Chapt 8

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Astrid's pov
       After that fiasco, Hiccup and the other dragon riders were once again locked up in their cells. Hiccup's words had left a lasting impression on us all. We had never shown him any compassion, and now he had become the leader of the enemy's army. It was a stark reminder of what can happen when you push someone to their limits. As a Shield Maiden, it was my duty to patrol the cells and ensure that the prisoners were fed. Approaching Hiccup's cell, I found him lying on his side with untouched bowls of food on the ground. "You need to eat," I urged him. He turned to face me and replied, "Well, I guess I'll just go gnaw on some rocks then, since that's about as appetizing as your suggestion". Frustrated, I replied, "All I'm saying is that you shouldn't starve."
          Hiccup retorted, "Thanks for the life-saving tip, Captain Obvious. Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that breathing is important for staying alive."I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Does anyone ever get tired of you and your smart mouth?" I quipped. "Only the ones who can't handle the heat of my wit and charm, I suppose," he replied, feigning a hurt expression. I shook my head in disbelief. "When did you become so full of yourself?"Hiccup chuckled. "Well, when you're known as a hero from faraway lands, your ego tends to grow, just a smidge."Suddenly, my frustration boiled over, and I confronted him with an accusation. "You're known as the bloodthirsty killer whose stead is a no good dragon!"
         Hiccup looked genuinely confused. "Who are you getting your information from, sweetie?" "From the reliable and trustworthy trader Johann, sweetie!" I retorted. Hiccup erupted into laughter, joined by the others in nearby cells. "You have no idea who he really is," one of them remarked."He's been keeping up the charade for this long?" another added. "He's like a double-edged sword," Hiccup warned. "He may appear sharp and useful on the surface, but if you're not careful, he'll turn around and cut you when you least expect it."Feeling defensive, I snapped back, "He wouldn't do that."
Hiccup simply shook his head. "Just wait and see". I left irritated. He thinks I'll just believe him, after he faked his death, HAH, he's got another thing coming.
A month later
As I made my way to the prison to feed the captive dragon riders, I braced myself for hiccups usual biting remarks. But as I approached his cell he was asleep on his side, "Hiccup" I said. No response. "Hiccup" I said louder. Still no response. I open up the cell, "Hiccup get up". I threw his blanket to the side and turned him over. It wasn't him, it's a damn dummy. Panic set in as I checked the other cells, each one holding a similar wooden replacement. Without a moment's hesitation, I sprinted to the Chief's home, bursting in with my urgent news. "Chief, they're gone!" I gasped, struggling to catch my breath. His eyes widened with alarm as he barked out orders. "Find them, take Snoutlout, Fishlegs, the twins, and Gobber. Go, go, go!" I nodded, determined to locate the missing dragon riders and uncover the truth behind their escape.
I gathered up the team - Snoutlout, Fishlegs, the twins, Gobber, and myself - and quickly briefed them on the situation. Hiccup, was nowhere to be found, and it appeared that he had orchestrated an escape from the prison. We knew we had to act fast, as we were unsure of what Hiccup was capable of. His recent transformation into a ruthless enemy leader had left us all reeling, and we couldn't predict his next move. As we searched the arena, we found the dragons still caged, which made us all breathe a sigh of relief. However, it was clear that Hiccup had some sort of plan, and we had to find him before it was too late.
We made our way into the forest, combing through the thick underbrush and scanning the trees for any sign of our missing friend. Our footsteps were quiet as we moved, each of us on high alert for any indication of danger. Hours passed as we searched, calling out Hiccup's name in the hopes that he would hear us and respond. But the forest remained eerily silent, and we couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched.
"Augh this pointless" snoutlout said "snoutlout we have to find him" I said. "He probably left on a boat or something" he said irritated. "That really doesn't seem likely, first of all all the boats are in check and it would take them at least 3 weeks to build there own, and I don't think they would leave there dragons" fishlegs said. "Yeah yeah all I hear is blah blah blah" snoutlout said making a talking gesture, "let's just call it a day and look tomorrow". "Oh yes leave a mass murderer unattended, are you trying to get us killed" I yelled at him. Snoutlout crossed his arms and huffed in annoyance, but we couldn't afford to waste any time. We needed to find the missing person, and fast. Fishlegs was right - it didn't make sense for the culprit to have left on a boat. So, we decided to split up and search the surrounding areas.
I went with Gobber, while Fishlegs and Ruffnut teamed up, and Tuffnut went with Snoutlout. As we searched the dense forest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. What if we couldn't find him? What if we were too late? I tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand. After even more hours of searching, we regrouped at a clearing in the forest. Snoutlout was complaining about being hungry, and Tuffnut was teasing him as usual. I was about to scold them for being so careless when Ruffnut shushed us all. "Guys, look," she whispered, pointing towards the edge of the clearing. We all followed her gaze and saw figures moving in the distance. We quietly made our way towards them, trying not to alert whoever it was.
As we cautiously approached the clearing, our hearts racing with anticipation and fear, we saw a sight that took our breath away. The missing prisoners were there, standing before us, but they were not alone. A group of unfamiliar figures dressed in armor stood among them, their faces obscured by their helmets. In the distance, we could see countless boats lining the shore, each one a harbinger of danger and uncertainty. Hiccup, ever the fearless leader, was in the midst of a conversation with one of the armored men. As he turned to look at us, we knew we were caught. Our minds raced with questions and worries. Who were these strangers, and what did they want with us? Had they come to rescue the prisoners, or were they a threat to our very existence? As we stood there frozen in fear, we heard a thud behind us. We turned to see the mischievous sisters, Anna and Elsa, smirking in amusement. Oh gods help us.

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