Ark 2 - Love creates idiots

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After that first encounter between the Protagonist and the Male Lead, Shu Ning wasn't in the least surprised of how fast those two actually got closer. It was like there was a strong magnet involved, pulling them towards each other. Or a red string of fate, if you considered their role in this world.

And so, three month later, Wu Kang was practically wrapped around the female's little finger. Initially, he only appreciated his friend's strength and kind personality but then he found out about her real gender and their relationship almost immediately changed to that of a queen and her loyal pawn.

Shu Ning though couldn't care less about the fast development of their 'friendship' and wouldn't even bother interacting  with those fools if it weren't for Alpha reminding him about his missions all the time. 

So, after listening to another one of the Systems complains about the leads, he finally set down the sword, he had been training with all this time and made his way to the Protagonist's quarters.

The room of Zhou Feng was one of the few single rooms that the Military allotted for special and high ranking soldiers. In the female's case, the room was gifted to her as a thank you for the amazing feat of saving her fellow comrade in arms in a desperat situation. If it really happened that way was doubtful though. But no one was bothered enough to further investigate the case.

The halls were deathly silent as Shu Ning made his way deeper into the heart of the military base and up the stairs to the more luxurious chambers. The Protagonist's room was luckily the first one  Shu Ning came across when he reached the top of the third floor and so he wouldn't need to worry about bothering any of the real big shots of the military.

"Yang Quan. What a surprise. What are you doing here?"

 The Protagonist gnashed her teeth in irritation at being interrupted in whatever she was doing and for a moment Shu Ning worried that the Female would slam the door right into his face. That didn't happen though and instead Zhou Feng schooled her expression again and made way for him to enter.

"Thank you. It won't take long. I swear."

Shu Ning carefully stepped over the piles of clothes littering the floor to make his way to the small sofa standing at the foot of a medium sized bed, also accomodating different kinds of shirts and pants. Not all of them were the typical army uniforms, a lot of frilly dresses or shirts with deep necklines were lying in the piles. 

"Zhou Feng. Or Zhou An, if you don't even know your own name anymore. You need to finally make a decision. I don't care about your real gender. I just care that you are lying to everyone in this base."

Zhou Feng stood right in front of Shu Ning with her arms crossed over her chest and a straight back as if to appear bigger and threatening. 

"Yang Quan. What do you mean with this?"

"Isn't it obvious? You need to tell them about your real gender. You are a soldier and so you need to act like one. Be honest, moralic and courageous. Isn't that what they taught in the academy?"

"You stupid...."

A small beat of silence passt between them as the female tried to get her act back together again as her facial expression slipped into an ugly twist.

"So that's why you came here? To make me drop out or what? Do you feel threatened by my presence here?"

Shu Ning sight at her stupidity but didn't press it anymore and just stood back up again.

"Al right. But remember this. If you don't do it, then I will. And neither you, nor your so called 'friend' can stop me from doing so. Bye bye."

Alpha: "And what was the use of that now? She didn't agree."

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