Chapt 18

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Hiccups pov
I jolted awake to the sound of heart-wrenching cries piercing the air. My eyes darted around until they settled on Erik. He was still trapped in the clutches of sleep, so I shook him gently, urgency lacing my words, "Erik, wake up! It's just a nightmare, wake up sweetie!" Slowly, his eyelids fluttered open, revealing a terror-stricken gaze that sent shivers down my spine. "Erik, my dear, are you alright?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. He immediately clung to me, his words stumbling out incoherently, "I... I thought I was still back on the island."
             "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here with you, buddy, it's okay" I reassured him, my hand tenderly tracing soothing circles on his trembling back. Uncertain of what to do next, my knowledge on the matter being limited, but I knew exactly who could offer guidance. Pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, I whispered, "Stay right here, winglet. I promise, I'll be right back." Determined, I sought out Rapunzel; she possessed the wisdom and experience to navigate such situations. Waking her from her slumber, I quickly explained the distressing situation.
               Rapunzel, still groggy, roused herself and approached Erik. "Alright, Erik, I have Rapunzel here. She can help you understand," I assured him. "Hey kiddo" she said smiling. He crawled into my lap, clinging to me as if his life depended on it. "Hi," he weakly uttered, avoiding eye contact. With unwavering support, I continued caressing his back in soothing circles. Rapunzel addressed him with empathy, declaring, "I know how you feel, kid" Erik glanced up, surprised, and asked, "You do?"
               She nodded, her expression filled with empathy. "You're experiencing confusion, fear, and shame," she acknowledged. Erik's head bobbed in agreement, his voice barely a whisper, "Yeah."
            Sensing the weight of his unspoken questions, Rapunzel clasped his hands gently in hers and spoke softly, "Sweetheart, I want you to understand that what happened to you is absolutely not your fault." Her words were infused with tenderness. "You did nothing wrong. Sometimes, there are wicked individuals who make atrocious choices, and it's crucial to remember that they alone bear the blame, not you, you didn't deserve it."
             "But... it's so hard not to blame myself. I can't help but think that maybe I did something wrong," Erik confessed, his voice filled with anguish. Rapunzel gently cupped his face, making him meet her gaze directly. "Listen to me, Erik. You didn't deserve it. No one deserves what happened to you," she asserted, her voice carrying the weight of her conviction. Erik let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping. Seeking answers, he asked, "What happened to those men? Did they face punishment?"
                 "They did," I interjected, assuring him. "They won't hurt you or anyone else ever again." Rapunzel joined in, her voice tender yet resolute, "And we promise to protect you and your siblings until our last breath. We're sorry we couldn't reach you sooner." Erik's eyes reflected his fear and brokenness as he posed another question, his voice trembling, "Will I ever heal? I feel so scared and shattered."
                "Healing takes time, but its not impossible ," Rapunzel affirmed, her words carrying a quiet strength. "It won't happen overnight, but I promise you, each passing day will bring a glimmer of ease. The pain may never fully vanish, and that's okay. It's part of your journey, but it doesn't define you. You're a courageous and resilient child, and I believe in your capacity to heal and find happiness again." Erik's expression wavered between hope and doubt, clearly unconvinced.
                     Rapunzel sighed, her voice tinged with vulnerability as she revealed her own past, tears shimmering in her eyes. "You know, it happened to me too," she confessed. "I was young and naive, thinking I had found the love of my life. But it turned out he only wanted one thing." She took a moment to gather herself, determination shining through her tears. "But you see, I refuse to let that define me. Look around, you've seen me. I'm always cracking jokes and laughing. Happiness will come, my dear. It may take time, but it is possible."
             "But it still hurts so much..." Erik's voice trembled with pain. Rapunzel met his words with understanding, her voice a soothing balm. "My dear, I know. It's okay to feel hurt and sad. Healing is a journey, and it's different for everyone. Remember, you're not alone in this. We're right here beside you, supporting you every step of the way. Lean on us whenever you need to, and don't be afraid to let your feelings be heard. It's through confronting our pain that we discover our inner strength and resilience."
                Confusion clouded Erik's eyes, and he glanced up at me, seeking clarity. "But... but the man said that feelings are for pansies," he muttered, his voice filled with doubt. I was taken aback, my bewilderment apparent. "You heard that conversation?" I asked, astonished. Erik nodded, and I pulled him closer, embracing him tightly. "Well, that man is emotionally constipated and an idiot. He doesn't know what he's talking about," I reassured him firmly.
                  "Now, Erik, look at me," Rapunzel intervened, her gaze filled with unwavering determination. "We will help you heal. You deserve to be a happy little boy, just like any other child your age." She tenderly kissed him on the forehead before departing from us, her presence leaving a lingering sense of comfort. "Come on, buddy, let's get back to bed," I whispered, guiding him under the protective wing of Toothless.
