Chapter 21

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Hiccups pov

Day: 6
            I find myself falling more and more in love with astrid. Her bravery, wit, and beauty intertwine, making me weak before her charms. Watching her with Erik fills my soul with warmth, and I can't help but imagine how well she could fit with the other kids. True, her culinary skills might require some polishing, but the thought of cooking for her every night doesn't sound unpleasant.
            Yet, I can't help but feel unworthy of her hand; she's far too stunning for someone like me. Her strong-minded and intelligent nature only adds to her allure, and I find myself tangled in emotions I can't quite comprehend. Ugh! Why do I have to be like this? My heart has known the bitter taste of lost love too often, as every relationship I've ventured into has left my heart shattered.
            Wether be a man or a woman it all ends the same, they'll break my heart into little pieces and leave me to put it back together. Still, as my feelings for Astrid deepen, I find myself drawn further into this whirlwind of emotions, hoping that maybe, just maybe, this time it could be different.
            As the idea of being together with Astrid crosses my mind, a smile dances on my lips, and my heart flutters with excitement. She's already amazing with kids, and I can't help but wonder how Zephyr will react to her, or vice versa. Whatever the outcome, I'll be right by my daughter's side, ensuring she feels secure and at ease.
             As the sun rose over the horizon, we awoke from last night's lively celebration, eager to embark on our journey to Berk. Our spirits were high as we prepared our dragons for the voyage, hoping to reach our destination swiftly and be ready to face any potential attacks. Much to my delight, Erik chose to ride alongside Astrid on her magnificent dragon, and I couldn't help but envy the joyous bond they shared.
            Stormfly soared ahead, showcasing her impressive aerial maneuvers, eliciting giggles and laughter from Erik, and my heart warmed witnessing their delightful interaction. Merida is flying next to me and looks at me, does a double take and then looks at what I'm looking at. "Oh, I know that look," she teased, "You look like a lovesick puppy, which can only mean one thing— you have a crush on someone. And I think I know who it might be."
             A faint blush appears on my face and I look away. "Merida you should probably check you water for parasites because your seeing things" I said. Though I tried to brush off her playful teasing, deep down, I couldn't deny the truth. She laughed but didn't pry further.
          As the day wore on, we journeyed back to Berk, the sky and sea providing a serene backdrop for our flight and sail. However, just as we thought our return would be uneventful, rain cascaded down upon us, forcing us to seek refuge on a nearby island. Amidst the downpour, we stumbled upon a cave, which proved to be a perfect sanctuary for us dragon riders.
          As we touched ground, Erik rushed forward and embraced me tightly. Throughout the night, he never left my side, a gesture that filled my heart with immense pride. I had played a pivotal role in his life, almost like a parent. From the moment he was born, I had been by his side, witnessing his first steps and words, celebrating every birthday and holiday. In fact, it was I who bestowed his name upon him.
         Erik's mother had passed away during childbirth, leaving his father, a great leader but a distant parent, to raise him and his younger siblings. I knew all too well the void that an absent or imperfect father figure could leave, having experienced it in my own life with my own father and Gobber, who, despite his flaws, served as the closest thing to a father I had known.
       For Erik, I yearned for a different path. I wanted him to have a strong and compassionate father figure, someone who would always be there for him, guiding and supporting him through life's challenges.
      As fate would have it, I found myself playing not only a pivotal role in Erik's life but also in the lives of the other three youngsters - Ivan, Saga, and Runa. The unfortunate truth was that their mother, though outwardly sweet, lacked any maternal instincts. Her marriage to their father had been nothing more than a calculated move for wealth and status, and she treated her children as mere pawns in her game.
Thankfully, I stepped in to fill the void, becoming both mother and father figure for them. These children deserved love and care, and I wholeheartedly embraced the responsibility. Although they weren't biologically mine, I loved them as if they were, and I longed to officially adopt them and welcome them to my island sanctuary.
In my heart, I envisioned a life for them, one where they would roam freely, exploring their potential, and honing their skills to become great leaders and skilled warriors. But alas, their father's pride hindered the possibility of revealing his failings as a parent. He couldn't bear the thought of them being taken away from him due to his shortcomings.
Yet, he did acknowledge my unwavering dedication to these children and entrusted me with their future, should anything happen to him and his wife.
