Chapt. 22

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Astrid's pov

      We were forced to retreat, our leader and two ships lost to the relentless assault of Drago's fleet. Our vessels found temporary sanctuary near a distant island. Hovering above dragos ships, the dragon rider crew and I pondered our next move, consumed by thoughts of a daring rescue. Poor Erik, he must be scared for his life.
        Amidst our uncertainty, I asked, "What should we do?" A silence hung in the air, broken by Merida's voice, "I don't know, Hiccup has always been the strategist." Jack's proposal echoed next, "couldn't we just ambush them?". "And risk hurting or possibly killing hiccup and Erik? There has to be another way" Merida quickly replied.
         Elsa's voice cut through, practical and urgent, "Time is against us Merida, Aron's army is advancing towards Berk's shores every second. We can't just sit here twiddle are thumbs". "Time is slipping through our fingers," Anna added, urgency coloring her words.
          Merida's frustration rose, pinching the bridge of her nose, "How does Hiccup do this daily?" Caught between desperation and innovation, the debate circled back to the proposed ambush. Merida's skepticism remained, "Blowing up their ships isn't a sound plan."
         Amidst an air thick with tension, we surveyed the ships below in contemplative silence. An idea sparked within me, a way to avoid destruction and ensure the safety of our captured friends. "What if we spare the ships?" I ventured, the notion hanging in the air. Jack's skepticism surfaced, "And how would that help?"
       My plan unfolded: "Imagine this—we unleash our dragons to create a grand illusion of an imminent assault, drawing their attention. Then, discreetly, we descend upon the ships, launching our attack up close. This way, we safeguard them from harm while securing our victory."
        Merida smile wide, "Clever thinking Astrid! Jack, Elsa—prepare to drop down." Jack questioned the order, "Why us first?". "Your ice powers provide an advantage" merida explained. With unanimous nods, we braced ourselves for action.
         "Formation V!" Merida's command pierced the air. Like a synchronized ballet, we took our positions, emulating a flock of geese. The energy was electric as Merida's voice sliced through the air again, "Dive! Dive! Dive!" Following her lead, we plummeted earthward, dragons in tow, orchestrating a mesmerizing display of impending assault.
                    We descended toward their ships, the enemy arming nets and catapults. Our approach seemed aggressive, but then Merida's voice sliced through the air, "Rise, rise, rise!" In an instant, our dragons veered sharply upward. Amid the confusion, Elsa and Jack executed a swift, concealed landing on the ship.
              A daring flip put us upside down, and as Merida shouted, "Dive, dive, dive!" we spun upright and descended again. Elsa and Jack sprung into action on the boats, taking down adversaries with precision. Meanwhile, our diversion tactics kept the remaining dragon hunters engaged, a dance of retreat and advance, bewildering and taunting our foes.
              In this orchestrated chaos, Elsa and Jack worked stealthily from within, while we held the enemy's attention, drawing them away from their captured prizes. The intricate interplay of strategy and action unfolded, as we maintained a delicate balance of misdirection and focused strikes.
              The ship's decks were soon awash in crimson, lifeless bodies adorned the floor like grim trophies. With our vessels liberated, we ascended and cautiously approached each one of Drago's cargo ships, a tense anticipation gripping us. I descended into the ship's belly, echoing Erik and Hiccup's names. Eventually, my calls led me to a cell, where Hiccup held Erik close. His eyes met mine, weariness giving way to relief, "Astrid!"
               With haste, I swung open the cell door, enveloping them in a tight embrace, the weight of worry finally lifting.  As our arms untangled, I found myself holding Hiccup just a bit longer, a silent celebration of his survival. Looking up at him, I met his gaze, a smile of pure relief mirrored between us. Yet, an unspoken connection sparked, drawing us closer, our focus narrowing to a shared intent.
              Then we heard loud footsteps and merida yelling out for hiccup. We both were pulled out of our trances and I pushed him away from me, just in time for Merida's entrance. She swooped in, enveloping her cousin in a bone-crushing hug, leaving Hiccup momentarily breathless. "Merida, ease up!" Hiccup managed between gasps. Relenting, Merida apologized, swiftly updating us, "we took over all the ships and the sailors are all dead. Now come on we have to get to berk".
            "Roger that," Hiccup replied, holding Erik's hand and trailing behind Merida's determined stride toward the ship's deck. But before fully departing, Hiccup glanced back, a sly wink aimed at me. Flustered, my cheeks burned crimson. The near-miss of a kiss only intensified the flush. Pull yourself together, Astrid. We are in the middle of war, it's no time for a stupid relationship.
          Masking my flushed cheeks, I ascended to the deck. Our ships were readying to sail for Berk, racing against time and Arón's impending onslaught. Hiccup's commanding voice echoed, reminiscent of his father's, slicing through the air, "Time is against us, we will not stop and rest on islands. We will push forward, outrunning their advance. If our dragons need rest, let them find it on board."
           With Hiccup's directive, everyone sprang into action, sails unfurling as the ships surged forward, our collective determination propelling us homeward. The anticipation was palpable—finally returning to Berk, but the uncertainty of our arrival's timing weighed heavily. A relentless drive burned within us as we embarked on this last push, a race against the clock to reach our island sanctuary before Arón's forces laid siege.

         "I just hope we're not too late"

     Hello, so it's been awhile and I re read my last chapter and let me tell you I could not read all that. I don't even know how I wrote all that. So I'm going to be putting out shorter chapters, just because if I can't sit still and read the whole thing, they I'm pretty sure you can't either.

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