                   "Hiccup," Erik's voice interrupted the calm of the night. I turned to him, curious. "What is it?" I asked, anticipation tingling in the air. "Since you're leaving tomorrow, can I come with you?" he pleaded, his words laced with vulnerability. "I know it's dangerous, but I'd rather be by your side than be safe and alone." I gazed at the child, contemplating the weight of his request. "I will think about it, Erik. By morning, I'll have an answer for you," I promised softly. As exhaustion claimed him, he drifted off to sleep. Caught in the whirlwind of emotions, uncertainty tugged at my heart. What am I going to do?
As the early morning light filtered through, I emerged from my slumber, ready to prepare breakfast. The tranquility of the moment embraced me as I ventured towards the chicken coop, gathering fresh eggs, and retrieving salted pig meat from my bag. Suddenly, my serene solitude was shattered by an axe hurtling towards me. With a jolt of adrenaline, I barely managed to evade its deadly trajectory.
          "Oh, shit! Sorry, I didn't see you there," Astrid exclaimed, her apology mingling with my pounding heart. "Nah, I needed that near-death experience to truly wake up," I replied, half-jokingly. "What brings you out so early?" Her grip on the axe tightened as she spoke, "Training." Concerned, I inquired, "Have you eaten yet?"
           She shook her head in response, signaling her empty stomach. Before she could make her escape, I firmly grasped her arm and began dragging her back to camp. "Come on, you can't train on an empty stomach." Resigned to her fate, she settled down near the campfire, knowing resistance was futile. I busied myself with starting the fire and cooking up a hearty meal. The enticing aroma of sizzling bacon and eggs permeated the air, adding a touch of comfort to our chaotic existence.
              "What's on your mind, Hiccup?" Astrid's voice cut through the crackling fire. I looked at her, her face laced with concern. I let out a weary sigh, my thoughts in disarray. "I don't know what to do. Erik wants to join us, but it's dangerous. However, he doesn't feel comfortable with anyone here except me and my crew."
              Astrid contemplated my words for a moment, her eyes flickering with determination. "What about Eret? He's going to stay behind." Another sigh escaped me, "They've never really seen eye to eye." "He has beef with a literal child" she asked. "Yeah we don't know how it happened either but neither of them like each other and doesn't like to be in the same room for to long" I said.
                "Well, i think this is a great opportunity to teach Erik how to defend himself," she suggested, her voice brimming with conviction. "I don't know what exactly happened to the kid, but my guess is that someone hurt him badly. you couldn't have prevented it." Her words struck a nerve within me, yes, it could have been prevented but you decided to shoot me down, "But you can teach him, so that it never happens again."
                I allowed her wisdom to sink in, a flicker of hope igniting amidst the chaos. "Alright," I declared, a mischievous glint in my eye. "After your done eating breakfast saddle up we leave at noon!" She nodded in agreement, and I handed her meal. Eager to start the day, I set off to awaken the children and Toothless.
To my surprise, Toothless was already awake, steadfastly guarding the little ones. With a gentle swoop, he lifted his wing, revealing a huddle of four children nestled together. My heart soared with joy, but I quickly reminded myself that my own child, Zephyr, was enough. No need for another sibling. "Rise and shine, my little hatchlings!" I exclaimed with a wide grin. The groggy children slowly stirred, yawning as they met my gaze with innocent eyes. "Alright, kids, time to fuel up with breakfast," I directed.
They excitedly scurried off to feast, but I beckoned Erik to stay for a moment. Pulling him aside, I laid down the rules. "Listen up, winglet. If you promise to behave and listen to my every word, you get to join us, BUT any slip ups and I'm sending you back here," I announced. His face lit up like a star, and he enveloped me in a grateful hug, repeatedly uttering his thanks. Planting a tender kiss on his forehead, I whispered, "Now go, enjoy your meal, and prepare yourself we be gone for about a week and half." He dashed off to join the others, brimming with anticipation.
As Rapunzel approached, her gaze fixated on Erik's fleeing figure. "What did you say to the kid?" she inquired, her skepticism evident. With a mischievous smile, I responded, "He's coming with us." A look of disbelief crossed her face, and she exclaimed, "You madman! Are you serious?" I met her gaze squarely, the determination in my eyes unyielding.
"Absolutely serious. Erik is at the moment only comfortable with me, and we both know Eret has a bone to pick with him. It's about time he learns self-defense and finds his own dragon," I explained. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Rapunzel reluctantly relented. "Whatever you say, sir," she grumbled, then stomped off to join the others for breakfast.
As I entered the village, I walked alongside the elder children, with one child in my arms and another swaddled against my chest. Only Erik will be accompanying me, as it is too dangerous for the others. The village was in disarray, survivors being hurriedly loaded onto boats bound for Dragon Island, where they would find safety. Tearful goodbyes echoed through the air as those capable of serving bid farewell to their loved ones.
Soldiers patrolled and trained, their presence a stark reminder of the urgency of the situation. Amidst the chaos, regular Berkians struggled to carry out their daily chores. I made my way over to where my father stood, engaged in conversation with Spitelout and Astrid's parents. Astrid's father caught sight of me and stormed over, anger etched on his face.
"You!" he yelled, his voice piercing the tumultuous atmosphere. Erik and Runa instinctively stepped behind me, seeking refuge from the wrath of the furious blonde man. I met his gaze firmly and asked, "Can I help you, sir?"
