sleepless nights.

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The thought of love made 13 year old Clover happy. The thought of being loved in every single way, being cherished for things you're insecure about, being told goodnight and goodmorning – having someone to tell about your recent hyperfixations.

When Clover was 14, the teenage boy walked into her life faster than he left it. The way he made her feel complete, the way his arms wrapped around her body tightly. The way she had someone to go out with.

But when Clover was 15, her idea of love was quickly changed.

Gavin was distant. With his eyes everywhere else but hers, short answers over text. It made her heart break a little, but she was set on him. She would have to "settle."

The day she had to tell him it was over was quite literally the worst day she'd ever had.

No matter what he did, she still had love in her heart for him. They had been dating for over 2 years, and when you've spent a majority of your maturity growth time with someone, it's not taken lightly to your mind.

She wished she could write down her lyrics, and get her thoughts out with music as easily as her brother did – but she was not musically talented.

As the tears streamed down her face on the morning time of 7 am, she couldn't help but stare at the photos in her hidden folder – one's of 15 and 16 year old Clover and Gavin.

She squeezed her eyes shut and slammed her phone down on her chest. The ache in her heart was no match to any pain she'd felt.

Several feet away was Sierra making pancakes and bacon in the kitchen – Luke on his computer with glasses on as he discussed matters with his mother.

"We'll homeschool her," Luke said. "I don't want her going to school in Los Angeles."

"Are you sure?" Liz said. "She's social."

"I'm sure, ma." Luke said. "And I was thinking.." Luke leaned back in his chair, pushing the glasses on his face up. "I should get her therapy. She's been through so much and she should have someone to talk to about it."

"I agree with you," Liz nodded. "She's going to need someone to speak to. Has she said anything?"

"Not really," Luke shook his head. "But we need to give her time."

Liz frowned slightly. "I know. I'm just worried, you know?"

"It's understandable, mom." Luke said, "It's okay to be worried. But I've got it here, she'll be okay in our hands."

"Alright darling. I should go. I love you," Liz said with a small smile. "Tell Clove that I love her, okay?"

"I will, mom." Luke smiled and waved as Liz hit the hang up button. After his Macbook went to its home page, he looked up at Sierra who was slightly smiling.

Sierra sat down in the seat next to Luke. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Luke nodded. "But mom is so scared that Clover is going to hate it here, and it's making me nervous. What if she does hate it in Los Angeles? I can't send her home, Sierra—"

"Luke, honey," Sierra put a hand on Luke's shoulder. "Take a deep breath. Nothing is going to happen, okay? She willingly came with us. If she wants to go back, unfortunately– we can't tell her she can't."

Luke looked down at his lap and nodded slightly. Luke was about to say something, but Clover trudged out of her room with dark circles under her eyes.

"Morning," She rasped out.

Sierra smiled and went over to Clover to pull her into a hug. "Hi darling. How did you sleep?"

"It was fine," Clover said, wrapping her arms back around Sierra. "I was actually wondering if I could get a ride to the doctor... I need to see if I can get something to help me sleep."

Luke frowned slightly and nodded. "I'll take you, Lucky. I have to stop by Ashton's house anyway and he's near the doctor's office."

Clover smiled. "Thanks, Luke."

A few hours later, Clover emerged from her room with black leggings and a 5SOS5 hoodie on with a tired expression and her phone in her hand. Luke smiled and took her hand as they walked to his car.

"We need to stop by Target, as well," Luke said, putting the car in drive and driving out of the neighborhood. "Do you need anything?"

Clover shook her head slightly. "Nope. Just the doctors office,"

"Okay love."

The two set off to the roads of Los Angeles, hitting traffic every 5 minutes – Luke getting slightly irritated with the drivers of the city.

Clover hummed to a Taylor Swift song, mumbling the words. "They told me all my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential," left her mouth.

Luke and Clover entered the doctor's office and Clover leaned against the counter.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The office lady asked.

"Hello," Clover smiled, "I was wondering if I could get an appointment to get my sleeping problems checked out."

"I could see if I can do that, yes," The office lady said. "May you fill this out?"

Clover took the clipboard given to her with a slight nod. The two sat down in the chairs and Clover filled out each question they asked, biting her lip. She asked Luke how to fill something out every 5 seconds, causing him to knit his eyebrows in confusion as well.

Clover handed it back to the lady and then 20 minutes later, they called her back to the front desk.

"Alright, darlin', I'm going to set you up with a doctor's appointment next week on December 4th. Is that okay with you?" The lady asked.

Clover nodded gently and took the piece of paper. "Have a good day,"

"You too, honey."

Clover went home that day with hopes of finally being able to sleep– away from the nightmares she'd been having. 

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