Chapter 11: Rooftop Showdown

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The sound of glass shattering followed splintered wood a second later interrupted what had so far been a pretty decent night.  Another round fired into the restaurant moments later completely shattering the window pane as the bullet sailed through the room, landing harmlessly in the wall.   Reacting quickly, Todoroki dove from his seat and rolled to the window creating a thick wall of ice covering the entire front section of the restaurant.  A few more gunshots could be heard but thankfully the ice was too strong and blocked all the bullets.  The rest of of class 1-A got up and assisted in getting all the patrons away from the window to the back of the kitchen.

"Ears.  Where's the shooter?"

Bakugo grunted as he cautiously approached the ice once the shooting ceased.  Jirou plugged her earphone jacks in the wall, closing her eyes as she listened closely for any sounds of movement.  She sifted through screaming civilians and shuffling feet before she picked up on the sound of heavy boots scampering across metal and concrete. 

"He's running along the rooftops across the street"

Jirou replied as she rose from her position. 

"Jirou's right.  I got a heat signature moving east"

Yaoyorozu added as she peered through the ice using thermal goggles.  Without hesitation Bakugo blasted open a hole in the ice as he took off, using his explosions to propel himself as he chased after the shooter. 

"Goddamit Bakugo"

Todoroki sighed as the rest of the class emerged from the back of the restaurant.  Iida took charge as class rep and quickly devised a plan of action. 

"Sero, Tokoyami. You guys are both fast and mobile.  Go catch up to Bakugo.  Jirou, Kirishima, and Ashido.  Follow them in case they need backup.  The rest of us will stay with the civilians in case more of them show up"

Sero and Tokoyami nodded before taking offs after Bakugo.  Tokoyami using Dark Shadow to fly through the night with Sero right behind him using his tape to swing around like Spider-Man.  Jiro, Kirishima, and Ashido ran as fast as they could behind them, using Bakugo's explosions to track the chase. 

High up in the sky, Bakugo narrowed his eyes as he scanned the rooftops looking for the shooter.  After a few minutes he saw a lone figure in the distance a few buildings ahead of him. 


Bakugo smirked as he quickly followed in pursuit, quickly gaining on the shooter.  As he got closer he saw a man wearing a tactical vest and helmet with a long rifle strapped to his back.  He was close to catching him when the shooter spun around in mid air, firing a few rounds from a handgun.  Bakugo's eyes widened as he quickly created a massive explosion propelling him out of the way as the bullets flew past him.   He landed on the roof and rolled behind an AC unit as he heard more gunshots hitting the unit from the other side.  He slowly peered his head around the corner but lost visual on the gunman.  A few moments later, Tokoyami and Sero landed on the roof next to him. 


Bakugo yelled as he angrily looked around. 


Tokoyami pointed as he saw the man climbing the fire escape to a tall apartment complex a few buildings over"

Without saying a word, Bakugo again took off after him with Sero and Tokoyami close behind.  As they landed on the roof, they saw the gunman running at a full sprint toward the edge of the building. 

"He's got nowhere to run"

Tokoyami stated, as the apartment complex they were on was significantly taller than the other buildings around, but the gunman didn't slow down.  As he neared the edge he pulled a grappling hook from his belt, attaching the cable to the roof before zip lining to another building way in the distance. 

Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to destroy the cable winch causing the shooter to fall, but the gunman was too quick and grabbed the rope as he swung into the building crashing against the wall.  He then began climbing the rope to the roof.  Unfortunately for him, the climb slowed him down and as he hauled himself up, he came face to face with a smirking Bakugo. 

Jirou and the others climbed the maintenance ladder to find Bakugo holding the shooter by the ankle as he dangled him off the side of the building. 


Bakugo shouted as the man screamed in fear, begging that Bakugo not drop him. 


Bakugo threatened as his hands started smoldering, sending a shooting pain up the man's leg. 


The man cried, pleading for his life.  With one swift motion, Bakugo swung the gunman back onto the roof.  The shooter quickly scampered to his knees, hyperventilating from the fear and adrenaline coursing through his body. 

"You said it was a job.  Who hired you?"

Bakugo snarled.  The man composed himself as best he could before slowly standing up. 

"I-I'm not sure"

Bakugo smacked his palms together emitting a series of sparks.  The man quickly put his hands up as he backed away. 

"I'm serious.  I never met them in person.  I'm just a a gun for hire.  A folder full of cash showed up at my doorstep with a series of instructions.  I was supposed to terminate the target and get out"

"Who was your target?"

Tokoyami asked. 

"I don't know here's the folder t-take whatever you want"

The gunman stuttered as he pulled out a manila folder which Bakugo quickly swiped.  The heroes gathered around him as he opened it up, revealing a picture of Kaminari taken from the sports festival with a red cross hair drawn on his face.  Jirou's heart dropped. 

So they are targeting Kaminari after all.

Jirou felt the anger rise within her as she stormed over to the gunman. 

"What do you guys want with Kaminari? Why do you keep trying to kill him."

She demanded.

"I-I don't know.  I got no quarrel with him. Like I said I was just hired to take him out."

Jirou couldn't suppress the anger any longer and clocked the guy straight on the jaw with a powerful punch instantly putting him to sleep. 

"What the hell is going on? Why did someone just order a hit on Kaminari?"

Kirishima asked as Sero restrained the shooter with his tape. 

"I have no idea but we better inform Mr. Aizawa or the events that transpired here tonight"

Tokoyami replied, to which everyone agreed. 

After notifying Iida that the assassin had been neutralized, they all hurried back to the dorms with everyone on high alert as they surrounded Kaminari in case another attempt on his life should happen. Thankfully no such attempt was made and they all made it back safely where Aizawa was already waiting for them. 

"Sit down and make yourselves comfortable"

He said in a stern voice as they all went inside the common room. 

"We have much to discus"

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