Chapter 6: Hero Down

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"All right class settle down"

After a much needed weekend break, it was back to the grindstone for our young heroes. 

"Since you kids are about to become real pros very shortly, you'll be doing some real hands on hero work on your own without any direct supervision"

Aizawa said, earning an excited chatter from the students. 

"We'll start of easy with some basic patrols.  I know you all have gone out before during your work studies, but this will be a chance for you to act on your own without someone in charge of you giving orders.  I'll be monitoring everything from here of course and myself or another teacher will come to your aid should the need arise.  Remember, out there you'll be representing yourself and your class.  Act accordingly and behave properly.  I'd hate to see any of you ruin your reputation before your career even starts"

Aizawa continued as he changed slides to a map of Musutafu, along with a list of pairs and their respective district. 

"These are all the districts you will be responsible for patrolling.  Everyone will stay within the city limits.  Additionally I'll be passing around transmitters you can use to communicate with me and the rest of the class.  I'll be tracking everyone's location as well"

Aizawa glanced at the future pros in front of him.  He couldn't help but smile as he thought about how far these kids had come in the last few years. 

"You all have your assignments.  Now get out there and make me proud!"

It had been a relatively uneventful day.  Kaminari had been paired up with Tokoyami and the two had very little disturbances to settle.  The only excitement being a thug trying to steal an elderly lady's purse which the boys quickly put a stop to with ease. 

"Kaminari, may I ask you a question?"

The bird boy said breaking the silence as they continued walking. 

"Yeah sure what's up man?"

Kaminari replied. 

"It is a personal matter that I need your help with"

Tokoyami paused as he took a deep breath, a faint blush of embarrassment on his cheeks.  Kaminari anxiously waited with anticipation.  He never saw Tokoyami looks this embarrassed before. 

"How do you ask a girl out?"

Kaminari was stunned.  He never imagined Tokoyami to ever be the one to talk to him about girls.  He immediately smiled as his face lit up with excitement.

"Dude I totally got you.  Who's the lucky girl?"

Tokoyami looked away for a second, hesitant to reveal his crush.

"It's Asui!"

Dark Shadow teased, poking his head out of Tokoyami's chest.

"Shut up will you?"

Tokoyami hissed as he called Dark Shadow back, the beast cackling with laughter as he retreated into Tokoyami's body.

"My man!"

Kaminari exclaimed as he slapped Tokoyami on the back. 

"How long has this been going on?"

"We'll we've been talking and hanging out for awhile now and I want to make things official but I've never really been the best with girls and I have no idea what I'm doing"

Tokoyami replied, still looking at the ground.

"Hey no problem bro.  Akira is my first girlfriend so I don't really know what I'm doing ether.  To be honest I have no idea how I got her to go out with me.  All you got to do is be yourself and just pop the question.  Find the right time and just be upfront.  You guys will be hella cute together!"

Tokoyami blushed at the response. 

"Where should I take her?"

"Start with something small like dinner.  Or maybe an activity you know she'll enjoy.  Just talk and hang out.  Let things come naturally and everything will be all right.  You're a stud dude.  You totally got this!"

Kaminari said encouragingly.  Tokoyami smiled as he finally had the courage to return eye contact. 

"Thank you Kaminari.  I feel much better now"

Tokoyami replied, extending his hand. 

"No problem bro.  I got you anytime!"

Kaminari replied as he shook his hand.  Suddenly the building next to them exploded, sending bricks and debris flying everywhere.  Kaminari looked up to see it was a bank.  A couple of masked bandits emerged from the smoke, carrying briefcases overflowing with bills as they took off down the street, alarms blaring behind them.  Kaminari smirked as he looked over at Tokoyami, sparks emitting from his body. 

"Time to go to work"

He said as he slammed his palm against his fist.  Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow as the pair ran off after the thieves. 

"Give me a boost!"

Kaminari shouted.  Tokoyami nodded as he grabbed the blonde with Dark Shadow, hurling him at the bandits.  Kaminari flew through the air, tackling one to the ground while discharging the electricity.  The bandit shook in agony before losing consciousness, his clothes smoldering.  The second one threw his case at Kaminari before turning around and fleeing in the opposite direction.  He didn't get very far however as a massive hand of shadow slammed him into a nearby building, instantly knocking him out. 

Kaminari stood up and wiped the dust off his clothes before he was hit with a massive headache.  He staggered around clutching his forehead as his vision suddenly became blurry. 

"Kaminari are you ok? Did you go over your limit?"

Tokoyami asked with concern as he knelt down to check on his friend. 

"No no I'm fine.  I barely hit him with anything"

Kaminari replied as he struggled to his feet.  A wave of nausea rolled over him as he bent over and threw up. 

"Here why don't you sit down for a bit"

Tokoyami suggested as he helped his friend over to a bench.

"I told you I'm fine"

Kaminari replied, his words slurring as everything started spinning. 

"I'm.... Fine"

He collapsed to the floor, his body withering like he was having a seizure. 


Tokoyami screamed as he rolled his friend over.  Kaminari's eyes started to roll into the back of his head and his face started turning pale.  Tokoyami put his finger to his ear as he activated his transmitter. 

"Hero down hero down! I repeat! Kaminari is down!"

Back at UA, Aizawa sprang out of his chair as he ran over to the monitor.  Sure enough, Kaminari's vitals were spiking. 

"Tokoyami what's happening!"

"I...I have no idea.  One minute he was fine, then he suddenly passed out"

Tokoyami put a hand to Kaminari's forehead.  He was burning up. 

"Get him to a hospital.  I'm on my way!"

Aizawa ordered as he sprinted out of the room. 

"Yes sir!"

Tokoyami replied as he activated Dark Fallen Angel, picking up Kaminari and flying as fast as he could toward the nearby hospital. 


From the shadows of a nearby alley, a hooded figure watched the scene intently before retreating into the darkness.   

Everything is going exactly as planned

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