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Eden's list of the ten things she hates the most (in no particular order)

♣️People who are too lazy to take their coats off on public transport even if it's thirty bloody degrees inside.

♣️Anything that advertises as fat-free or wholemeal or sugarless. What's the point of eating it, then?

♣️Guys who leave their disgusting socks on when you sleep with them. Dude, honestly. Fuckssakes.

♣️Plucking your moustache hairs – mediaeval torture sounds like a ball compared to this.

♣️People who shout instead of speaking like a normal human being.

♣️That moment when someone nicks food from your plate when you haven't even offered to share. I'm instantly overwhelmed by this very strong urge to chop their hand off.

♣️People who confuse my name and call me something weird like Paradise.

♣️Smelly people. I mean, I'm sure they're excellent folks and all the rest of it, but there you go. I hate them, yeah.

♣️Running into an acquaintance on the Tube and then having to make polite small talk and pretending you're a nice person all the way till your stop. Exhausting.

♣️Finding dead bugs drowned in your soup.

Wait, does it only have to be ten things? Can't you make it twenty?

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