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It was the U.A school festival. Class 1-A had just finished their big performance. Everyone was hyped and excited from the great show they just put on. All those hours of hard work and dedication paid off as the crowd still roared in approval despite the curtain being closed. After a short celebration of hugs and high fives, everyone began to clean up. Cables had to be rolled, microphones and amps needed to be put away, and Bakugo had to disassemble an entire drum kit.

After a few minutes, most of the people had filed out to go explore the rest of the festival. Only two people remained. Kyoka Jirou was minding her own business, delicately putting her bass away back in it's case while Denki Kaminari fumbled with the last of the cables. Ever since they started rehearsing for the concert, he found himself falling harder and harder for the punk rock girl. They always had a friendly relationship with her mainly teasing him but watching her sing and let loose while playing made him see her in a whole different light. Everyone in class 1-A thought Jirou was a good singer but Kaminari thought she sounded heavenly. He was always a big flirt and had no trouble talking to girls, but whenever he was around her he was always tripping over himself. If Jirou put a jack up to his chest she would no doubt hear his heart thumping at a million beats per second. Besides her musical talent and her good looks, there was also her personality. He loved her sarcastic witty attitude and her insulting nicknames for him. He found them a little mean and annoying at first but soon came to love them. It made him feel special that she always had something else to call him besides his name. And she never did that for anyone else.

It took him awhile, but he soon realized he had fallen for her, and fallen hard at that. He put in extra time during rehearsals so he could spend more time with him, and he hoped that he could impress her with his playing. He snuck another glance, blushing as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, showing off her jacks.

Man she is so cute

He thought to himself, tripping over a cable as he was not watching where he was going. Jirou tried hard to hold in her laughter but when she was around him, it was practically impossible. She always seemed to laugh louder when he was there. He never wanted to hear that laughter fade.

"Haha nice going jamming-whey"

She snorted as Kaminari got back to his feet. He was about to say something witty when he got lost in her eyes. The way she smiled at him made his mind go blank. He never felt this way before and he knew he had to say something about it.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't be so mean especially when you're hurt. Are you ok?"

She asked with sincerity in her eyes. Kaminari blinked a few times before his brain kicked in and he realized he had to respond.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, just didn't watch my step"

He replied, a faint blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"Good job today. All that practice really paid off"

Jirou said changing the subject.

"It was all thanks to you"

Kaminari replied with a smile.

"No no no cmon it was a group effort"

Despite having put on a banger of a show, Jirou was still shy from all the attention and praise everyone was giving her.

"Well duh but you carried us through that whole thing with your amazing vocals! Not to mention teaching us all how to play the song YOU wrote. We would've been a mess out there if it wasn't for you!"

If there was one thing that bothered Kaminari the most, it was when she tried to deny her talent. Sure humility is a good thing, but it was almost like she couldn't see just how amazing she was. He hoped she could see herself the way he saw her one day.

"Cmon you're being too nice"

She said as she lightly punched his arm before walking over to grab her bass.

"I'll see you around!"

She waved over her shoulder as she began to exit the stage. Kaminari's palms were sweating and his legs where visibly shaking with nerves. He'd been dying to ask her if she felt the same way but he was always scared of rejection. But a little voice inside his head that sounded awfully strange like Kirishima told him to man up and just ask.

"Kyoka wait!"

Kaminari called as he ran after her.

Jirou turned around with a puzzled look on her face.

He's never called me that before

Kaminari looked at the ground, fighting his nerves.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you"

He swallowed as he struggled to form the words. Jirou was curious as to what he had to say that could make him so nervous.

"I think you're really beautiful and amazing and
I was wondering if you maybe wanted to explore the festival together. You know.... like on a date?"

Kaminari asked as he finally managed to look up. Jirou stared at him stunned and perplexed. She never imagined he would ever ask her out let alone have feelings for her. A small part of her was happy and touched by his kind words but unfortunately she had to break the reality to him.

"I'm really sorry Denki, but I don't think of you in that way"

While it was a normal polite rejection her words had pierced Kaminari's heart like ice, making it go numb. Making him devoid of any emotion. Jirou could tell he was visibly upset and why shouldn't he be? He just confessed his feelings to a girl he liked only to be rejected.

"I'm really really sorry. But we can still be friends! You're a good guy and really funny!"

Jirou said with a smile as she tried to comfort the blonde. But nothing would ever comfort him. Nothing but the sweet embrace of her love which he would never get.

"Haha okay"

Kaminari replied with a fake smile as he tried to hold back tears.

"I'll see you later okay? Again, you did an amazing job!"

Jirou patted his arm reassuringly as she picked up her base and walked out of the building leaving Kamanari alone. He stood there for what felt like ages until the lights shut off and he slowly trudged outside. The sun was beginning to fade now, painting the streets with its golden glow as everyone began to tear down the festival.

"Hey man how'd it go!"

Kaminari looked up to see Kirishima walking up to him with Ashido, both holding massive cinnamon churros. Kirishima was one of the first people to suspect he  had a thing for Jirou and teased him about it until he finally had the guts to ask her out. Ashido of course being the gossip queen, anxiously awaited Kaminari's reply. He didn't even have to say a word. Kirishima could see it in his eyes.

"I'm sorry man. It will all be ok"

He said solemnly as he tried to give his friend a hug but Kaminari just pushed past him and continued on to the dorms, hands in his pockets looking at the ground. Ashido, refusing to believe that Jirou had actually turned him down, began to run after him but Kirishima grabbed her by the collar shaking his head.

"Let him go Ash. Just let the man be"

"There's no way she actually said no!"

Ashido shouted in disbelief.

"I would've thought so too, but obviously it didn't work out so just let it go"

Kirishima chuckled at how engaged she was in other people's relationships. The redhead had been hiding a little crush on the alien girl himself and he asked her out the same time Kaminari asked out Jirou, hoping they would've both walked away with girlfriends. Unfortunately things took a different turn.

"I refuse to believe that. Do you see the way she laughs whenever he's around? I know they're meant to be together"

Ashido said as she turned to watch Kaminari disappear form view.

I just know it

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