of his mask. Ghostface shoved her onto the wall causing her to fall with the knife still in her chest. Ghostface stabbed her in the leg. However Gale managed to pull him off and shove him onto the floor. She eagerly crawled to get away as Ghostface began trying to stab her again. Gale found her hands on a vase and smacked it over his head then got up and limped to the sofa where Ghostface jumped on and tried to slice her. She got a book and hit him over the head. She ran around the pillars of the house as Ghostface tried to swerve his knife into her. She ducked and pushed him causing him to fall into a glass table.

Gale got up determinedly to get Ghostface's knife as he was knocked out. She stepped on his hand and took it from him. But as she was about to stab him he stabbed her gut with a long shard of broken glass. As she fell to the floor he got on top of her and raised the knife to her face. Before he stabbed her Gale stopped him by pressuring his hands which held the knife. "Fuck.. you!" She gasped. However Sam called from the side with a gun in her hand. "Hey fuck face!" She said shooting him as he ran from her. Gale Sam and Billie ran to Gale as she was bleeding on the floor. "No mom please no!" Billie cried with Tara's arm around her. "Gale!" Sam cried holding her wound. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I should've known that he was gonna come after you. I'm so sorry!"
"He didn't get me. Tell Sidney he didn't get me." Gale gasped for air.
"No mom you can tell her! Your not going anywhere! NO MOM DONT GO!" Billie screamed. Gale shut her eyes. Sam called for her but she didn't answer. Tara and Billie screamed for her but she still didn't answer. Billie was on the floor crying with Sam as the police held them back. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Billie cried in pain.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒, screamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora