Chapt 4

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Hiccups pov
6 months later

After months of searching, we finally stumbled upon a beautiful island with lakes and land for miles. It was like nothing we've ever seen before! And as we approached, the towering mountains that surrounded the island in a natural U-shape were like a beacon, drawing us closer and closer.
        As we landed on the island, we were struck by the sheer beauty of the landscape. It was like we were in a dream world! To the east, a great hill rose up, covered in dense forests and towering waterfalls that seemed to stretch up to the sky. The sound of the waterfalls filled the air, creating a soothing melody that echoed throughout the entire island.
I looked back at my group of dragons and saw that they were enjoying themselves, playing around like they had never done before. That's when I knew that this was the right choice."Alrighty gang, what do you think?" I said, and heard a lot of growls of approval. "Well then, I say we find a spot to rest before nightfall," I said, and they all agreed.
        We found this large cave that was big enough for all of us and was close to shore. Hook fang made me a fire, and Stormfly got us some fish. And as I looked out at the vast and unexplored land and the breathtaking sunset, an idea struck me.
        "Hey guys, I think we shall call this Dragon Island, a place where all dragons are safe and welcome," I said. They all growled in agreement. We ate the food and all fell asleep.
As the morning sun rose above the horizon, we eagerly set out to explore the uncharted island. We traversed across the sandy beaches, our eyes scanning the towering trees and hidden hills in search of a suitable base.
       Our curiosity was piqued by the mystery that lay before us, and we were determined to unravel it. As we delved deeper into the island, our excitement grew with every step.
       We stumbled upon idyllic spots for farming and grazing, where the lush greenery stretched as far as the eye could see. A vast plateau revealed itself to us, the perfect home for livestock such as pigs, sheep, and cattle.
Venturing further into the heart of the island, we stumbled upon a breathtaking sight. Before us lay a vast expanse of open fields, stretching out as far as the eye could see. Natural barriers surrounded us on all sides, sheltering us from the outside world and providing a sense of safety.
       As we explored this uncharted terrain, we stumbled upon majestic hills rising high into the sky, with caves carved into their sides that seemed to beckon us closer. And then, as if by some stroke of luck, we encountered a wild crimson goregutter, a magnificent beast whose presence both thrilled and intimidated us.
           Using my knowledge of dragons, I approached the creature with caution, coaxing it into a state of calmness. Soon enough, the goregutter was playfully frolicking around with Stormfly and Hookfang. It was a moment of pure joy and excitement, and we knew that we had truly stumbled upon a hidden gem.
       As I continued my exploration, I realized that this island was completely uninhabited, providing us with an unprecedented opportunity to make our own mark on this wilderness.
      And when I finally reached a hill that offered a breathtaking view of the open fields and caves below, I knew that I had found the perfect spot to build our new home.

6 weeks later
                My house was finally complete, all thanks to the tireless efforts of my trusty dragons. With their help, it didn't take long to put up the walls, lay the foundation, and decorate to my heart's content.
         But as the sun dipped below the horizon and dinner time approached, I realized with a sigh that it was fish...again. Fish for dinner, fish for lunch, fish for breakfast. Fish, fish, fish! I swear, I'm starting to sprout gills! Unfortunately, this place is pretty barren, I was too amazed by the beauty and the isolation I didn't take in to consideration of a food source other than fish.
          No furry critters roaming around, and the fruit here is either gross or hard to come by. I vowed I would never go back to berk no matter how desperate I was and the islands closest were full of dragon killers.
          Always on the ready to take down dragons, once they almost got us, we escaped but I don't want to risk it. The best option was Dunbrock, but they probably have already heard of my "death". So asking for food was out of the question.
                   But maybe I won't have to ask. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I found myself hatching a plan. Under the cover of night, I would venture to Dunbrock and take some cattle, goats, pigs, and chickens. Maybe even grab some fruits, vegetables, bread, and, if I was lucky, some delectable sweets!
        Oh, how I missed those indulgent treats. It was time to add some variety to my diet and bid farewell to those nasty slimey fish, at least for a while. With a determined glint in my eye, I vowed that fish would no longer reign supreme on my plate.
