Chapt 3

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Hiccup pov
It's only been a month and we've been staying on an island near Berk but not close enough where they could see us. It's been raining and I made myself a hood out of some old fabric and a mask out of a old red scarf. Our plan is to start exploring soon but I can't leave not just yet. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do. We have been going on flights to find islands to live on, but have been having no luck.
On one of our flights toothless had been sorta possessed in a way were he was forced to go to a island with a volcano. I saw dragons upon dragons with dead prey. I saw they dumped it into the hole in the ground. Toothless hid me behind a ledge. I didn't understand why there not eating it. Then I saw a little gronckle only drop a half of a fish, then SNAP a mouth appeared out and ate the poor thing whole.
       She popped out again and she looked right at us. We got out of there as soon as we could as she snapped at us. We got outta there and so did the others. Unfortunately one hideous zipplenack wasn't so lucky. My first thought was to tell my father. But what was I supposed to tell him. I had faked my death to get out of that wretched place. I can't just go up to him and say hey I faked my death and flew away on a night fury oh also I know where the dragons nest is.
       I wonder if anyone missed me. Probably not, I mean most of my people didn't want to watch over me when i was alive they probably didn't shed any tears. I was a burden upon them all and there probably celebrating my death and not in a good way. They should be happy now they'll get the Cheif they want and won't have to deal with me. I should go look at what there doing.
     As mean and tough they are I still love them and someone at least gobber should be sad of my "passing".  I should go check on them. I have toothless fly us over there. I have him keep a good distance away and we landed near the village.
     I put those on hoping not to draw attention. Just like when I was "alive" no one acknowledged I was there and I walked through the crowds with ease. No one seemed sad or a least a little hurt. Expected. I went to go see how my father was feeling. I found him making a speech in the center of the village. "As per tradition if the Cheif to be has died or has no heirs, the position must go to the closest family member. Therefore Snoutlout jorgeson will be the next Cheif" he said. People clapped and cheered. "At least I won't have to worry about you" he said.
He doesn't care. My fathers face seemed emotionless and indifferent. I expected to him be at least a little teary eyed, but he was as dry as a bone. But I look over at my cousin and you can tell he's faking a smile. He's trying to be happy but is he sad of my death? No, he sad he doesn't have a punching bag anymore. I go to find gobber he at least has to be sad. I go find him and he's in the forge. I sneak around not to draw any attention and I find him crying in my study.
I wanted to go up and hug him and tell him I'm alive, I'm here he doesn't need to be sad. But I couldn't, suffering for only one person isn't worth it. Even though he's like a second father to me I can't be in a place where I'm obviously not wanted. "Gobber" a female voice said. It was astrid. I went to hide. I hid behind a shelf. "Gobber" she said again a lot closer. He gets up and walks out of the study locking it behind him. "Hello lass" he said trying to stop crying. She goes up and puts a hand on his arm in a comforting way. "Hey it's okay we all miss him" she said. Bullshit I thought. "But come on stoick needs you right now"she said. He nodded and they left.
They miss me, my ass. It doesn't seem like it. The probably have a party about my death. I look over on a desk and I see keys, keys to the cages. Let's go see if they killed that poor dragon right after my death. I walk over there as quite as I can and I don't think anyone saw me. I go to the ring and I open it up. I set all the dragons free. I let the deadly nadder out first. I calmed her down and I gained her trust although it took me a little while, I named her stormfly. I let the gronckle out and she almost instantly recognize me as the one who gave her scratchies, she was easier than the other one, I named her meatlug. The hideous zippleback was next and the immediately reminded me of the twins. Bickering with each other than working together, I calmed them each down and named them barf and belch. Then the one I dreaded I let out the monstrous nightmare, he immediately set himself on fire and came walking slowly up to me I put my hand out never breaking contact with him. He sniffed me his eyes started to dilate and he calmed down. I put my hand on his nose and that's when I knew he could trust me I called him hookfang.
