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Eden's ten reasons why fancying Kal is a bad idea

1. Yes, he snores as if he were the bleeding Minotaur.

2. He always checks out his arse in the mirror before going out.

3. He's so lazy that sometimes he'd rather go an entire meal without water than actually get up and refill the jug.

4. I've caught him a couple of times clipping his revolting toenails with my surgical scissors.

5. He's the most hypochondriac person I've ever met – he gets so much as a fever and he'll start fretting whether it's terminal pneumonia or syphilis.

6. He used to chew his own earwax as a kid.

7. How he never likes to plan or book anything in advance and goes all, Eden, bro, don't fuss, of course there'll be a table left. No prizes for guessing who's right most times.

8. The way he says: "Dahling, I'm so sorry," right after a quarrel so you can't even enjoy staying mad at him for a while.

9. In the days leading up to a show or whatever he gets unbearable, yelling the same songs over and over again and larking about. And if you tell him to lay off he'll just pester you even more.

10. That infuriating swagger-and-smirk thingy he does to pull girls. And the fact that it works.

Look, this is totally useless, I know Kal's the most annoying guy on earth but I still fancy his guts like hell, okay?

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