Ark 3 - New Mission

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After the fight in the north of the Base ended with only minimal casualties, Shu Ning and Zhao Yang left to assist the fighters in the east and then in the west. The south was luckily spared from the approaching zombies as the people were already having trouble defending against the onslaught of undead as it was. It was only thanks to the two of them that the battle ended so favorably for humanity.

Once the last zombie was taken care off and the civilians settled back into their lives again the relief of the people became palpable. So did the hope and the determination that their race could survive the end of the world. Only Xu Dan's mood has obviously soured following the towns restabilisation.

Most of that was due to the fact that Shu Ning's and Zhao Yang's achievements during the fight was on everyone's lips. In no time the two of them were recognized as the strongest ability users the Base had to offer. Of corse Xu Dan wouldn't be happy to share the lime light with anyone let alone his useless step-brother.  Thanks to his own skills in healing he himself had just barely made the cut to stand in the same position as the other. Vexing how someons existence could completely throw his plans into the wind. This needed to be taken care off at the earliest convenience.

A happy giggle filled the quiet air of the town's market as Shu Ning chased after the fleeing Shi Yong. He was making an effort not to break out into laughter as well as he fake growled behind the child's back while jumping out of the way of gawking humans. In one swifft movement he hauled himself forward and grabbed on to the kids waist to lift him up. A high pitched squeek was the answer he got which quickly transformed into breathless laugher and delighted whines when he blew rasberrys all over Shi Yong's cheek and neck.

"Well. Dou you give up?"

"Y-Y-Yes. Y-Yes. I...give....up."


With a smile Shu Ning put the child back onto the ground crouching down for a moment to smoothe out Shi Yong's crumpled shirt and messy hair. A dark shadow fell over them as Zhao Yang finally caught up to the two, an amused smile on his lips and a low rumbling laughter shaking his torso. For a moment the man just watched the child getting fussed over before bending down himself and ruffling a hand through Shi Yong's hair, making them stick up in all directions. 

Shu Ning roled his eyes as the kid laughed and then leaned forward to do the same to Zhao Yang's hair. With a satisfied air about him Shi Yong settled back onto the heels of his feet to survey his work. The sight of it was really to funny making the two of them break out into loud giggles again. 

"I was wondering what all the ruckus was about. Seems like the three of you are having fun."

Startled, Shu Ning turned around to where the voice had come from to see the chief leaning against the railing of the well in the center of the market. The other's posture looked relaxed despite the many onlookers standing around him and a glimmer of entertainment passed through his eyes. Zhao Yang nodded in the direction of his father and reluctantly got to his feet, puling Shu Ning up with him.

"Father. Is there something you needed?"

"There is, yes. I did not wish to interrupt this little moment though."

Shu Ning looked at his companion in confusion but Zhao Yang's eyes stubbornly stayed fixed onto his fathers own. A silent conversation passing between them that he was not privy to. Whatever was said though made the chief's features soften and smile approvingly at the three.

"I'm sorry to say this, but the two of you are needed. One of my scouts have found an underground laboratory a fair distance away from here. It's entrance has been covered by a heavy boulder so it remained undisturbed untill now. That means that the equipment is still there. Untouched."

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