Chapt 25

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Stoick pov

       Without hesitation, she swiftly grabbed the children and freed us from our restraints. We followed her out, passing unconscious guards strewn across the ground. "Is anyone hurt?" she inquired. We all shook our heads. "Excellent," she replied.
           As we emerged outside, a man on a dragon waited with passengers and took the children and fled into the sky. Blood, bodies, and weapons cluttered the scene. "Arm up and join the fray! We need every hand," she urged, charging into battle with her axe in hand.
          Armed with weapons, we attacked our foes relentlessly. The air thickened with smoke, and flames engulfed our surroundings. Buildings crumbled, and dragons swooped in, aiding our fight against the enemy. I fought alongside Spitelout and Big Mama.
            Spitelout was a fierce powerhouse, using his strength to take down adversaries. Big Mama, on the other hand, was agile and precise, swiftly defeating her foes with her sword skills. "Look out!" she shouted, shoving me away from danger as an enemy lunged at me. She swiftly struck down the attacker and helped me back up.
           A dragon descended, breathing fire both at the enemy and perilously close to us. "Up here," she urged, helping us ascend to the rooftop. From our vantage point, we witnessed the chaotic battleground below, with Berk warriors and Hiccup's forces battling Aron's soldiers amid a raging inferno.
       I anxiously searched for my son but couldn't spot him. "Can you see Hiccup?" I inquired. "Nope," Spitelout replied. "There!" Big Mama pointed toward the sea, where he commanded a massive Bewilderbeast. "Oh my Thor," I whispered in disbelief. "Ha! That's my boy!" Big Mama cheered.
          She gazed at the sky, smirked and whistled. Her dragon descended and carried all three of us aloft. "Hold on," she cautioned as the dragon leveled out.
            We soared above the battlefield, watching as the Bewilderbeast unleashed icy fury upon the enemy's ships. Big Mama gestured for the Bewilderbeast to halt. Hiccup, clad in dragon armor, turned to her in surprise.
        "Mom? What are you doing here?" he inquired. Big Mama boarded his dragon and embraced him. "I was captured," she explained. "I can see that. You left King by himself," he pointed out, referring to the Bewilderbeast.
        Suddenly, a net flew toward Hiccup and Big Mama's dragons, narrowly missing them. Hiccup signaled for the Bewilderbeast to freeze the enemy ship. "So, what's the plan?" Big Mama asked. "This is the plan," Hiccup replied.
         Then, an explosion rocked the village. "Are you mad!?" Big Mama exclaimed. "Damn straight," Hiccup asserted. "This isn't a joke. We'll die if we keep this up," Big Mama protested.
               "Well what do you suggest?" he asked. "Evacuate, exterminate, escape" she replied. "And that will work?" he asked. "You may be an experienced warrior and general, but let me tell you mother always knows best" she declared.
            Hiccup sighed and descended into the battlefield, with us following closely behind. He instructed his warriors to mount dragons, and they complied. Once everyone was airborne, they encircled the island.
         "Now, it's time for the extermination part," Big Mama stated. Hiccup nodded and led the dragons on a fiery assault, engulfing the entire island in flames. The air filled with cries and pleas for mercy, but they went unanswered. When the island was reduced to a massive inferno, we departed, leaving anyone remaining to perish in the flames.
           Watching our home consumed by flames was a heart-wrenching sight, though sadly not a new one. The difference this time was that we weren't staying to rebuild. I glanced at my fellow villagers – some wore expressions of sadness, others seethed with anger. But it was Hiccup's icy, indifferent stare that sent shivers down my spine. It was clear he had witnessed this too many times.
             Hiccup led the way, everyone following close behind. Then, a joyful cry pierced the somber air: "Daddy!" "Hiccup!" We both turned to see Hiccup's children riding on a passenger dragon. His entire demeanor transformed instantly. He beamed and embraced them tightly. Astrid arrived with Erik on her dragon, and Hiccup showered the children with affection, promising that this would never happen again and that he'd keep them safe from harm.
          "So, where are we going?" I asked. Hiccup's gaze turned serious again. "My island, it's much safer there," he replied.

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