As the day drew to a close, the comforting embrace of bedtime welcomed us. Erik, with his eyes sparkling with indecision, stood at a crossroads. He glanced back and forth, torn between the allure of sleeping beside me and the warmth of being near Astrid and her faithful dragon.
"Time for bed, my little winglet," I gently called out, sensing his uncertainty. It was a precious moment to witness, for it spoke volumes about the affection he held for both of us.
In that moment, Astrid and I exchanged a knowing look, understanding the complexity of the situation. Without a word, we silently nodded at each other, silently conveying our understanding. Together, we motioned for our dragons to lay side by side, creating a cozy sanctuary where Erik could find comfort no matter his choice.
Erik's face lit up with delight as he comprehended our gesture. With newfound certainty, he darted towards the heart of the dragon embrace, settling himself between Astrid and me. As the night's chill began to wrap around us, he nestled close, seeking warmth and love from both of us.
Our dragons stretched their magnificent wings over us protectively. Under their watchful gaze, the night settled in a serene harmony. As the gentle murmur of the night serenaded us, the world faded away, and dreams whispered their sweet lullabies in our ears.
Day: 7
As the morning light filtered through the heavy rain, we found ourselves surrounded by even fiercer waters. Determined to reach our destination before Aron's army arrived, we decided to patiently wait out the storm. With five more days to go, it was essential to conserve our strength.
          In the midst of the rain's relentless assault, I took charge of preparing food for the group while my crew engaged in playful antics with Erik. Their efforts to bring joy to the young boy were heartwarming and touching. After a hearty breakfast, I ensured Erik, a growing lad with an insatiable appetite, received his fair share of nourishment.
        The day passed with simplicity and camaraderie—playful games, sketching, and much-needed naps. The storm's fury raged on relentlessly, and it wasn't until the late hours that it finally subsided. We decided to seize the opportunity and set out as soon as the sun graced the horizon.
           Throughout the day, Erik's spirits soared as he reveled in moments of playfulness. And when he wasn't playing, Astrid diligently imparted the art of combat to him, revealing his innate talent as a quick learner. Yet, as nightfall descended, the little adventurer was exhausted. We watched in awe as he drifted off to sleep on his feet. Gently cradling him in my arms, I made my way towards my loyal companion, Toothless.
             As we nestled beneath Toothless' protective wings, we found comfort in each other's presence, ready to embrace the coming dawn and the journey that lay ahead.
Day: 8
           As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of gold and pink, our spirits awakened, ready to embark on another day of our daring journey. With a sense of purpose, we boarded our trusty dragons, eager to soar across the horizon. But as the world stirred to life, young Erik remained lost in dreams, peacefully sleeping.
           A tender smile graced my lips as I gently lifted the slumbering boy, his innocent face nestling against my shoulder. Placing him on Toothless, I ensured he would rest comfortably during our flight. Hours passed, and the morning light spilled over the horizon, casting its warm glow upon Erik's awakening form. His big, blue eyes fluttered open, and a soft yawn escaped his lips.
         "Hiccup," he mumbled sweetly, still half in a dreamlike state. "Well, good morning, winglet," I replied, affectionately ruffling his thick, black, fluffy hair. He sat up, curious eyes scanning the dragons and the vast expanse of the sea.
            "How much longer?" he inquired, brimming with youthful impatience. I couldn't help but chuckle, admiring his eagerness. "It'll be a few more days, hatchling," I informed him. "Oh, that's too long," he groaned, his frustration evident.
           "You won't die" I teased sarcastically. "I will die of boredom," he retorted, dramatically flopping backward onto Toothless' back. His antics brought a smile to my face.
          "He's so dramatic; just like you," Merida teased with a playful smirk, pointing out the undeniable resemblance in our impatience and determination. I rolled my eyes good-naturedly but secretly reveled in the fact that Erik had inherited some of my traits rather than those of his father.
          Eriks father is a true ally and would fight along my side no matter what, some may perceive him as dull and reserved. On the other hand, Erik, with his charm and playful spirit, he'll be able to talk to anyone. That's good, Erik's innate charm may prove to be a potent asset, potentially paving the way for a remarkable future.
