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Kal's ten favourite things about Rae (in no particular order)

- She's the best runner I've ever come across. Needless to say that she kicked my arse in the ten-mile race I signed up us both for. She finished almost an hour before me. And she had the unbelievable cheek to go for another jog that same afternoon, claiming that she needed to stretch her legs a bit, the morning's run had been a bit light, hadn't it? I collapsed on the sofa and could hardly move for days afterwards.

- Her hair always smells so freaking good.

- That moment when she snakes her arms around my neck and clings onto me like an overgrown baby koala.

- The way her face lights up when she sees me.

- She loves animals but can't stand even the teensiest of insects. That, in my humble opinion, doesn't make much sense. Last week she was staying over at mine and I was on the brink of dozing off when she started to scream. I nearly had a heart attack. She said that she'd heard "a horrible sort of rustling" and she turned on the lamp. And there it was, on the ceiling, this poor spider, the most minuscule you've seen in your entire life. I pulled her back to sleep, of course, hugely relieved. But she shook me off and marched straight out of my bedroom, shuddering. She spent the rest of the night on the sofa. Women. Can't make sense of them.

- The fact that she always sees the best in everyone.

- I love the colour of her eyes, not quite green but not quite hazel either nor really grey.

- She can't cook for toffee. Her scrambled eggs taste of spectacularly nothing and her salads resemble rabbit food. It's quite impressive actually.

- She's true to herself.

- The way she mucks about to the music if she thinks nobody's watching. She pouts and makes faces and wiggles her bum and does weird things with her feet. Then I peek into the room, grinning, and she invariably shrieks and flings a cushion at me.

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