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12:08 Rae: hey had a lovely time last night. Thanks for telling me about it by the way, means a lot

12:20 Kal: it's okay, you can call it by its proper name. kleptomania.

12:21 Kal: I've always had a very mature approach to it and everything

12:22 Kal: not

12:23 Rae: kal it's all right

12:23 Rae: look I'm going to suggest something, but don't fly at my throat okay?

12:38 Kal: okay now I'm scared

12:40 Rae: reckon you should go see a shrink, maybe. It'd do you a lot of good. I went to one for a couple years myself

12:41 Rae: I can help you look them up if you like

12:53 Kal: yeah guess I should go, been putting it off for ages

12:53 Kal: I'm so fricking crazy Rae

12:53 Rae: I wouldn't have you any other way :)

12:55 Kal: you're the best xxx


Lisa and Rae: a conversation

Lisa: Rae?

Rae: What?

Lisa: Don't you "what" me like that. You hurt my feelings sometimes, you know. I only want to help you.

Rae: Lisa, you don't have any feelings, honey. You're not real, see.

Lisa: That's beside the point, Rae. Quite beside the point, and anyway, you're being rude again.

Rae: ...

Lisa: I don't trust him, Rae.

Rae: Don't start. Please don't. We've gone through this a million freaking times.

Lisa: Hear me out, all right? I really don't trust that guy, and what's more, I get the feeling he doesn't trust you either, not completely. You're all smiles and shit and playing happy couples on the surface, when deep down... Well.

Rae: Yes? And don't call him "that guy".

Lisa: Touchy, aren't we? Well, when deep down, you know that Kal could hurt you again. Whenever he wanted. And the fact that you've let your defences down would only make things so much easier. Don't you see? He's an angel, Rae. An angel. How can you be perfectly sure that he's changed? That he won't try to kill you, once and for all?

Rae: He won't. Don't be crazy. Of course he won't. He loves me, and I love him, okay?

Lisa: Oh, very touching, yeah. So you think love conquers all, do you?

Rae: Shut up. I want to go to sleep, for Hell's sake.

Lisa: You can't shut me up, dearest. You know what I think? I think you should do something.

Rae: Do something?

Lisa: Yes. You know the saying that goes: "the best defence is a good offence"?

Rae: Bloody Hell, Lisa. I'm not going to do attack him or anything, if that's what you're suggesting. Just stick that into your fat head. I'm not going to lay a finger on Kal, all right? End of.

Lisa: Even if it means giving up everything you once swore to? Even if it means backstabbing your family? Even if it means putting them and yourself in danger? You've no backbone, girl. You never had any, really. And all for a guy. Pur-lease.

Rae: This subject is closed.

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