Chapt 10

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Astrid's pov
         We raced through the fading daylight, our legs pumping with urgency. The sun sank lower in the sky, casting long shadows over the land. As we approached the towering doors of the great hall, our hearts pounded in our chests, fueled by a mixture of fear and determination. With one final burst of energy, we threw open the doors, the crowd parting before us like a turbulent sea. "Stoick! Stoick!" I exclaimed breathlessly, pushing through the throng of people. Stoick, the mighty leader of our village, sat at a table, calmly enjoying his meal. His eyes widened as he caught sight of our frantic entrance. "Slow down, lass," Stoick spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "What's happening? Have you found Hiccup?" His concern was evident, but he maintained his composure. "Yes," I managed to gasp between breaths, trying to regain my composure. "We found him, Stoick. But there's trouble. He has men positioned at the edge of the island. He claims there's a bigger threat, but I believe it's a trick". Stoick's brows furrowed as he listened intently. He understood the gravity of the situation and knew he needed to act swiftly and decisively. "Do you know how many men they have?" Stoick inquired, his voice filled with both caution and determination. "They had several boats, filled to the brim with soldiers," I replied, my voice trembling slightly. "They're preparing to launch an attack, and I fear it won't be long before they strike". Stoick's gaze hardened, his resolve shining through. He rose to his feet, his presence commanding the attention of everyone in the hall. "Prepare our defenses," Stoick's booming voice echoed throughout the great hall. "We stand united against this threat. Ready our men to fight, for we shall not yield to these invaders. Our determination and strength will prevail".
BOOM! The door to the great hall was blown away by a loud explosion. We were startled and quickly turned our heads to see what had happened. There, near the entrance, stood a group of soldiers wearing strange armor, different from the ones we saw earlier on the island. It made me doubt my memory, we're they the same soldiers? These new soldiers had a powerful weapon—what seemed to be a metal dragon, it shot fireballs like one, pointed right at us. But what caught our attention even more was the man standing before them. He had black hair and a scar running down his cheek. His intense blue eyes reflected a crazed look that sent a chill down our spines. He wore armor made from dragon scales. Suddenly, the man raised his hand and snapped his fingers with a wicked grin. It happened so fast, we were all to stunned to know what was going on, chains were put on us like dogs, binding us and making any resistance impossible. The armored soldiers commanded us to line up and forced us towards a waiting boat as captives. From atop a nearby house, the madman watched our plight and laughed. His laughter echoed through the air, filling us with a sense of dread. He seemed pleased with his wicked plan and spoke with a mix of arrogance and amusement. "This was easier than I thought," he jeered, his words dripping with a cruel arrogance that made our hearts sink.
I bowed my head in shame, overwhelmed by the weight of my failure. As a protector of the people, I had fallen short of my duty. "Hah, Aron will be so pleased with my catch," he taunted, his voice dripping with malicious satisfaction. "The dragon masters' most valuable village". Aron? The name rang a bell, and suddenly, the truth hit me like a thunderbolt. Hiccup's warnings were true, but wait we are his most valuable village? Questions raced through my mind, but I had no time to ponder them. "No one can stop us now," he continued triumphantly, "and everyone will know the name of..." His words trailed off abruptly as a voice cut through the air, interrupting his boasting. "OH SCAR FACE!" The voice roared. The recognition struck fear into his eyes, and he muttered, "Oh no," under his breath. I glanced over and saw Hiccup standing by the forest, his presence radiating defiance. "You looking for a fight, old man," Hiccup proclaimed, his voice laced with confidence. "Why don't you gather your sorry excuse of an army off my turf before I kill you".
The challenge hung in the air, tension thickening like an impending storm. The defiance in Hiccup's words struck a chord within me. He was ready to face any odds to protect what was rightfully his. A rage-filled roar erupted from our adversary, his anger fueling his command. "Oh, you want to go? Fine, ATTACK!" he bellowed, unleashing his forces upon us. But little did he know, Hiccup had his own plans. With a sharp whistle, soldiers emerged from all directions, encircling the enemy army. They moved in unison, their movements synchronized and precise, a testament to their training and unwavering loyalty to their leader.
As the chaos of battle raged on, two figures emerged from the shadows, approaching us with purpose. They were Hiccup's original crew members, determined to aid us. The boy with white hair and the girl with light blonde locks, their eyes gleaming with unwavering resolve. They led us away from the battlefield. With swift hands, they unlocked our chains, freeing us from our captivity. I instinctively moved to join the fight, but they held me back, their grip firm yet gentle. "Hold on, lass," the girl said, her voice steady and reassuring. "We've got this under control. We're not called the masked heroes for nothing". I stood there, taken aback by her words. I've heard stories of the masked heroes, tales of their bravery, their selflessness, and their unwavering commitment to bringing peace and aiding the helpless. I didn't know that the infamous dragon riders themselves were also known by this revered title. As I stood on the sidelines, witnessing their valor and witnessing the impact they made, with each swing of their weapons, each command they uttered to their loyal leader,they turned the tides of battle. These soldiers were a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of light amidst the darkness, inspiring all of there comrades to fight with unwavering determination.
In that moment, a newfound sense of respect washed over me. Hiccup, the leader of this legendary group, a symbol of hope for all that followed him. We treated him as he was nothing, yet he shows unwavering determination to assist us, whether fueled by a genuine desire to help or born out of pity. Hes willingly put himself in harm's way for the sake of others. This realization struck me to the core, I vowed to dedicate my life to helping him.For a man who's willing to put his pride and hatred aside for the greater good and to save lives, is a man I wish to serve.

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