Chapter 13: A Startling Revelation

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A dark cloud loomed over U.A as heavy rain drenched the earth with it's downpour.  Most of Class 1-A carried on as normal but Kyoka Jirou was hurting.  Hurting worse than she had ever been hurt before in her life.  The last thing she ever wanted, had come to pass.  Ever since that fateful night, Kaminari had been acting like he did ever since she rejected him all those years ago, but this time it was different.  The look in his eyes was not that of heartbreak, but of anger.

He ignored her again, only acknowledging her if he had to, but she could hear the bitterness in his voice every time he spoke.  It was bad for her the first time she lost time.  It was even worse this time around.  She could now understand exactly what he was feeling back then.  And that's what made it hurt the most.  She tried to fix things, but every time she tried to speak to him he would just glare at her and walk away. 

They were coming up on that time of the year when they would have their school festival.  Everyone was looking forward to it but it only brought up bad memories for Jirou.  She sat quietly in her seat as her classmates eagerly discussed what they should do to go out with a bang.  It would be their final school festival at U.A after all. However nothing would ever top their concert they did in their first year. Normally Jirou would be excited for the festival but after the events of last night, she felt like nothing would ever be able to excite her ever again. After a few minutes of deliberation, the class went with Sato's idea of a food stall. That way they could just rotate shifts giving them all more time to explore the festival.

Returning to her room at the end of the day, Jirou flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She was too emotionally exhausted to cry. As she rolled over on her side she caught a glimpse of a piece of paper on her desk. It was her notes she took about the poison that almost killed Kaminari. Anger bubbled up inside of her as she walked over and scooped up the paper. As she held it in her hands, a single teardrop fell, staining the paper. She crumbled it together as she tossed it in the waistband. While Kaminari was no longer talking to her, she still loved him dearly, and she couldn't bear to think that the assassin was still out there. She swore vengeance and vengeance she will have. Even if Kaminari hated her for for the rest of his life. 

It was a simple plan, a super dangerous one that could ultimately get her kicked out of school but simple nonetheless.  Security would be more relaxed because of the festival, giving her the perfect opportunity to sneak off campus and take a closer look at the compound she and Yaoyorozu found during their patrol. 

Her opportunity came sooner than she expected.  Aizawa gave them the whole day off so she was left alone to do whatever she wanted.  While the rest of the girls went off to explore what the festival had to offer, Jirou pretended she had to go to the bathroom and when the coast was clear, she snuck around to the other side of the building.  She climbed a tree and jumped over the wall, rolling to safety to break the fall.  Before heading down to the train station, she pulled a black hoodie and a pair of sweatpants out of her backpack to throw on over her uniform to avoid being recognized.  Boarding the train to the edge of town where the warehouse district was, she stood in the corner with her hood pulled up looking at the floor the whole time.  Thankfully the train wasn't busy and she made it to the hidden path without any issues. 

As she approached the gate, she quickly put on a face mask to further hide her identity as she stealthily approached the compound.  When the coast was clear she hopped over the gate and low crawled through the bushes until she had a visual on the compound.  Pulling out a pair of binoculars, she did a quick recon of the area checking for any guards or cameras.  All the trucks were gone so the area was significantly less fortified than last time she was here.  A sniper stood on the roof while two guards armed with MP5 sub machine guns walked around the perimeter with one guard with a Benelli M4 shotgun stood at the front door.   After addressing the guards she looked for a way in.  The front door was obviously a no go and breaking a window would cause to much noise.  After a minute of surveying the building, she found an AC vent on the roof which she decided would be her best entry into the compound.

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