Chapter 4: Party Planning

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After a long hard week of classes, it was finally the Friday. The students of class 3-A had been training relentlessly, and were looking forward to the weekend to relax and let off some much needed steam. 

"What do you guys want to do?"

Ashido asked as they walked back to the dorms after school. 

"I don't know but we gotta do something fun!  I'd love to be able to get out of the dorms for awhile"

Kaminari replied. 

"Oh I have an idea.  What if we all have a pool party at my house tomorrow?"

Yaoyorozu suggested.  Everyone seemed very eager about the idea, and they all began chatting excitedly. 

"Do we have to invite Mineta though?"

Asui asked as everyone immediately groaned as they realized what Mineta at a pool party would be like. 

"Oh my god absolutely not!"

Jirou whispered loudly. 

"Invite me to what?"

Mineta asked from the back of the pack. 

"Uhhhhh nothing!"

Uraraka added quickly as the rest of the girls grouped together so they could talk amongst themselves without him eavesdropping.

"I can't wait for this party but I don't have anything cute to wear"

Ashido pouted as they entered the dorms. 

"Well let's go shopping then! Let's all change and meet down here in about thirty minutes and we can all go to the mall!"

Hagakure suggested. 

"Great idea! I'll text the guys!"

Ashido shouted as she ran off to her room. A half hour later they were at the local mall.  Mineta unfortunately realized something was going on without him and begged to be included.  Out of pity the rest of the class relented but Iida threatened that there would be severe consequences if the grape boy could not control himself from acting out his perverted tendencies. 

Jirou was looking through a rack of swim suits, unsure of what to buy.  She wasn't insecure with herself, but she didn't feel like wearing something super revealing, especially when girls like Mina and Yaoyorozu were going to be there.  She pushed aside another set of swimwear and was met with a pink face smiling back at her.

"Ahhh Mina you scared me!"

Jirou shouted as Ashido laughed as she emerged from the clothing rack. 

"Looking for something Kyoka?"

The alien hero asked slyly.  Jirou knew that look on her face and she dreaded the upcoming conversation she was about to endure. 


Jirou replied in her usual snarky demeanor. 

"Trying to impress somebody?"

Ashido rested her head on Jirou's shoulder, that mischievous look in her eyes. 

"What the hell are you talking about"

Jirou scoffed as she continued browsing the selection. 

"You've been talking an awful lot to Kaminari lately"

Ashido teased as she rested her hands under her chin, not taking her eyes off of Jirou.  Mina was disappointed when Jirou turned down Kaminari but she never gave up hope that the two of them could end up together.  The fact that they seemed to be buddy buddy again gave her hope that she could make it a reality.  And Jirou did seem to be hanging around him a lot more than usual.  Even more than their first year. 

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