Chapt 1

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Hiccups pov
     As long as I can remember I've been different. I was weaker than most, that's why they called me helpless hiccup. My father the Cheif of berk, stoick the vast, the stern and capable leader. He was disappointed, he wanted a son that held the same views, was strong and a great leader. I am not strong, I don't see the same way he does, and I don't think I'll ever be a great leader.
         I've been beaten by my peers and sometimes the adults. I fuck up every know and again everyone does but my mistakes are sins that I can't forgive. I've been told countless times I would be a horrible leader. That the title should fall onto my cousin. My dimwitted, womanizing, asshole of a cousin. He boasts around that he's much stronger and be better leader than I would. He and the twins would play pranks on me sometimes just straight up beat me. But I never did anything about. I was afraid.
Everyone thinks he should be Cheif because he's what my father wanted in a son, strong, no question asking leader. They might be right but I'm willing to prove myself. So far that hasn't gone so well. I make inventions but sometimes they don't work out so I get in trouble. If I get in trouble I run to the forest. The forest seems to be my only protector. I know the forest like the back of my hand. I know every knook and cranny and all it's mystery's and it's secrets.
           One day I shot a night fury down but no one believed me. So I went to find it and bring it back so I could be like them then no one would make fun of me again. When I did find him he was unmoving but alive, the perfect opportunity, but as I was about to end the poor things life he looked me in the eye, I saw the pain and fear in his eyes but he just put his head down accepting his fate. "I did this" I said aloud. I did the unthinkable. I set him free.
           I cut of his restraints, no creature should endure this fate. When he was loose he looked me dead in the eye pushing me back to the ground. Well at least my father would have to worry about me no more. But all he did was scream in my face and run away. Believe it or not but this was the start of a beautiful friendship.
At the same time I started dragon training. I would died if it weren't for gobber. But some part of me wanted to check on the night fury. It was really baffling to that he just let me go, when all the legends say there the most dangerous out of them all. So I went back, found he was stuck in a cove and that his tail fin was damaged. I did that. So I made him a tail fin. Then I started to understand him, in a way. I soon started using the things I learned from toothless to my dragon training. I have found that dragons are just overgrown dogs and cats. They love to play and can be affectionate. We've had them all wrong.
But some suspicion has come over on me by the strong and hard headed beauty that is Astrid. She wanted to be the best, but once the scrawny, worthless kid starts being better than her all of a sudden ,she's not just going to turn a blind eye. The amount of times she's almost caught me. I need to get away I can't do this forever, someone is bound to find out.
I was going to let her win the fight against the gronckle but I didn't want to her to hurt the poor thing. I took her down peacefully. She was pissed off. She started cursing loudly swing her axe around. When came time to decide who would fight the monstrous nightmare, gothi chose me. Everyone cheered and lifted me up.
My whole body filled with dread, I tried to look happy but I couldn't be. I didn't want to hurt these beautiful creatures. A party was held for my up and coming fight, I saw my father, he looked proud. He was drinking with his buddies and having fun. After a while I slipped out, it's kind of my specialty, I'm here and poof I'm gone. I run to my house getting a basket filled with some clothes, blankets and then my note book and drawing utensils. I ran to forge as well grabbing all my drawings from my study room. I then went to grab fresh food and clean water.
I run to the forest hoping no was following me. "Leaving, come on bud you and I are going on a little vacation for while or forever" I said. I hear a rustling behind me, it wasn't close but it was approaching us. I make a scene rustling dirt and tearing off branches. I have toothless blast around the spot and mark it, then I dropped my dagger in the middle of it. They don't need to know I'm alive.
I set up the basket and leave as were flying away I can hear a ear shattering scream. They probably saw us leave. I look back at my island mournfully, in some sick way I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to miss my father waking up early to make breakfast, I'm going to miss working with gobber, I'm going to miss the breath taking views. What I'm not going to miss is all the bullying and beatings, all the disapproving stares, and all the embarrassing moments. I'm not going to miss trying to prove myself or trying to be like them without any progress. Well I guess everyone will get the Cheif they want. I promise myself I wont be someone I'm not anymore, I will be unapologetic me. I look upon the horizon seeing the beautiful sunset and I feel free. Free to do whatever I want, not being called helpless or a mistake, free to be me.
I Pat toothless on the head and said "there's no looking back now bud" and he purred in response. Who knows what's it's store but as long as I'm with toothless, I don't care what happens. We'll do this together.

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