I heard footsteps and they could hear them too. "We have to get out of here" I said and jumped on stormflys back and we flew off with the others not far behind and we flew into the woods where I left toothless. They instantly got along playing around. What am I to do? I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just a kid. I sit down stumped on what to do.
He must of felt like something was wrong cause toothless came up to me to comfort me. Then all of them came to comfort me. I felt better but I still needed to think of a plan about what to do about the red death.
        We go back to the island where me and toothless have been residing for the past month. When we landed we went to the cave where we've been staying for shelter. We all surprisingly fit and soon fall into a deep slumber.
When we awoke i cooked up some fish for myself. They fed themselves, digging into the baskets full of fish. I have to plan for when to attack the red death. I thought of an idea that just might work but I might die in the process. Usually I wouldn't think much of it when something dangerous happens. I always been stupidly impulsive and I didn't have anything to lose then but now I do. What if I die and toothless is left alive. What then? But no one should live in fear.
I will take the risk. I don't care if I die or not. I show the plan to the dragons. I think they get it. I get on toothless and we all head to the dragons nest. There eyes became primal I calmed them down and we went inside. I start to scream causing a ruckus waking the beast up. She pops out and sees us. All the dragons leave and she starts to snap at us we fly away but we keep infuriating her and got her out. We start to blast at her. Trying to blind her.
This wasn't really planned out. I look on her back. "She has wings" I said "let's see if she can use them". We start to taunt her and soon she starts to follow us in the sky. "Alright toothless it's time to disappear" I told him. We use the clouds as protection. Hiding from her while blasting at her wings leaving her confused and frustrated. She gets fed up and starts spewing fire trying to find us. She blast our way and gets toothless tail fin on fire.
"Time to finish this" I said. She starts to follow us and we start heading to the ground. "Hold on bud" I said. She right on our tail about to blast at us. "Now" I yelled and we turn over and blast right in her mouth. And we fly above her. She realized we're going down and she try's to go back up but her wings are punctured with holes she can't so she falls down with a loud boom. We try to maneuver are way around but his tail fin is completely gone at this point. Then we were hit with her tail. And everything went black.
I awoke in a black void. Did I die? Then the black void started moving. I tried to move. The void opened up and it was just toothless he kept me safe we were alive. But as soon as I was filled with excitement I was soon filled with a gut wrenching pain. I look down to see a part of left leg missing. Toothless looked at me sorrowful. "It's okay bud, a leg for a tail fin I guess, I'm just happy to be alive" I said. I look over to my side and the gangs all here waiting for me. "Hey" I waved at them and they instantly got excited.
How am I going to make a new tail fin and leg? I can go back to Berk but it would have to be done in secret. And it's going to be hard with a leg missing. I jump up and have toothless as a crutch. "Your going to have to wait here bud" I said and jumped on stormfly. "Don't worry I'll be back". As we flew the cover of darkness crept up keeping us somewhat hidden. When we got there it was completely dark I put on my hood and mask and leave stormfly in the woods. I sneak over to the forge hoping gobber was gone. Thankfully he already went home.
I start making myself my leg replacement first. I didn't take long and soon I was making toothless replacement for his tail fin. This time I made it with a fire proof red fabric. I had a skull design in white. I finished it all in one night but the sun started to rise and now I have to leave. I look around before I leave and start walking away. "Eh YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY FORGE?" I heard someone yell behind me. I look back to see gobber wobbling my way. That's when I book it back into the woods I jump on stormflys back and we are outta there.
I take a sigh of relief, that was close. "We have to find our own island we can't keep going back to berk, there bound to find out if we stay" I said. We land back at the dragons nest where they we're waiting patiently. I limp over to toothless and attach his new tail. He's excited. "Like the design bud" I said and he gives me a kiss as an answer. "Ah gross toothless, I get it you like it". I have hookfang go get us some fish while we rest. When he gets back and we're fed I knew it was time to tell them.
"Tomorrow we set off we're going to find an island of our own and there we will be safe" I said. "Now let's get some rest". I lay with toothless him keeping me warm throughout the night. Tomorrow is where are real journeys starts.

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