a heart to heart.

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And so, the healing process began.

Clover sat in her bed crying yesterday, the entire day, and Luke tried to help his best. He cooked her food, he held her, and offered to ask the guys to come over.

She denied every single one.

However, Clover was up today for one reason. It was the day to go home.

She would pack up her whole life in a week she was sure. It made it better that the entire gang was coming. She was excited to see Michael, Calum and Ashton but wasn't so excited for the circumstances.

"Are you ready to go?" Liz asked, walking into Clover's room and seeing Clover standing over her suitcase.

"Yeah." Clover mumbled.

Clover was grateful that her parents cared so much about her well being, truly. She did. She just wasn't sure how to take all of these changes. Her being single for the first time in a little over 2 years, no more awful comments on her looks, no more crying on a daily basis— it was too much for her.

And now, her brothers and father knew. Everyone in her inner circle knew.

It was embarrassing for her. Everyone knew about it— it made her stomach twist and turn.

Inside, Liz Hemmings felt awful for not noticing this before. She loved her youngest child so much. How could she have not noticed?

Liz ran her hand through Clover's bright blonde hair. "Whenever you're ready, my love." She whispered, pressing her lips against Clover's head.

The two walked out of the bedroom and toward the front door where Luke Hemmings stood with Sierra, his fiance, waiting for Clover.

"Hi sweetheart," Sierra spoke, bringing Clover in for a tight hug. "We're going to take a separate car. Is that okay?"

Clover shyly nodded. Clover wrapped her arms around Sierra for a moment before pulling away and letting Luke pull her into another hug.

Luke hugged his little sister tightly. "I'll see you at the airport, lucky." He said. "I love you."

"I love you, Luke."


Sierra and Clover drove in silence. Clover's hands fiddled with the ends of her t-shirt, which happened to be Take My Hand merch. Luke lent it to her, saying "my little sister has to rep Take My Hand merch!"

Sierra inhaled deeply. "Are you doing okay, dear?"

Clover nodded. "I'm alright." She smiled. "Are you doing okay?"

"My only concern is you." Sierra hummed. "I wanted to know how you feel. I know we don't speak on occasion," She said. "But I want you to know I do care a lot for you. You're like my little sister,"

Clover felt her cheeks heat up. She's always loved Sierra, she was a kind soul. "I–"

Clover felt speechless. The wind knocked out of her. How was she going to tell a lie to Sierra Deaton? A girl she's known since she was, like, 10.

"To tell the truth," Clover inhaled sharply. "I'm not doing too well. I mean... Gavin was my whole life, you know? And for it to just end so suddenly, after all of the time we spent together– I mean, it's been 2 years. I've relied on him for two years."

Clover didn't want to become emotional, but it was inevitable.

Tears began to spill from Clover's eyes and Sierra frowned.

"I mean, to be p-perfectly truthful, I have spent a whole year believing I was nothing without him. It was my mindset, and his saying." She said, "Every moment he got, he would say– 'you are nothing without me, Clover Hemmings' and I believed it!"

Sierra could feel her heart crack. How had no one noticed this? How had no one picked up on this?

"I'm sorry," Clover apologized, wiping her never-ending tears off her cheeks.

Sierra grabbed ahold of Clover's hand and said. "You've got nothing to apologize for. None of this was your fault. Clover, honey, you are not nothing without him. You are so much more than just him." She said proudly, "You are so beautiful. And you are so much more than him."

Clover could feel nearly a dozen emotions fill her body.

"T-Thank you." Clover sniffled.

"Don't thank me, angel." Sierra smiled at the vulnerable girl. "I'll always be here to remind you of your self-worth."


Clover and Sierra arrived at the airport after Sierra bought Clover some food after sobbing her eyes out. Clover felt a million times better, and was trying to hold herself up high.

She realized this healing would take a while, but she was willing to give it a go.

Sierra sent Luke a nod, signaling that they spoke about Clover's feelings— something Luke was concerned about. Clover walked up to her mom and gave her a hug.

Liz was not expecting a hug, but was glad she got one.

The four walked into the airport with their bags rolling beside them.

"Michael, Calum and Ashton are all waiting for us at the gate. They had arrived to save us a seat while waiting— seeing as our flight isn't for a while." Luke said, holding onto Clover's hand tightly. "Are you excited to be home, Clo?"

"I'm excited for my bed." Clover responded. "My favorite blanket is home."

"Hm," Luke nodded.

"I'm exhausted." Sierra mumbled. "We should take a big nap on the plane."

Clover was busy thinking of the intense jet-lag that was going to overcome her body yet again. 18 hours ahead was going to definitely make her body more exhausted than it was already.

Adjusting to Los Angeles time was hard enough, she wasn't even sure she was adjusted to it, but adjusting back to Sydney was going to make it harder. She would need to drink at least 10 redbulls a day.

Nonetheless, she was excited to go home. Even if it were for a week.

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