        I envision him as a formidable commander, leading armies to victory, or perhaps even ascending to the throne, ruling over one of my vast and diverse kingdoms. A legacy awaits him, with tales of his greatness echoing through generations, becoming a beacon of inspiration for those yet to come.
        The potential within him is boundless, and I can't help but believe that greatness is his destiny. The world will witness his rise, and his name shall be etched in the annals of history.
      As the day unfolded, Astrid took it upon herself to impart upon him the art of combat, weaving tales of her triumphant conquests. Eagerly attentive, Erik soaked in every technique and strategy, his fascination with becoming a warrior growing stronger by the moment.
          A smile spread across my face as I watched her teach, recounting tales of her glorious triumphs. Erik's newfound fascination with becoming a warrior didn't bother me; in fact, I encouraged it. He needed to learn how to protect himself, a skill I had neglected to teach him earlier, believing he was too young and safe from harm. But alas, I was proven wrong, and he faced a threat I hadn't anticipated. Now, we shall ensure he is well-prepared to face any challenge that may come his way, never to be defenseless again
            As the sun dipped below the horizon, darkness enveloped the world, and we found ourselves seeking refuge on a secluded isle. The night air was unusually frigid, causing us to shiver uncontrollably. In the face of the biting cold, we drew close, forming a huddled circle of dragon riders and their majestic companions. Together, our dragons gracefully spread their vast wings, providing us with protective, comforting blankets.
Day: 9
           As dawn's light kissed the horizon, we soared through the boundless skies, our sails billowing with the wind's embrace. Our journey back to Berk seemed promising, and we made good time, anticipating a safe return. But as the sun reached its zenith, the midday hours dragged on, dreary and uneventful.
            Suddenly, the tranquil air was shattered by an ominous sight on the horizon - the sinister silhouette of one of Drago's menacing cargo ships. My heart pounded in my chest as I counted at least six of these massive vessels, each bristling with nefarious intent. With menacing precision, they unleashed their nets and cannons, launching a relentless assault on our ships and dragons.
             Desperation fueled our attempts to break free, but the cruel nets entangled us, ensnaring our majestic beasts and shackling their might. The other valiant dragon riders had no choice but to retreat, leaving me the lone captive. My little Erik, clung to me tightly, fear evident in his trembling grip.
             "Ha, Drago will be thrilled to hear we've captured the dragon master," sneered the leader of the hostile ship, drawing a menacing knife across my throat. The cold steel grazed my skin, a chilling reminder of the peril we now faced. Though the threat didn't draw blood, its proximity was a haunting specter, reminding me of my vulnerability.
             The air crackled with tension as I weighed my options. My mind raced with plans to escape, but the odds seemed insurmountable. My heart pounded like the wings of a trapped butterfly, fluttering with hope that help would come.
                I wondered if my fellow dragon riders would find a way to rescue me and reclaim the captured ships. Erik's fear echoed my own, his trust in me unwavering despite the dire situation. In the belly of the enemy's ship, a storm of emotions raged within me - fear, determination, and an unwavering resolve.
            As Erik clung to me, his grip tightening with each passing moment, tears streamed down his cheeks, leaving glistening trails on his dirt-streaked face. My heart ached at the sight of his vulnerability, the scars of his past trauma laid bare before me.
            With gentle reassurance, I caressed his back, soothingly rubbing circles to calm his trembling form. "Oh, my brave winglet, we'll be alright," I whispered, my voice carrying a mixture of tenderness and determination. But his anguish was raw, and he pleaded for a promise that no one would inflict upon him the horrors he had endured in the past.
           "Please, promise me," he implored, his voice cracking with fear and desperation. "I don't want to go through it again. Please, promise me you'll protect me."
          "Erik, listen to me," I said, my voice steady with conviction. "I made a vow to your mother to protect you, and I will honor that promise with every fiber of my being. No matter what may come, I will shield you from harm, for you are my responsibility and my little hatchlings."
            As I held him close, his tears soaked into my shoulder, and my resolve strengthened. The memories of his past captivity haunted my mind - the terror, the helplessness, and the pain he endured. But this time, I was determined to shield him from any such torment.
             In the midst of this emotional exchange, a fierce determination ignited within me. I knew that danger lurked around every corner, threatening to tear us apart. But I couldn't falter; I had to be his shield, his guardian.