              I had packed up and was ready for my flight I would take toothless and fly over to Dunbrock and get some food. I bid farewell to the rest of the gang and we were off. As we lifted in the air and I felt the wind in my hair I looked down to a gorgeous sunset.
         No matter how many times I see it it always amazes me. I lifted my hands up and let my arms resist the wind. "Ah bud this what it means to be free" I said "Just you and me up in the air flying without a care". "I'm flying your just a freeloader catching a ride" he said. "Oh wow you know it was a great moment and you just had to mess it up" I said and he laughed and so did I.
         Being with exclusively dragons for over 7 months you learn their language. And they taught me a lot, I had picked up some of their quirks. Meatlug had taught me how to growl like a pro, Barf and Belch had given me a crash course in insulting and Hookfang had expanded my vocabulary with some colorful language.
      We spent the most of the night joking and laughing. Before I met him I never had a friend before, the closest was my cousin merida. She was always hyper but she was the only one who was nice to me. And now I have a whole gang of them, there dragons but beggars can't be choosers.
          Soon we arrived, it seemed that we would have only a hour to get food before the sun rose. I landed us near the walls. "Stay here" I whispered to him in dragonese. I put the baskets I brought over my back and climbed the wall and fell right down. "Ow" I said. I got up and limped towards the fields, I see a bunch of vegetables and fruits I grabbed the baskets off my back and filled it to the brim. I put wheat, potatoes, oats, and many more. I went over to the farm and decided to only get a goat and a chicken.
      I ran through the kingdom looking for the market, finding a bunch of scrap bread. I somehow found myself in front of the kingdom. I was compelled to go in see how there doing. I stopped myself and started to walk away.
      But as I was walking a rope fell down from where her room was. Then a girl with curly red hair came down. She was disheveled and trying to not known. She had a bag with her and a bow and arrow on her back. She turned back and she saw me.
        I awkwardly waved at her and smiled. She was shock. We stood there for about a minute. She dropped her bag and walked towards me teary eyed. She gave me a hug. And I hugged back. She then stepped back and slapped me "ow what was that for" I said.
       "They said you were dead, we held a memorial for you and your alive what happened" she said. "I faked my death" I said. "What, why" she asked. "We were all saddened by yer death" she said. I scoff "you maybe, but every one else didn't give two shits, plus I'd rather be a free spirit then try to be something I'm not" I said.
         "It looks like your doing the same thing" I said. "I'm trying to run away not fake my death" she said. "If they know you ran away they will keep looking for you" I said, "but, if you fake your death they wouldn't look for you, you could be free". She looked down as if she was thinking. "We're have ye been staying" she asked. "I found my own island" I said, "it's perfect it has these tall mountains surrounded it making a perfect border".
She looked back at the castle her home for the last 16 years. "Can I come with ye" she asked. "Do you really want to do this" I asked. "Yes" she said. "What do you got in the bag" I ask. "A few foods, some clothes and a map" she said.
       "Put it in the basket, I'll go get some more things you'll need" I said. She did as she was told and I climbed up the rope into her room. I grab her blankets and make it into a makeshift bag and grab books, blank papers, ink. I slightly open her door, look around. The coast was clear, I tiptoed down to the kitchen and grab all baked goods, sugar, flour and some bowls and pans.
        I hear talking and footstep approaching the door. I go and hide. A guard and a servant woman opened the door. I know that woman, her name is Maudie, she's a sweet woman who read us books as kids. "See Maudie no one's here" the guard says. "I'm sure someone was hear I heard rattling" she said.
        "It's just your imagination lass, now get back to bed" he said and the door closed. I stayed there for a good minute just to make sure. I get up from my spot and got out of there. I went back to her room and I dropped the stuff down. I went down the rope.
The sun was rising quickly. "What took you so long" she asked. "Getting what we need" I said. "Follow me" I said and threw the blanket bag over my back. She grabbed the baskets and carried them. I went back up the wall and I fell down to the other side. She followed suit. "Where's your boat" she asked. "Boat" I asked confused. "Your boat" she said again. "I don't have a boat" I said.
