Chapt 9

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Hiccups pov
                        A month ago
As soon as Astrid stomped off in frustration, we gathered together to formulate a plan. The urgency in our voices was palpable as we assessed the dire situation. "What are we going to do?" Merida questioned, her determination evident. Jack chimed in, "We don't have much time. They're closing in," he warned. Maintaining a calm demeanor, I reassured the group, "don't worry,my friends. This is merely a minor setback. We will find our way out of here in no time." I took a moment to gather my thoughts, my gaze fixated on the small barred opening in the underground prison. Suddenly, a tiny Terrible Terror caught my eye, and I beckoned for it to approach. The creature looked at me and obediently made its way towards me. "Hey there, little one," I greeted it warmly, extending my hand. The dragon sniffed cautiously before nuzzling its head against my palm. It had placed its trust in me. Although our captors had confiscated our weapons, I had managed to keep my sketchbook. Swiftly, I tore out a page and quickly wrote a message.
Dear Freya,
I write with a heavy heart as I'm trapped on Berk, weapons and our mighty dragons have been confiscated. Aron's army is approaching, and we're unsure how much time we have left. Please urgently warn the neighboring islands, gather our forces, and come to our aid as quickly as possible. We'll find a way to escape, but in the meantime, I need you to delay Aron's army. Take my beloved daughter, Zephyr, to home base, but ensure Viggo only watches over her if supervised closely.
Sincerely D.M
I carefully entrusted the message to a fearsome Terrible Terror, its talons gripping the parchment tightly. "Deliver this message to Freya Sigurðardóttir on Mead Head Island," I commanded with urgency. "Fly swiftly, my loyal companion. Go, go, go!" With a nod, the Terrible Terror took flight, its wings slicing through the air like a lightning bolt. As the dragon disappeared into the distance, I turned to face my friends, "that will stall him, for about a month" I said. "Great," a sarcastic voice interjected, cutting through the tension like a blade. "So we have a message on its way. Now, genius, any brilliant ideas on how we actually get out of this mess?".
"If you shut the fuck up for once, I'll get to that" I said. It became silent, "well" Merida said. "I got nothing" I said. "Great" she said sarcastically. "Oh we could make dummies" rapunzel said. "If we used the bowls and stack them up to look like a person and cover it with blankets we can get out of here". "Good idea" I said.
So we waited, waited two weeks, in those two weeks we got a response from freya,
Dear Dragon Master,

I wanted to let you know that we are fully aware of Aron's army and the imminent danger it poses. However, at this moment, we are unable to provide immediate assistance. We have been engaged in combat, defending ourselves as best we can. I want to assure you that your daughter is safe at our home base, and we have already informed our allies about the situation. Though Aron's army is sending its first wave, they be there in two weeks. In the meantime, we suggest seeking help from Rurik the Brave.
With highest regards Freya S.

we soon had enough bowls and we used anything to make it convincing. They looked a little janky but the underground prison was dimly lit, so it didn't matter. We escaped that night into the forest. We set up camp and I found a little terrible terror, I made him take a message for me.
Dear Rurik the Brave,

We are in the face of an imminent threat, Aron's army approaches, casting a shadow upon Berk. I implore your aid in our struggle. Join us swiftly at the island's edge, concealed from the knowledge of our people. Two weeks remain before their arrival. Your fighting skills are unmatched, and your experience makes you a strong and reliable leader. We're in a tough situation and we need your help to fight back. And when we win I will reward you with party's, feast and a night full of pleasure.

With great respect D.M
The terrible terror went off, and I went back to camp hopefully he comes soon.
The next morning I awoke to find a message from the terrible terror. I thought he didn't send the message but I saw the storm riders seal. I open it and read the message,
My dearest, Dragon Master,

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