Chapter 8: Investigation

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As soon as she got back from the hospital, Jirou immediately fired up her laptop and scoured the internet for anything she could find on strychnine.  She read through medical journals, science wikipedias, even an article on military experiments.  Yet she came up with nothing.  A few websites she visited mentioned strychnine, but none of them provided her with the details of the poison needed for her to conduct a thorough investigation.  It was like the world didn't know of this poison's existence.

Jirou slammed her forehead on her desk in frustration after hours of research which yielded nothing. The sound of her stomach growling made her get up and go downstairs to get a bite to eat. She needed a break anyway. Her mind was completely numb from so much information being shoved down her brain. Unfortunately not a single bit of it useful in her investigation. Despite hitting a wall she was determined to succeed eventually. She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that someone actually tried to kill Kaminari.

"Everything alright Kyoka? You look like a zombie"

Jirou looked up to see Yaoyorozu standing behind the stove getting ready to brew a pot of tea.

"Yeah I'm fine. My brain is just complete mush right now"

Jirou replied yawning as she opened the fridge looking for something to eat. She was too brain dead to actually cook something so she just went with a simple bowl of rice with a fried egg on top.

"Ahhh we've all been there. What were you working on?"

Yaoyorozu asked, pouring a cup of tea for herself and Jirou. Kyoka racked her brain thinking of a legitimate excuse that wouldn't raise any questions.

"Oh just something for my work study with Gang Orca. The agency just had a battle with a villain who had a poison quirk, and I was trying to research the venom to help come up with a contingency plan but I couldn't find anything"

"Oh sounds interesting"

Yaoyorozu replied without even batting an eye. Jirou breathed a sigh of relief as she continued eating her food.

"I actually have something that might help you. I have an old medical journal from my parents library you could borrow. It might have some of the answers you're looking for"

"Wow thanks Yaomomo. I'll definitely take a look at it"

"Of course! I'll be right back"

Yaoyorozu raced up to her room and returned a few minutes later with a thick leather bound book. Jirou immediately started flipping through it, her spark of determination returning as she read every single word of every single page desperately praying she wouldn't find something useful.

"I'll leave you to it"

Yaoyorozu chuckled before heading back to her room.

Unfortunately it seemed like she would never get her. Despite reading through the entire night and into the wee hours of the morning, Yaoyorozu's book had also failed to yield any useful information. Jirou was nearing the last few pages and was starting to give up hope. Her eyes felt heavy and she could feel herself fading in and out. She was about to succumb to the lull of sleep when something caught her eye. She immediately sat up, any feeling of drowsiness disappeared as a wide smile broke across her face. There it was.  A small paragraph all about strychnine.  Or what little the human race knew about it. 

One of the rarest poisons known to man, strychnine is as dangerous to make as it is to the human body.   Only the most skilled chemists with the adequate equipment could even hope to correctly synthesize the compound. Bioengineered with benzotipethonite and the root of the Welwitschia Mirabilis, the toxin is at first benign when administered into the body where it lays dormant until activated by the chemical reaction of adrenaline entering the bloodstream.  Upon activation, it will overload the body's allergic reaction responses before shutting down all brain and life functions. Initial symptoms include headache, nausea, jaundice, and shortness of breath.  Symptoms will progress to unconsciousness, seizure, rapid pulse, and most lethal, cerebral atrophy and cardiac arrest.

Jirou breathed a sigh of relief as she immediately wrote down everything she could.  It wasn't much but at least she found out the active ingredients and that was a start.  The feeling of euphoria quickly vanished as the excitement died down and the drowsiness returned.  Unable to fight it any longer, Jirou gave in and buried her face into the pages, falling asleep in seconds.  Her smile still plastered on her face as she drifted off. 

Sorry for taking so long.  Lot of important stuff I had to do plus Jedi Survivor came out and I had to grind it out.  10/10 would recommend.  I know this chapter is short but it's needed to progress the main conflict of the story.  The next chapter will be longer and have some more cute Kamijiro moments I promise

Waiting On You (Kamijirou)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon