Chapt 29

55 2 0

Astrid's pov

Navigating the lively sea of people engaged in merriment, I was trying to find the dragon riders or, ideally, Hiccup himself, or anyone really. The sea of people is overwhelming, I decided to escape the crowd and discovered a secluded spot along the fenced edge. From there, I'm treated to a breathtaking view of a part of the village.
As I immerse myself in the picturesque scene, I had felt a sudden sense of another presence, interrupting my solitary moment. Turning, I find Hiccup stumbling towards me, visibly intoxicated and shirtless, revealing his scarred and tattooed but undeniably fit upper body. Suppressing a laugh, I can't help but ask, "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"
His response is a drunken gaze downward, followed by a nonchalant shrug. "I don't fucking know," he mumbles with a half-smile, we both started to laugh.
"Why're you all alone?" he slurs, leaning against the fence, I glance at the lively crowd and confess, "It's just too overwhelming over there." It takes him a moment to process my words. "Oh!" he exclaims, finally grasping the situation. "You could've just gone back to the sanctuary building," he suggests, nearly stumbling. I shake my head "Yeah, but I didn't want to be a prude," I explain. He nods, or at least attempts to, teetering on the edge of a fall. "Well, then, get drunk. It gets much easier after the first drink or two," he advises.
Smirking, I retort, "You don't always have to drink to have a good time." He chuckles, "Well, then we have two very different ideas of a good time."
Amused, I inquire, "So, what's your ideal good time?" With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he replies, "Getting plastered, dancing and singing like an idiot, and going home with a beautiful girl or guy – doesn't matter to me, you know."
         I chuckle, "So, how's that going for you?" I inquire. "Not great," he admits. Internally, I'm relieved to learn he hasn't gone home with someone. I'm not a fan of his promiscuity, but I sure I can help with that. "By the way," he continues, "I sprinted over here because I spotted my ex, and I wanted to avoid his ass." "Why?" I ask, puzzled about why he'd keep his ex in the picture.
     "Well, for starters, he's crazy, but not in the fun way like me," he quips, and I can't help but giggle. "Plus, he's reckless and danger sometimes endangering our daughter," he adds. "You could work things out, you could change him," I suggest optimistically. Even though the thought of hiccup being with someone else broke my heart.
      Then he drops a bombshell, "Oh, I would've if it wasn't for the fact he cheated on me – found that out after calling off the wedding," he says, taking a sip of his drink. My indignation flares, "You're still letting him live here after that?!" Hiccup explains, "I can't deny that he's a good general, and my daughter would be absolutely devastated without her papa. We've agreed to be civil for her sake." He empties his cup, turning it over with only droplets falling out.
       "We'll if he's so dangerous why do you let him be around your daughter" I asked. "It's his daughter too" he said "and he gets supervised visits". We land into a somewhat comfortable silence as we looked up at the stars and village. It was such a beautiful sight. I broke the silence,"So have you dated since your ex or...?". "Nah, I'm focusing more on my daughter and expanding my kingdom" he says. "Oh" I say a little disappointed. "We'll do you ever think it's time to get back out there" I ask hopeful. "My daughter is my top priority and she always will be" he says "if I'm going to date someone my daughter must also like her/him and they have to get along". I nod seems reasonable. "Though I do have someone in mind, I know she's good with kids, I just need to know if she'll be good with my kid" he says a playful glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face.
         "Oh yeah who?" I asked. "They have the most beautiful blue eyes" he said stumbling towards me "and the most stunning silky blonde hair". He carresses my face, his smile turning wider as he looks at me. "The sweetest but also the most fiery woman I ever met". My face has turned bright red and my face is hot. He keeps looking at my lips, I move closer to him, my eyes on his lips. But then he turns around and vomits over the ledge. "Oof sorry it's just your really pretty and I think I drank too much" he said.
I burst into laughter, saying, "Let me take you home," as I put his arm around my shoulder. He jokingly responds, "Ooo, a little forward but okay." Realizing the innuendo, I playfully punch him and exclaim, "No!" We share laughs as we stroll towards his house. "It's the one on the hill," he points out. The building boasts intricate engravings on the door frame, each telling a myriad of stories.
        Upon entering, I assist him to his room. He casually removes his boot and shirt, and as I'm about to leave, he playfully pulls me onto his bed. "I ain't that kind of girl, hiccup," I protest, my face turning as red as a tomato, my breath hitching. "I know," he reassures, "but that doesn't mean we can't cuddle." I playfully roll my eyes, yet find myself getting closer to him.
     Under the ethereal glow of moonlight, I delicately traced my finger along the tapestry of scars adorning his torso. Curiosity danced in my eyes as I ask "how did you get these scars?" With a wry smile, he narrated tales etched in flesh.
        "This one," he gestured to a scar near his liver, "a foolish fight over food, the blade was dull, sparing my life but leaving its mark."
          His index finger found a scar near the juncture of neck and shoulder. "A dance with death – someone thrown knives at me and narrowly missing their mark."
        His arms bore witness to battles, a canvas of self-inflicted wounds and clashes with inebriated souls or soldiers. "A blurred line between self-harm, fights and drunken brawls," he mused, memories fading into scars.
         Attention shifted to a burn mark on his side, a brand from Drago. "We we're allies once but we had different values and well morals."
           As I observed, the burn mark revealed not just the scalding imprint but also intricate cuts, forming a cross. He will mot be branded and controlled.
          "And what about the one on your eye?" I inquired, curiosity lingering in my gaze. He sighed, revealing a tale of Drago's unrelenting grasp.
           "Drago is relentless; he'll do anything to keep you under his control, and if that means putting fear in you than by all means" he explained. The scar on his eye stood testament to the lengths Drago would go.
             As I studied him anew, a revelation dawned – he had evolved into a formidable warrior, just like his father just better. "But I'm also relentless on trying to bring peace wherever I go" he declared, determination etched in his eyes. A shared smile bridged our understanding, and I nestled closer, finding solace in our shared silence.
            Wrapped in the moonlit ambiance, his countenance revealed perfection – from the glint in his eyes to the subtle shimmer, bathed in the deep blue hue. I look at his lips he looks at mine, a magnetic pull drawing our gazes together. The moment unfolded, surpassing every expectation, as we finally closed the lingering distance – and it was everything I would've hoped for.

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