Chapter 5: Bad Timing

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The suns rays crept through Jirou's blinds as she rubbed her eyes, stretching her arms as she rose to start the day. It was the perfect weather for a pool party. Particularly warm for this time of the year, and not a cloud in sight. Despite everything that happened yesterday, Jirou was determined to have a good time.  She normally wasn't one for big events like this, but she was always down to hang out with her friends. 

Opening her closet, she got dressed for the day before heading downstairs to join her classmates.  She didn't pick out a super crazy outfit, just some jean shorts and a faded grey Metallica shirt on top of her new bathing suit.  Most of the class had already gathered in the common room, wearing similar swim attire. 

"All right everybody the limo is here! Are we all ready to go?"

Yaoyorozu exclaimed as she headed for the door. 

"Wait for meeeeee!"

Jirou looked down the hallway to see Kaminari sprinting from the elevator.  His hair was a mess and his Hawaiian shirt was buttoned up incorrectly.  She quickly looked away as she felt a faint blush creep up on her. 

"Almost late again jamming whey"

She teased, forcing herself to look away for fear of embarrassment. 

"Hey better late then never!"

Kaminari replied, his signature bright smile plastered on his face. 

"But never late is better"

Iida teased as he patted Kaminari on the shoulder before entering the limo.  The class had a super fun time on the drive over, dancing and jamming out to music as they talked and laughed.  Everyone was super pumped to relax and cool off after the long stressful week they had.

Yaoyorozu spared no expense ensuring her friends had a great time at the party. The pool was massive with a cool waterfall set up at the end. A gazebo hosting a large table was filled with plates of sandwiches and various snacks along with coolers packed with ice cold drinks. A full surround system lined the backyard and butlers waited on standby for anything they might need.

"All right let's party!"

Kirishima yelled as he immediately threw off his clothes and jumped in to the pool with a massive cannonball. Ashido followed right behind him doing a gainer off the diving board. Sero used his tape to swing high into the air before doing a perfect swan dive into the water.  The party was in full swing after that.  Most of the kids were having fun in the water with a few of them ether eating or chilling on the pool deck.  Mineta could not contain himself as promised, so he was tapped to a chair and left on the side.  After a few minutes Jirou took a little break and swam to the edge of the pool, sitting on the side dangling her legs in the water.  Feeling the hot sun and the cool water, she relaxed and closed her eyes as she bobbed her head to the music. 

"Hey Jirou!"

She opened her eyes to see Kaminari sitting next to her.  She felt her heartbeat rise as her eyes wandered over his body.  He had gotten taller, tanner, and more muscular.  Her feelings for him grew because of his personality and his admirable traits, but his attractive features only added more fuel to the fire.  Not wanting to be caught staring she immediately turned her attention back to the pool, hoping her blush would die down. 

"Have you decided where you want to work after graduation?"

She asked thinking of something to talk about to take her mind off of her not so family friendly thoughts. 

"Kirishima keeps trying to convince me to work at Fat Gum's agency with him.  I think it could be fun, but I'm mainly just focused on getting through school right now.  I'll worry about being an adult when I have to be"

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