Chapt 12

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Hiccups pov
Four hours had passed, and frustration hung heavy in the air. Our initial attempts at a peaceful interrogation had yielded no results. We had pleaded with them, tried to reason, but their loyalty remained unshakable. We resorted to violence, inflicting pain upon pain. Fingers were broken, their bodies lacerated and doused in salt, and flames licked their flesh. Still, they remained silent.
"Look, sweetheart, this all would go a lot faster if you just cooperate" I said, a disarming sweetness coating my words as I grabbed one of the prisoners' faces. He sank his teeth into my hand, prompting a yelp from me. A swift slap followed in response to his defiance. "We are loyal to Aron," he defiantly declared.
I scoffed, "I pity you," I retorted. "You work for a man who makes empty promises, and yet you remain so fiercely loyal to him." "That's not true! He cares for us," he vehemently replied. "Please, he would discard you without a second thought," I declared, a note of disbelief in my voice. "No, he wouldn't," he insisted.
"In his eyes, everyone is replaceable," Merida interjected, her voice filled with conviction. "How would you know?" they challenged. Merida and I exchanged knowing glances before lifting our shirts to reveal the scars etched into our stomachs—a searing mark, Aron's stamp. The room fell silent as the weight of our revelation settled upon them like an avalanche.
"We used to work with him," Merida began, her voice tinged with bitterness. "We used to believe he was the epitome of goodness." "But we have seen his true colors," I added. Merida and I released our shirts, allowing the truth to hang heavy in the air. The prisoners grew silent, the realization hitting them with the force of a thousand bricks.
"We can't tell you," one of them finally spoke. "Why not? You are okay of with the slaughter of innocent people and dragons. Are you really okay with that? Are you okay with the thousands of children being forced to be soldiers, with everyone living in perpetual fear?" Merida's voice rang out, filled with a mixture of anger and desperation.
"You don't understand. We can't," another pleaded. "If we do, we put our families at risk. I just became a father, and I can't bear the thought of my daughter suffering the same fate as the other children whos parents disobeyed Aron and shed there children's blood as punishment," the third one shouted, his eyes glassy, on the verge of tears. The others fought to hold back their own emotions now.
"I have four kids and a wife to support," one confessed. "My mother's health is deteriorating, and my sister's husband abandoned her. She has twins to care for. We can't put them in danger," the other revealed. As their words reached my ears, my heart softened. I had a daughter of my own, and I couldn't bear the thought of her suffering in a similar way when I was gone. Damn my good heart.
I let out a weary sigh, the weight of responsibility settling upon my shoulders. "Look, I'll make you a deal," I offered. "Tell me when Aron's army plans to attack, and in return, I won't kill you. We'll ensure your families are provided for, living comfortably. However, you will have to remain imprisoned until the war with Aron is over. What do you say?"
They exchanged glances, their faces filled with a mixture of trepidation and relief. After a moment, they all nodded in agreement. "Good," I said, my voice filled with a mixture of sternness and determination. "But remember, if you dare to double-cross us, if you betray our trust, we will not hesitate to destroy everything you hold dear and your heads will be mounted on our wall, do I make myself clear?." Those words hung in the air, palpable and unsettling. The prisoners trembled, realizing the gravity of their agreement.
            "Alright then," I said confidently, glancing at Merida. "Merida, could you please take care of placing them in the prison? Also, make sure to note down the date of his planned attack." I began walking away, already focused on the task at hand. Merida's voice trailed after me, sounding slightly irritated. "Wait, why do I have to do it?"."I can't keep rurik waiting, you know impatient he gets" I said. She flipped me off and yelled "slut". I chucked and said "I know you are but what am I". Before she could do yell scream or try to fight me I ran to ruriks tent.
            He was laying on his mat, shirtless, letting me see his muscular body. He was reading a book but when he noticed my presence he put the book down and looked up at me. "Your late" he says irritated. "It took longer than I expected but I'm here now holding up my end of the agreement" I said. He beckons for me to come near him, "you make this sound like a business deal" he says. I sit on his lap. "That was the agreement you help me and in return I give you a night full of food mead and pleasure, nothing more nothing less" I said.
          He got close and kissed me, "I did not understand anything you just said" he said. "Of course you didn't" I said. "I'm not the smart one you are"he says. He kisses me again this time more demanding. He chuckled a low growl, "I haven't fucked you in so long I can't wait any longer" he says. He starts to kiss my neck, I whimper at the feeling. He starts getting more handsy taking off my shirt. He slowly pulls me down on the ground, kissing down my stomach, leaving as many marks as he could. I am Allies with benefits with a lot of my ally leaders, but rurik is the most aggressive one.
         He liked to leave marks as way to show everyone where he's been. I like that he's territorial over something that will never be his. I love it when's he's possessive. Even though he and I both know that this will ever be anything more than that, we like to relish in each other's company. He starts to pull down my pants and I looked down at him with a smirk, this is going to be a long night.

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