Chapt 15

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-this chapter has some implications of sa, it's not out right said, but it's not mentioned only implied.

Hiccups pov
Great just great. "Thank you icy for opening your fucking mouth" I grumbled sarcastically, feeling my irritation seep through. Immediately, I regretted my harsh tone as she shifted uncomfortably and looked down. Letting out a sigh, I quickly apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that." She seemed a little reassured.
"Anyway, yes, I oversee several villages, kingdoms, and even some pirate ships," I admitted, causing their faces to contort with disbelief. Spitelout skeptically asked, "Can you actually tell us who you oversee?" With a smirk, I replied, "Sure, mate," and snapped my fingers. Dagger appeared, bringing out a map and placing it on the table, further surprising everyone. "What?" he retorted defensively. "You're taking orders from Hiccup of all people?" Stoick exclaimed in astonishment.
"I owe him my service. He saved me and my sister's life," Dagger explained, justifying his allegiance. Before they could bombard him with more questions, I intervened. "We rule here, here, here, and here," I said, pointing at the islands under my dominion. "Over there, here, here, and here," I continued, landing on the Shadow Strikers' village. Stoick couldn't hide his concern. "You interact with the Shadow Strikers? You know they're our enemies," he said. "Look, I know you've had your disagreements, but they aren't that bad," I reassured them. "We'll take you to meet them tomorrow. Besides, we need to gather supplies for the next attack," I added.
"What do you mean you defeated his army?" Stoick asked, his confusion evident. "Correction, we defeated one of his wave attacks," I clarified. "Arón is cunning. He launches his attacks in waves, starting with the young and inexperienced warriors, followed by two more increasingly dangerous waves," Merida chimed in, offering an explanation. "Only in the third attack does he join the battle himself. That's when we strike and put an end to his reign. For now, all he can do is wait and add more people to night watch. They could strike at any minute," I revealed.
"Well, when is the next wave coming?" Gobber inquired. I glanced at Merida, who answered, "We have two weeks." "Perfect! That gives us enough time to visit the Shadow Strikers and the Barbarians," I declared. "We're leaving tomorrow," I announced "and hey it will be great practice for jackass here to learn about tribe meetings". Snoutlout gave me a look and stuck my tongue out at him.
          In the early morning hours, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, I stealthily acquired the keys to the dragon arena. Liberating the my friends within, I watched as they soared through the open skies, basking in newfound freedom. Stocked with provisions and gifts for the shadow strikers, I swiftly made my way to the boat, securing ropes at the front and back to ensure stability.
           "What are you up to, Hiccup?" my father's voice interrupted my preparations. I turned to face him, looking as innocent as I can. "Just double-checking everything, making sure all is in order," I replied nonchalantly. Soon, my father, Gobber, and the twins, Snoutlout and Fishlegs, joined me on the ship. "We'res your crew, and where's Astrid?" Tuffnut inquired. "Well we need to get there as soon as possible" I explained. With a whistle, the dragons obediently grasped the ropes, hoisting the ship into the air. The remaining dragons circled above, adding to the chaotic spectacle.
               I leapt from the deck, landing gracefully on Toothless' back as we ascended to meet the others in the air. "Have you lost your mind?" Stoick's voice resonated with concern. "Well, obviously," I retorted with a hint of sarcasm. "But I'm going to get you there faster, Father. We don't have time to sail for two days. The dragons will make our journey quicker, and we can arrive before sundown."
               He scowled at me and I flipped him off. "Astrid, you're riding a dragon too," Snoutlout yelled, "Traitor!" I sigh of frustration and rub my temples. My hand instinctively reached for the flask at my side, taking a sip to calm my frayed nerves. "Fly towards the Shadow Strikers' village," I commanded my companions. They nodded in agreement, and together we soared away.
               The incessant whining from my father and my cousin persisted throughout the journey, while the twins reveled in the adventure. Fishlegs, however, remained oddly silent, poor things probably scared out of his mind. Eventually, even they fell silent. "Ooo, what's this?" Snoutlout's voice pierced the silence as he picked up a gleaming gold necklace. "Don't touch that!" I snapped, my tone filled with disdain. "Take this as a word of advice, If you wish to show respect to our hosts, bring a gift as a token of goodwill." He promptly placed the necklace back, chastened. I took another sip from my flask, my stress levels reaching their peak.
         Astrid looked upon with concern or pity, a gaze I could never quite decipher. "How much longer?" Snoutlout's impatience broke the silence. I turned to him, my voice dripping with icy disdain. "I don't fucking know, how much longer are you going to be alive, I say that you do us all a favor and kill yourself". He looked wounded, and I reveled in his pain. Icy tapped me on the shoulder, her interruption further fueling my anger. "What is it now?" I snapped at her. She pointed behind me, and I reluctantly turned to see enemy ships in the shadow strikers harbor, their flags waving and soldiers swarming.