       "Then how the hell did you get here" she asked. I growled signaling for toothless to come out. He came out giving merida the evil stare. She dropped the baskets. I went over to toothless and strapped the blanket bag to his side.
          "Toothless this is merida my cousin, merida this is toothless, my best bud" I said "he's our transportation". "Yer off yer head if ye think I'm gettin' on that thing!" she said.
"If you want to stay here, be my guest" I said. She came closer and toothless growled. "Toothless, bad" I said. "Here give me your hand" I said. She came even closer and I spread her fingers and put her hand in front of his face. He sniffed her hand and his whole body softened. I left her there and grabbed the other two baskets and attached it to his other side.
       Then I climbed up onto him, "you coming" I asked. She didn't say a word and got on behind me. "Alright let's go bud" I said and we soared off. "Now how are we going to fake your death" I asked.
"I don't know, your the expert" she said. " I have an idea" I said. And growled for toothless to land in the forest. We got off and I grabbed my knife. " woah I'm trying to fake my death not actually be dead" she said. "No come here, I'm going to cut your hair" I said. She sat down on a rock and I cut off her lucios locks and then I spread it around. I also teared off pieces of her dress to leave on the ground and then had toothless make claw marks around. Then we got back on and flew back to dragon island.
"So why did you want to run away" I ask. "Me mum was trying to make me marry a man from a different kingdom as a way to keep ties or something like that" she said "I don't want to marry anyone at least not yet, I also don't want to be prim and proper princess, everyone has high expectations because I'm the heir but I can't meet them it's tiring" she said. "I hear that" I said.
       "Why did you leave" she asked. "Same as you too many expectations that I cannot meet, also this guy right here" I said and pat toothless head. He purred in response. "He showed me the truth about dragons, there not evil there harmless as long as you don't provoke them, he became my best friend and I didn't want anyone to find out so we left" I said.
             "So which loser did they try to make you marry" I asked. "They we're going to hold games for my hand like I'm some trophy to be won" she said. I laughed. "What about you I know stoic tried to get you a suitor, what happened with that" she said. "I scared them off" I said. She laughed "how did you do that" she asked. "Easy be myself" I said.
      We both laughed and came into a comfortable silence. "Hey let's make a pack" she said. "On what" I asked. "We'll get married around the same time, so we can have a double wedding" she said holding out her pinky. "Alright" I said, and locked pinky's together.
            We landed back onto dragon island. I introduced the dragons to meridian and showed her where she'll be sleeping. We hadn't named the crimson goregutter yet and only been calling him crime. When I introduced merida to crime he instantly took a liking to her and she decided to call him angus and he was fine with it.
       I let the chicken and goat roam a bit and I took out all the food. I left some for dinner and put the rest away. I put the sweets and bread in my pantry and I had made sure when getting the crops to leave the roots and planted them near the field.
     I had made a potato and carrot soup, it wasn't much but at least it wasn't fish. We ate dinner and had a pastry. We laughed and shared stories about what's been happening.
               I let her take my bed for the night while I slept with the toothless in the living room. It's good to have another human around so I don't go completely crazy and having her be my best friend is even better. I wonder if we'll encounter more humans to join our small group.    
           When i awoke the next morning I made breakfast and she calmed down and sat down to eat. "I was thinking" I said. "Oh no" she said. "Let me finish" I said "I was thinking, I can teach you how to train your dragon and we can call ourselves the dragon riders".
        She snorts "dragon riders really? What are we going to do?" She asks. "Help dragons, think about it, daring adventures, helping the helpless and showing no mercy for the evil ones" I said.   
           "Hm that would be fun" she said "but don't you think we should have more members". "I do we can recruit the outcast, it's not like people are going to miss them" I said. "Well then how about you teach how to ride angus so we can start our first mission" she said.
         We finished up eating and left to go train angus. This is the start of the dragons riders, Warrior for the Innocent, Merciless to the Evil.

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