Chapt 2

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Astrid's pov        
       As I long as I can remember I've been the best. Best at fighting, taking orders, succeeding at anything and everything. I was to be a shield maiden as was my mother. When we started dragon training I knew I would pass with flying colors. At least I thought so, until that scrawny nobody hiccup horrendous haddock started to beat me. He was always one step ahead.
            I never really cared for him, but I do have some respect for him. Being able to take a abuse like that and still be helpful, sweet and selfless. He never had said one bad thing about no one. Always willing to lend a helping hand and sometimes taking the blame for things he didn't even do, mostly to protect his cousin. He was smart, like really smart, some of inventions would have been revolutionary he just needed to tinker them a bit. He was a nervous wreck but I think that's mainly because he was scared of getting hurt. Sure he was an embarrassment but you had to admire his motivation and never give up attitude.         Everyone thought that snoutlout should be Cheif because he's stronger but I think if he ever became Cheif everything would go to shit. He's just stronger and honestly a bully. Hiccup would be just as capable of a leader as his father, he's smart with his strategy's and his compassion would be respected across the land, except that's not what Vikings want. They value brawn's more than brains. The only thing the village think he's good for is working in the forge.
          No one sees the potential in him. And for most of my life I thought that too. One day I saw him get beat up by his cousin and thought nothing of it. But now I regret my decision. I regret not stopping it or even helping him afterwards I just turned a blind eye. So when I saw that he was doing better than me I was skeptical, no one gets that good in such a short time. He was always running off to the forest, well more than usual. He always went to the forest. Day after day, he was beating me. And when he finally started getting positive attention he makes up a lame excuse to go away. Shouldn't he be enjoying be one of us?
           The last day of training, the one before we get the honor of killing the monstrous nightmare. I was going to win. I wasn't going to let scrawny little hiccup beat me. I said to him "stay outta my way, I'm winning this". "Good, please by all means" he said sarcastically and I glared at him. He think he can taunt me? I ran after the gronckle. Hiding behind the stands. "This time this time for sure" I reassured myself. I called my battle cry rushing towards it only to find that he had already defeated it. No no no. I start curse and swing my axe around. How did he do it? No one gets that good that fast. He was using something I know it. I have got to know.
               Everyone was excited and went to the great hall for the party in his honor. That should be for me. At one point he slips out. I go to look for him. He isn't anywhere in the village so I go look in the forest. I look on the ground to find tracks they look like they could belong to hiccup. I followed them. While I'm walking there I curse him. "Stupid hiccup, he doesn't get how hard I worked for this all for him to just take it all away". Then I hear a roar in the distance. Oh no. I start running towards it. When I finally arrived there was a cove and I see claw marks and burn marks everywhere. I hear another roar but it's coming from up high a night fury flying away. I look around to see if hiccup is hiding anywhere and in the midst of claw and burn marks was his dagger. The letters H.H.H written on it. No. I let out a blood curdling scream.
          I run back alarming the Cheif and immediately sent out a search party just in case. We were all hoping he was just hiding but deep inside we knew he was gone. It took us three days before the search was over. A funeral was held. Funerals were usually supposed to be happy times to celebrate the way they lived but no could bear even try to. He didn't get the chance to create memories we could reminisce on. We all had a pit feeling that somehow this was our fault. For not being more kind to him, for not helping him for not accepting as he was. And we watched as Stoick the vast, the toughest Viking in all of the land, our closed off stern leader, cry on his knees.
            It was never really the same anymore. Snoutlout was given the title of Cheif after stoick. Everyone was sad. It was heartbreaking. It was like a light in our life had extinguished and no one could relit it as bright as it was.Sometimes gobber would forget that hiccup was gone and would go into his study to ask for help but to find it empty. Stoick may have cried the hardest but gobber cried the longest. He basically lost apart of himself that day that could never be fixed. We all did
        The dragon training was called off and no one was to kill the monstrous nightmare. Even if we wanted to somehow they got loose and escaped. But after a month or two things started getting back to normal it wasn't fully the same but we had to keep going. Around the same time the dragon raids stopped. There was finally peace.
        But I will never forget that day. Me and the rest of the teens have made a pact that we will avenge hiccup and kill that fury. We will not let the monster who took him away from us get away with this. We will make it pay for its sins, it's also as way to apologize to him and help him like we should have a long time ago. You will not be forgotten.

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