             Erik's vulnerability tugged at my heartstrings, reminding me of my duty as a protector and mentor. We faced an uncertain future, and fear gnawed at my own heart too. Yet, I refused to let it consume me, for his safety was my paramount concern.
              As the world around us seemed to shrink, it was just the two of us, bound by an unbreakable bond. I whispered soothing words of comfort, vowing to keep him safe at all costs. Though his tears persisted, I sensed a glimmer of hope in his eyes - a spark of trust that I would keep my word.
             As night fell like a heavy veil, I lay in a state of restless contemplation. My mind raced with thoughts of escape, desperately seeking a path to freedom, all while guarding Erik from the shadows that might encroach upon us. The weight of our perilous situation bore down on my shoulders, and every plan that formed in my mind felt like a double-edged sword - too risky to attempt, for it could lead us down a path of danger, even death.
             I wrestled with the desire to stay alert, to remain vigilant against any potential threats, but my body betrayed my determination. Exhaustion tugged at my eyelids, and my mind's endless battle could no longer keep me awake. I resisted the pull of sleep as long as I could, knowing the vulnerability it might bring, but my weariness prevailed, and I finally succumbed to its embrace.
             Yet, even in the realm of dreams, my instincts remained vigilant. As slumber took hold of me, I made sure Erik was cocooned within the shelter of my arms, wrapped in a protective embrace. His trust in me had bound our destinies together, and I couldn't allow any harm to befall him under my watch.
               In the realm of dreams and the unknown, I remained steadfast in my resolve to safeguard us both. Every rustle, every distant creak, sent a jolt of adrenaline through my veins, keeping me on edge, ready to spring into action. The shadows danced around us, whispering ominous tales of danger lurking just beyond our fragile cell.
              As the night wore on, I found solace in the bond we shared - the connection that ran deeper than blood, a bond forged through shared hardships and unwavering loyalty. It was this connection that bolstered my determination to protect Erik at any cost, to ensure that the morning sun would find us both safe and unharmed.
              In the depths of the night, I clung to the hope that somehow, a plan would manifest, a way to break free from our captors' clutches and secure our escape. Until then, my unyielding watch continued, my heart echoing the silent promise to guard Erik's life with every fiber of my being. The darkness may have enveloped us, but within it, a flicker of strength burned bright, a beacon of hope amid the sea of uncertainty.
             In the depths of despair, I prayed to the gods, yearning for a glimmer of hope to emerge from the darkness that surrounded us. With every fiber of my being, I hoped that Merida or any of my trusted dragon riders was devising a daring plan to rescue us from this dreadful captivity. I clung to the faint hope that they were biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
           Yet, in the present, I felt utterly powerless, confined within the oppressive confines of this cursed ship. My hands were tied, and my heart pounded with frustration, knowing that my fate rested in the hands of our captors. All I could do was protect my little Erik, my precious charge, from the malevolent forces that prowled in the shadows.
           In this harrowing moment, I was driven solely by my primal instinct to shield him from harm. With unwavering determination, I vowed to be his fortress, his shield against any lurking danger. The weight of responsibility pressed down on my shoulders, but I drew strength from the fierce love I held for Erik, the bond that had solidified over countless trials and tribulations.
            Every creak of the ship, every murmur of its crew, sent shivers down my spine. Yet, despite my fear, I resolved to be the unwavering protector for my little winglet. Amidst the uncertainty, I clung to the belief that Merida and the dragon riders were formulating a daring plan, awaiting the opportune moment to rescue us from this nightmarish captivity.
              Time seemed to crawl, each agonizing second elongating the distance between hope and despair. But I refused to let the darkness consume me. In the face of adversity, I found the strength to hold Erik close, cradling him in my arms, and vowing that no harm would befall him while I still drew breath.
         As the cursed ship sailed through the treacherous seas, I kept a vigilant eye on the horizon, yearning for a glimmer of salvation. My heart thrummed with anticipation, praying for a swift end to our ordeal, for the valiant arrival of our allies to break us free from these chains of captivity.
            With every passing moment, my resolve deepened, my will to protect Erik unwavering. In this tumultuous storm of uncertainty, we clung to each other, a beacon of hope amid the darkness, trusting that our salvation lay just beyond the horizon.

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