           "The striker kids," I whispered under my breath. The striker kids are the kids of the Cheif, he has 8 of them. Dragos army aren't to kind to children. "What do we do now?" Frost inquired anxiously. Gazing at the setting sun, I pondered our options. "We wait until nightfall, then seize any survivors and captives," I declared.
           Beamer chimed in, her voice laced with uncertainty. "But what about the enemy?" She pressed. I paused, my eyes fixed on the horizon, weighing the risks. "We can't possibly take them all on. This is strictly a rescue mission," I asserted, determination igniting within me. The crew nodded in solemn agreement as we made a hasty landing on a secluded sea stack. All that remained now was to wait for the cover of night to veil our intentions.
          As night finally descended, we stealthily maneuvered through the shadows, our movements precise and swift. The clinking of armor and the murmur of enemy voices grew louder as we approached their encampment. From our hidden vantage point, we observed the enemy guards stationed everywhere. Taking a moment to regroup away from the watchful eyes of the guards, I assigned tasks to my comrades.
         Merida, you take the twins. Snoutlout, my father, Gobber, Fishlegs, and Dagger, go and liberate the dragons," I commanded. "I'll take the others." "That's unfair, but whatever," Merida grumbled. With our plans set, we split up, and my group swiftly located the area where the survivors were held captive. Peering cautiously, I spotted two guards standing before the entrance. I whispered to my companions, "Any ideas?"
      "Just one," Astrid replied in a hushed tone. She brandished her axe and charged toward the guards, catching them off guard. In a display of skill, she swiftly incapacitated them, leaving me awestruck. Icy and Beamer remained by the entrance to keep watch. We raced through the hollow halls, diligently searching for the imprisoned survivors. Soon, we stumbled upon them, and without hesitation, we began picking the locks. Frost quickly taught Astrid the technique. A woman behind the bars exclaimed, "Oh, our savior!"
           "Yeah, yeah, where are the Striker kids?" I demanded while picking the lock. "They're not with us. The younger four were taken away, and the older four were sent aboard the ships," she revealed. With a sense of urgency, I unlocked the cage, granting them their freedom. "So, the younger ones are still on the island?" I asked, seeking confirmation. She nodded.
           "Thank you. Run toward the ships; we will be leaving soon," I instructed. She bowed in gratitude and hurriedly joined the group. Frost inquired, "Well, what now?" "The younger ones are still on the island. We need to find them," I declared. Dividing into teams, Astrid and I, Frost and Eret, and spring with Heather, we dispersed in different directions, exploring every corridor of the building.
            Navigating a peculiar section of the prison, which appeared to be the guards' quarters, we cautiously checked each room. Suddenly, I stumbled upon a chamber. There, I discovered Erik, the fifth child of the Shadow Strikers' Chief. He sat on the bed, bearing bruises on his face and arms—some fresh, some old. Clutching a blanket, he seemed ashamed.  I soon realized he was naked.
            "Erik, sweetie , are you alright?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. Approaching him, going in to embrace him, and as soon as I reached the bed, he collapsed into my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. "What did they do to you?" I whispered, holding him tightly. He leaned in, sharing his agonizing recount of beatings and torture, all inflicted upon him for their sadistic pleasure. But then, he told me something that ignited a fiery rage within me. He revealed that those monsters had violated him, invading his innocence in the most heinous manner imaginable. He told me of all the things that they did to him, making him do things that he didn't want to, but threatened him if he didn't they would kill him.
              I listened to all the things that he's been through and I see red. He drops names, great I know have a list. I will hurt them the way they hurt my precious little Erik. He's basically like a nephew to me maybe even a son. I knew him since he was just a little baby. And now my baby has been violated, tortured and humiliated. Mark my words those motherfuckers are going to regret the day they decided to hurt my baby. Then a thought crosses me if Erik had to go through hell, what have the other 3 gone through. I can only hope it isn't as bad as this.
           Squeezing him even tighter, I whispered apologies, "I'm so sorry, bud. I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "Why did they do it hiccup? Is it because I did something, is it my fault?" Erik asked softy. "What no, no,no, bud there are just some people in this world that are so twisted and evil that they think it's okay but there wrong. Never blame yourself for other's actions, It's not your fault and it will never be your fault, those people are fucking monsters, it's not your fault" I said reassuring him. Erik's sobs intensified, and I gently rubbed circles on his back, desperately trying to bring him solace. "It's okay, bud. I'm here now, and I promise you those bastards will pay," I vowed, my voice filled with determination and righteous fury.

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