Authors Note

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I'm so sorry this took way to long to finish.  School has been a hassle and honestly I kind of lost the motivation to write.  I'm honestly glad I waited though because I would rather take my time and write something good than just whip up a half assed chapter for the sake of completion. 

Anyway the story is basically over.  Akira is behind bars and Kaminari and Jirou are together.  I'm gonna keep adding a few more parts developing their relationship as they get older but there's no longer going to be a pivotal plot line and stuff like that.  Think of it like a series of one shots all in the same timeline.  They're also probably going to be mainly cute couple moments instead of action packed battles but you know me, I love a good fight scene so I'll probably sneak one in somehow. 

Anyway thanks for all your support! I couldn't do any of this without you guys

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