In a fit of rage, he attempted to swing a punch at me, but I swiftly caught his hand, preventing his attack. "That was rude," I calmly remarked, twisting his wrist and bringing him down to the ground. Releasing my grip, I observed the shock and perhaps fear in his eyes. Astrid's mother rushed to her husband's aid, her voice trembling with anger. "You devil!" she exclaimed. With a touch of sarcasm, I replied, "That's me."
My father and Spitelout joined us, intervening to defuse the escalating chaos. "What the hell was that for?" Spitelout bellowed, his voice adding to the commotion. "Hiccup had the right to defend himself. Besides, he's holding children! You could have hurt them," my father interjected, attempting to reason with the enraged couple.
"You ruined our only chance to move up!" Her father's voice boomed angrily. I raised an eyebrow, utterly confused. "Don't pretend you're innocent. You talked her out of marrying Snoutlout so you could marry her!" Her mother's accusation came as a furious shout. "I bet that's what you two were doing in the great hall the other night!" Realizing their misunderstanding, my eye twitched, but I struggled to remain calm.
"It's not what you think.We were training," I replied as calmly as I could manage. "Training? My foot! What kind of training was it then?" Her father bellowed. "Dragon training," I stated, expecting an explosive reaction. And boy, did they go ballistic. "You can't let this happen, Stoick!" Her mother yelled at my father. "I don't like it either, but they said it's the best course of action," he defended. "And you're going to listen to your screw-up of a kid?" I retorted. "Hey!" Stoick replied, sounding offended. My patience was wearing thin.
"Look, Dad, do you know where Gobber is?" I asked, attempting to redirect the conversation. Before he could answer, her father interjected, "We're not done, young man. What's your end goal in breaking them up, huh?" "You're delusional to even think they were a couple. She hated him, and he's been involved with Lillian for years," I shot back. "What?" They both yelled, shocked by my revelation. "Now, where is Gobber?" I asked again, determined to find him. "He's at the pier, helping with loading the boats," my father finally replied.
"Come back here!" they shouted after me. Flipping them off, I turned and started walking away. I made my way to the pier, scanning the area until I spotted the lovable blacksmith. "Gobber!" I called out, relieved. "Yeah, Hiccup," he replied. "You know we're leaving today," I informed him. "Yes," he responded skeptically. "Well, could you possibly watch the little ones for us?" I pleaded.
He let out a sigh. "Why don't you ask your father to watch them?" "You know damn well he doesn't know how to properly care for children," I argued. "Eh, he's not that bad," Gobber defended. "You practically raised me since I was in diapers, so I trust you more with them," I implored. He sighed again, defeated. "Fine." "Great!" I exclaimed, handing over the children in my arms and Runa.
"Be on your best behavior for Uncle Gobber now," I told them, then I turned to Gobber, locking eyes with him and giving him the most menacing look I could muster. I whispered, "And you make sure these kids are safe. If anything happens to them, I won't hesitate to gut you like a pig and mount your head on my wall. Understood?" Fear flashed in his eyes as he nodded quickly.
I clasped my hands together, smiling sweetly. "Great! Bye, my little hatchlings. Uncle Gobber will take good care of you. We'll be back in a week and a half," I said, waving goodbye to them. Taking Erik's hand, we walked away from the crowded pier and back onto the mainland.
              Astrid's parents, Spitelout and my father, stood there waiting for me. I wasn't in the mood for their nonsense and attempted to walk away. Spitelout looked at me with disgust. "I told you that you're turning him into a pansy, stop coddling him," he sneered. "How about you mind your damn business?" I snapped, pulling Erik behind me.
              "He's going to be a soft boy, and no one wants a soft boy except..." he trailed off, a wicked glint in his eye. My eyes widened. I knew exactly what he was about to say. He used to say this 'speech" to me all the time when I was a kid, trying to scare me into conforming to society's standards. It terrified me for years and it's not something Erik needs to hear. "You better not fucking finish that sentence," I warned him.
                He opened his mouth, and I lost control. Charging at him, I grabbed his throat, seething with anger. "You fucking bastard! You're not going to do this to him.   He's fragile and I won't let you do to him what you did to me. He doesn't need to hear it, especially from a worthless piece of shit like you!" I yelled, my grip tightening. He clawed and tried to break free but I was to angry to let him go. My father managed to pull me off Spitelout, but I continued to kick the air in frustration. "You have no clue what the fucking hell he's been through. Just once in your fucking life, shut the fuck up!" I shouted, my voice filled with raw emotion.
             Spitelout stared at me as he caught his breath,clearly scared. Good, that asshole won't do to him what he did to me. Breaking free from my father's grasp, I lifted Erik up, holding him close. He looked scared, and I immediately softened. "I didn't mean to scare you, winglet. I was only trying to scare that idiot," I reassured him, gently caressing his face. He leaned into my touch, a small smile forming on his lips. "Come on now, it's almost time to go. Let's saddle up, and I'll let you ride with me," I said, trying to lighten the mood. His smile widened, and together we walked back to camp to find Toothless.

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