Chapt 27

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Stoicks pov

            I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, feeling out of place in my attire. I was dressed in an excessively long, dark green shirt adorned with black and silver designs, paired with baggy pants. A belt cinched my waist, and I wore dark pants.
           Hiccup, on the other hand, had changed into a light green, flowy shirt featuring a low V neckline with a crisscross pattern near the bottom. It was embellished with intricate gold designs and had a waist belt. His pants were now snug and dark brown, and he sported high boots.
          In my discomfort, I mumbled, "I look absolutely ridiculous." Hiccup, ever so done with my complaining and bullshit,  replied, "You look perfectly fine, trust me."
           I couldn't help but voice my frustration, asking, "But why must I wear these extravagant clothes?" Hiccup explained, "You belong to the nobility, and dressing the part is essential for you to be taken seriously." My response was a reluctant grumble.
           "Are you done being a baby? The celebration will start soon" he said walking to the door. I grumble and follow him. We walked out the house. Walking over to a cliff that over saw the whole village. There we meet up with our tribe. I see my brother, Spitelout. "Stoick what in thors name are you wearing?!" He said with a laugh. "Hiccup is making me wear it" I said.
        Spitelout chuckled, "You're truly spineless, aren't you?" I grumbled in response. Ruffnut interrupted, "Wow, look!" We all turned our attention downward, discovering a grand celebration organized by Hiccup's villagers.
        The sight was a spectacle – tables adorned with abundant food, barrels of mead, and flower-like streamers enveloping the area. Hiccup's village, much larger than anticipated, was teeming with lively inhabitants.
         Suddenly, Eret descended on his dragon, announcing, "Everything is set, Hiccup." Without hesitation, Hiccup sprinted and leaped off the cliff, declaring, "Let the celebration begin!"
         We gasped, watching him plunge, but Eret reassured us, saying, "Don't worry; he's just crazy." Our anxiety lifted as Hiccup's Night Fury swooped in, catching him, and together they descended gracefully towards the lively crowd below.
        "Follow me this way," Eret instructed, guiding us down the safe way down. As we reached the base of the cliff, we were bombard with gifts from the villagers greeting us – alcoholic drinks, delectable food, and exquisite flower necklaces. The villagers, in a gesture of reverence, bowed before us, hailing us all as brave warriors.
          Spitelout and his son attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to dazzle the girls with their antics, evoking a smile from me. Amidst the festivity, the air pulsated with lively music, prompting us to tread cautiously toward the celebration, our anticipation mingled with uncertainty.
          "Oh my Thor," I whispered under my breath.

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