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11:24 Kal: Eden pick up the goddamned phone woman

11:46 Eden: sorry battery died, what's wrong?

11:47 Eden: and don't call me woman I mean it Kal

11:47 Kal: my life is over

11:50 Eden: wtf dude. You drunk?

11:54 Kal: I WISH

12:27 Eden: oh god drama queen alert 🙄

12:29 Kal: Eden I'm feeling suddenly sort of feverish and aching all over and dizzy

12:29 Kal: googled it and turns out it's compatible with Ebola

12:29 Kal: that's what it said


12:33 Eden: kal calm the fuck down. don't be ridiculous, how can you have Ebola???🤣🤣

12:54 Kal: yeah laugh at me go on

12:54 Eden: I am you're actually rather funny

13:16 Kal: just cos you're a doctor doesn't mean you know everything you know

13:30 Eden: think I've studied enough to know there are no Ebola outbreaks in Europe

13:31 Eden: none okay don't be a pain in the arse again

13:32: Eden: what, you think you've been somehow magically infected by healthy people??

14:07 Kal: maybe

14:10 Eden: think I might strangle you

14:13 Kal: no need for that I'm going to kick the bucket soon anyway. Look I'm feverish I keep telling you, in fact I'm sending you a pic of the thermometer so you can see for yourself

14:14 Kal: hang on it's loading

14:42: Eden: look kal you just have a cold, shut up and take a nap, okay? I'll nip around yours this evening if you like

14:46 Kal: love you. bring me lotsa chocolates plz 💙

14:46 Eden: love you too you raving nutter

14:46 Eden: love you too you raving nutter

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