Chapt 26

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Stoicks pov

       After a 2 and a half day journey, we finally arrived at  Hiccups Island. Hiccup clung to his children as if he'd never let them go. The eldest, Erik, hopped from one dragon to another, distributing supplies, food, and comforting words. As we approached, we couldn't help but notice an imposing island with towering mountains, seemingly uninhabitable.
       "We're almost there!" Hiccup exclaimed with enthusiasm, but I couldn't believe my eyes. "That can't be the island," I protested, doubting the safety of this wild-looking place.
        Hiccup turned to me, his confidence unwavering. "It's perfectly safe," he assured. I pressed, "Are you sure, sir?" With a reassuring smile, Hiccup replied, "I've called this place home for a decade. Armies can't breach it, and it's a haven of safety."
        We touched down on what appeared to be a dragon runway, and a man rushed towards Hiccup the moment we landed. He bowed respectfully. "Sir, we're so sorry we lost Zephyr," he admitted, avoiding Hiccup's gaze.
         Big mama stepped off her dragon and chucked slightly, replied, "Oh It's alright, my friend. Zephyr was a stowaway on my dragon." The man breathed a sigh of relief and added, "Very sorry, madam. She really takes after her father, doesn't she?" He chuckled softly.
        Hiccup called him by name, "Ian," and the man snapped to attention, meeting Hiccup's eyes. "Yes, sir," he replied.
         Hiccup gave a clear directive, "Check on everyone, ensure they are fed, comfortable, and have a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, we'll celebrate our victory, but for now, let's make sure everyone is okay, understood?"
   Ian saluted smartly, "Yes, sir."
     "Good. Come along, children," Hiccup beckoned to his five little ones, and his dragon trailed behind. "You all need a refreshing bath."
        As they departed, Ian swiftly organized a team of young women and men to tend to our needs, creating a bustling yet welcoming atmosphere. We were promptly outfitted in fresh clothes and served a steaming bowl of hearty soup. Following this, we were guided to a colossal structure where rows of cozy cots awaited us, inviting a peaceful night's rest.
       My slumber was abruptly interrupted by Ian's insistent shaking, pulling me into consciousness. "I apologize, sir, but my king wishes to see you," he informed me, his tone both respectful and urgent.
       Feeling a mixture of confusion and curiosity, I rose from my cot and followed him to a stately cabin perched on a hill. As I approached the imposing doors, the intricately carved wooden beams that adorned the entryway whispered tales of mischief and tom-fuckery.
     I knocked on the door, and it slowly creaked open to reveal Hiccup. He was dressed in a striking green shirt adorned with gold, featuring intricate designs along its hem. A belt cinched around his kingly attire, and he wore baggy brown pants, which together made him the epitome of a leader.
        "Dad, please come in," he welcomed me, his hand gesturing towards the interior. Stepping inside, I found myself in a lavishly decorated abode. Hiccup settled into a plush leather chair near the crackling fireplace and gestured for me to take a seat opposite him, as if extending an invitation to an important discussion.
       I settled into the comfortable chair, curiosity gnawing at me. "Why have you brought me here?" I inquired, eager to understand the purpose of my presence in Hiccup's kingdom.
        Hiccup leaned forward, a sense of authority in his voice. "Now that we're in my kingdom, you need to familiarize yourself with our rules," he explained. "The most crucial one is that we do not harm dragons here. Additionally, everyone in this kingdom must show me the respect befitting a leader. That includes all of your villagers. Disrespect won't be tolerated."
         Without hesitation, I readily agreed, saying, "Consider it done."
          "Wonderful", Hiccup's face lit up with a satisfied grin, and he clapped his hands together. The agreement had been made.
            Suddenly, Eret emerged from one of the rooms, reporting on various preparations. "Alright, sir, the children are ready, the food and dancers are already gathered in the heart of the kingdom," he informed Hiccup. "And, as per your request, your new crown is ready for you. Just, um, try not to throw it into the crowd...again," he added, a hint of playful exasperation in his voice.
             Hiccup couldn't help but giggle. "Oh, we'll see, Eret, we will see," he replied mischievously, hinting at the unpredictable celebrations to come.
        Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but question their excitement. "What's all this about a celebration?" I asked, seeking clarification.
         Their attention shifted to me, and Hiccup's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. "We've just won our latest battle, so it's time to party," he declared with infectious excitement. "And since we're on my island, you can bet it's going to be grander and more exhilarating than any celebration you've ever witnessed."
          I responded with playful skepticism, "What makes you so sure of that?"
          Eret chimed in with a grin, "Dragon Island is practically the party capital of the archipelago. Hiccup can find any excuse to throw a grand bash, be it an elder lady's birthday or a child losing their first tooth. He's always up for a wild celebration, and his parties are legendary."
           I raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Is that so?"
           Eret couldn't contain his anticipation, exclaiming, "You're going to have a blast! The festivities here are packed with incredible food, lively games, talented dancers, and infectious music. I can't wait for it all to begin!"
          Hiccup then redirected the conversation. "But first, we need to get you into something more fitting for our parties," he suggested. I instinctively defended my attire, saying, "My clothing reflects my status as a Viking leader."
          Hiccup waved away my concerns. "That may be, but here, you won't need that. Eret, please take my father and get him dressed in our finest silks."
         With that, Eret guided me into another room to prepare for the upcoming event. I protested, "Hey, let go of me!" as Eret guided me towards the room for a change of attire.
         "Oh, and Eret, if he gets too fussy, just give him his binky like the big baby he is.", "Hey!"

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