Chapter 10: Celebration

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Jirou sat in the common room along with everyone else anxiously awaiting Kaminari's return.  The last few days hadn't been the same without him.  Things had been too quiet in the barracks without his rambunctious antics.  Jirou didn't know which was worse. The fact that she almost lost him or the fact that someone out there tried to kill him. She also wondered whether the person was specifically targeting Kaminari, or if they were going for everyone in the class. She pondered whether or not she should tell Aizawa everything about her investigation but her teacher wanted to keep everything on the down low. Plus she would probably get detention for the rest of the year, deviating from her patrol and going into a criminal hideout alone without any back up, so she decided to keep it to herself.

"Hey what's up party people?"

Jirou's face immediately lit up as she turned to see Kaminari walking through the door. His ever present dorky smile lighting up the room. She immediately ran over and wrapped him up in a hug before anyone else got the chance. Kaminari was shocked at first by her sudden display of affection but he quickly reciprocated the hug. Jirou felt so happy in that moment, just being in his arms felt right and there was no place she'd rather be. The world could've ended at that moment and she would have no regrets. Actually there would be one. She wouldn't be able to absolutely kick the sh*t out of whoever tried to take her best friend from her.

"Ayyyyy Kami-bro! How you feeling big man?"

Kirishima shouted with joy as the rest of the class filed in to welcome back their classmate. Jirou stepped away so everyone else could gather around and see Kaminari again.

"I'm feeling great and I got the grandest idea. Who's up for some kareoke tonight?"

Jirou's ears perked up at the suggestion as a few others murmured with excitement.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Kaminari? I mean, you were just released from the hospital. You should rest and take it easy"

Iida suggested.

"What the hell do you think I've been doing the past few days? I've done nothing but sleep. I've been cooped up in that tiny little room and now I'm ready to have some fun! Akira found this really cool restaurant that's got banging food and an awesome stage"

Jirou couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Of course she'd be there

Kyoka honestly couldn't see why Denki was dating Akira. She was smart and intelligent but the way she talked made her sound so dumb.

Actually it makes perfect sense why they're together

Deep down Jirou knew the reason she was bothered by Akira so much was because she was jealous. Akira was so sweet and there was practically nothing you couldn't not like about the girl. Besides the fact she was dating the boy she was in love with.

"I'm not sure. We still have class tomorrow.."

Iida stammered but Kirishima cut him off.

"Chill out Iida. My man is back in action and we need to celebrate!"

After being outvoted nineteen to one, Iida begrudgingly agreed to tag along. Even Bakugo wanted to come. Not to sing but in his own words, watch you extras embarrass yourselves. After a short train ride, the class pulled up to the restaurant where Akira was waiting at a large table.

"Hi baby! I missed you soooo much"

Akira squealed as she ran over to her boyfriend.

"Miss me? But you saw me yesterday. And the day before that!"

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