Chapter 15: The Wait is Done

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After kicking the crap out of Akira, Jirou shared all the information she gathered with Mr. Aizawa regarding the plan to take out the city's power. The police organized a raid and a swat team along with a couple of pros took down the organization and arrested everyone involved. Akira was sent to prison (after a quick visit to the hospital of course). Kaminari had to spend the night in the infirmary with recovery girl but he would be all right. Everything wrapped up perfectly.

Well almost perfect. Aizawa was furious with Jirou for sneaking out and going on a solo infiltration mission with no backup, but since she did bring Akira to justice and saved the whole city, she only got house arrest for the next few weeks. She was doing her chores when her classmates came back after the end of the festival.

"Ayyyy there she is!"

Ashido shouted as the rest of class crowded around Jirou to congratulate her.

"You really did a number on Akira. Remind me to never piss you off again"

Kirishima chuckled.

"Well the bitch had it coming"

Jirou replied as the rest of the class laughed.

"I can't believe it was her the whole time. She seemed so sweet and innocent"

Uraraka said.

"You are all idiots. That skank didn't fool me for a second. She was so goddamn annoying. Leave it to sparky to find someone who pisses me off more than him"

Bakugo grunted as he made his way up to his room. After a few more minutes of congregating, the class split off to ether go to bed or hang out in their own groups. Jirou picked up a rag and started cleaning the windows when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"So what happens now?"

Ashido smirked as she sat up on the windowsill next to Jirou.

"I don't know. Akita's in jail, the bomb has been stopped, there's nothing really else to-"

"Oh not that!"

Ashido cut her off with a wave of her hand.

"I mean what's gonna happen now between you and Kaminari now that Akira is out of the picture"

"Oh that what now"

Jirou hung her head as she looked at the floor. She had no idea what to do. She hadn't talked to Kaminari since the fight and even then it wasn't much of a conversation.

"I wouldn't count on anything Mina. I kind of screwed up everything between us in case you haven't noticed. I don't think we'll ever be able to make it work. We always had bad luck when it came to us"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that"

Ashido teased, her endless smirk still plastered on her face.

"I could tell he had a crush on you from the way he looked at you. And to be honest, he never stopped, even when he was with Akira"

Ashido said before jumping down from the ledge.

"I'm just saying I think you have more of a chance than you think"

She called over her shoulder as she walked away. Jirou shook her head as she went back to cleaning but she couldn't help but smile. Jirou kept cleaning into the night, wanting to finish as much of her chores as she could. It's not like she had anything better to do anyway. 

As soon as she was done she made her way up to her room but she couldn't get the fight out of her mind so she went to her usual spot on the balcony, grabbing her guitar first.  It was chilly that evening yet she found the cold air soothing. She strummed a couple chiefs, humming along as she let the silence of the night and the bright lights of the city put her at ease.  Tuning her guitar down, she started playing one of her favorite acoustic guitar songs, Patience by Guns n Roses. 

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