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🩺 Eden's list of the top five things people say when they find out you're studying Medicine 🩺

Them: You must be such a good person.

Eden: Um. I guess?

Them: You must be so smart.

Eden: *tries to look modest but wholeheartedly agrees*

Them: You've seen *lower their voice* dead bodies, then?

Eden: Yeah, it's interesting. They smell funny, though. Especially if the intestines are full.

Them: *looks scandalised*

Them: Look, I don't want to be a nuisance, but can I ask you a question about my arthritic knee/ spot on my butt/ missed period?

Eden: *remembers you must actually care about people's health in this job* Yes, of course. Tell me all about it.

Them: Hey, could you possibly take a look at my dog/ cow/ canary/ baby snake Mickey? I know he's not your typical sort of patient, but he's kind of mopey lately and I'm ever so worried.

Eden: Er.

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