Chapt 7

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Astrid's pov
"Your alive!" Snoutlout exclaimed in disbelief. "No, I'm a ghost. Of course, I'm alive," Hiccup replied with a hint of sarcasm. Snoutlout couldn't believe his eyes. He thought Hiccup was dead. After all, the night fury had eaten him. " were dead! We all thought you were gone forever," Snoutlout stammered. Hiccup raised an eyebrow, "Did you ever find a body?" Snoutlout shook his head. Hiccup smirked, "Exactly. I'm not dead, am I?". Snoutlout was dumbfounded but wasn't convince "If your really hiccup than tell me something only he would know", "Do you want me to start reciting your embarrassments alphabetically or chronologically" he remarked. Snoutlout glared at him, "alright let's see, you pissed the bed till you were 10, your scared of thunderstorms, you had names for all your fingers" hiccup said before he was cut off. "Ok, ok that's enough" snoutlout said. Hiccup had smirk on his face."So, Hiccup, why did you leave?" Snoutlout said, his voice was quieter his face softened. The whole village was listening waiting for an answer we all wanted to hear. Hiccup replied with a jab, "Why don't you use your brain, oh wait, you don't have one!"
Snoutlout was offended and shot back, "Oh, very mature". "of course I am, do you still play with dolls?" He said taunting him. Snoutlout retorted, "Are you still afraid of the dark?". "Does your father love you?" Hiccup asked. "You know damn well neither of our fathers love us" snoutlout said. Hiccup tried to one-up him, "Well, at least mine cared for me more than yours did for you." Snoutlout scoffed, "That's a very low bar.". Hiccup fired back, "At least my mom isn't a cow." Snoutlout retorted, "At least my mom is around and one of the smartest women in the village". Hiccup couldn't resist, "The apple must have fallen on a different island, huh?". Snoutlout scowled at the comment. Despite being grown adults, their banter sounded like they were still kids playing in the Forest.
       "ENOUGH," stoick bellowed, his voice echoing across the great hall. Hiccup and Snoutlout turned around slowly to face the imposing figure towering over them. The air was thick with tension as Stoick stood before them, his eyes blazing with anger. Hiccup looked Stoick up and down, his eyes widening in disbelief. "My gods, have you gotten fat," he quipped, unable to resist the urge to provoke his father. Snoutlout stifled his laughter after this unexpected comment. Stoick looked down at his protruding gut, clearly stung by the insult. "This is muscle," he growled defensively. Hiccup rolled his eyes, his lips curling into a smirk. "Whatever you say, tubby," he retorted, goading his father further.
          Stoick's temper flared. "You don't talk to your father like that, young man," he snapped. Hiccup snorted, a disbelieving laugh escaping his lips. "Oh, what are you going to do, disown me? Oh, never mind, you've done that already," he shot back with a bitter edge to his voice. "It'd be like the seventeenth time you did so, but I really wouldn't mind it this time. Me and my crew gotta go soon, so if you don't mind.". Everyone turned to see the rest of Hiccup's crew almost forgetting they were there,their faces hidden behind masks. Stoick's eyes narrowed. "Take their masks off too," he ordered. Hiccup cursed under his breath as the Vikings closest to them obeyed Stoick's command. We had gasped after they took the helmet off the one right next to hiccup.
     It was dagger. We had been ally's with the berserkers before his island was burned. We assumed he died along with ever one else. The rest of the masks came off to reveal people we've never seen before, a girl with black hair and green eyes she was very pretty like a goddess,a girl with very long golden hair in a messy braid and green eye that shined like emeralds, a boy with white hair he is tall and lanky but he looks mischievous, a girl with auburn hair and a white streak she was leaning back into the girl behind her, the girl right behind her had light blonde hair and an icy stare pulling the other girl into a somewhat protective embrace, a very buff man with tribal face tattoos and has black hair, and then Merida, who we thought had died after a morning ride.
        As Snoutlout's incredulous gaze fell on Merida, he could barely believe his eyes. "You're alive too?" he asked, dumbfounded. "Yeah," she replied with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. But Stoick wasn't so quick to brush off the shock of the revelation. "Why on earth would you fake being dead?" he demanded, his voice laced with a mixture of confusion and anger. "We mourned for both of you and we were in deep pain after your deaths, Merida it broke your mothers heart when she found out and she almost killed herself" he said. Merida simply replied "skill issue". He turned to his son, "I thought I lost my whole family, you hurt us by leaving, why did you leave?, to just put us through hell? Huh? Why?".
       The room fell silent as Hiccup's eyes widened, a crazed glint taking over. Then suddenly, he burst out laughing, the sound of it like the cackling of a madman. "Do you want a damn list?" he spat out, jabbing his finger at Snoutlout and the twins. "These three made my life a living hell. They would bully, harass me, and plain out hurt me". He pointed at me and fishlegs, "you wouldn't do shit about it you saw what happened but didn't do anything about it". Then looked to crowd "then there were these dipshits, every day it's was "why aren't you like your cousin," "you have to be tough to be a leader," "why can't you be a normal Viking?" "your cousin should be Cheif". But it was the venom in his voice as he turned to face his father that sent a shiver down everyone's spine. "And you," he growled, his laughter returning in a fit of hysteria. "You were the worst. You're my father. You should've been sticking up for me, but all you did was dismiss me". "And you think you were put through hell" he said "You really shouldn't be so surprised I FUCKING left".
          We all stared at him in disbelief. This wasn't our hiccup, sure it was physically him, but this wasn't the polite little boy with the sarcastic charm and tinkering mind. This was a boy who had cracked under the weight of our collective neglect and mistreatment. And as we looked at him now, we knew that this was all our fault.

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