Chapter 9: Second Patrol

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Jirou sat at her desk, tapping her fingers across the wood as she stared blankly at the empty seat next to her.  The last few days of class hadn't felt the same since Kamanari was in the hospital.  Thankfully he would be discharged later today, and she couldn't wait to see her best friend again. 

"All right you have your assignments.  Now get out the and make me proud.  After the incident during the last patrol, I'll be monitoring you guys a lot closer from here and check ins will occur every twenty minutes this time instead of the usual hour.  Additionally, Ectoplasm and Snipe have volunteered to be out in the field with you guys and will be able to respond to a casualty much quicker in case something goes wrong.  Keep your heads on a swivel and do not engage in combat unless absolutely necessary"

With that, Aizawa concluded his brief and the students set out to patrol their respective districts of the city.  Jirou was paired up with Yaoyorozu again as they walked the streets of Mustutafu.  Jirou kept alert as her eyes scanned her surroundings for any sign of trouble but she was also secretly hoping to find anything that could help her figure out what happened to Kaminari.

As they continued their patrol, Yaoyorozu couldn't help but notice Kyoka was acting rather odd today. She hadn't said a single word and her eyes were cold and determined. In fact, ever since Kaminari's accident, she hadn't been the same.

"Are you ok there Kyoka?"

Jirou snapped out of her stern gaze as she looked over at her friend. 

"Yeah what's up?"

The pink replied nonchalantly. 

"I don't know you just seem like there's something troubling you"

Jirou couldn't tell Yaoyorozu exactly what was bothering her. If everyone found out a killer was targeting one of them, chaos would ensue, and there was already more than enough crazy at UA for Jirou to handle.

"I'm fine ok. Just please focus on the patrol"

Jirou replied coldly as she turned back to the street.   Despite trying to cheer her friend up, Yaoyorozu feared she only pissed of Jirou even more. 

They were now in the warehouse district of the city. Hundreds of men in hard hats walked around carrying heavy pallets of cargo while a few drove forklifts, loading and unloading trucks filled with all sorts of products that would be shipped to the rest of the city.  

As they continued on in silence, Yaoyorozu thought how she could make it up to her friend.  The entire class was in shock at what happened to Kaminari but it seemed to be taking its toll on Jirou the worst.  Getting desperate, Yaoyorozu reached down and scooped up a flower off the ground and handed it to her friend.

Jirou eyed Yaoyorozu suspiciously as she slowly took the flower, chuckling as she rolled it between her fingers. Her eyes narrowed and she immediately turned to Yaoyorozu as she held up the flower.

"Where did you get this?"

While Jirou had never seen this flower in person, she had started at the image of it for hours. It's every detail permanently seared into her brain. Yaoyorozu was very confused to say the least. She had never seen Jirou so enamored with a flower before.

"Where did this come from Yaomomo?"

Jirou asked again. Initially Yaoyorozu thought Jirou hated the gift, yet despite her cold gaze and serious demeanor, there was a sparkle of excitement behind her eyes.

"I-I don't know I just found it on the ground right here-"

Yaoyorozu didn't get to finish before Jirou started walking away, slowly following the path of the flowers as it led away from the main road. Mono stood still in confusion before quickly following her friend.

"Kyoka what's going on? What's so important about this flower?"

"This is Welwitschia Mirabilis. One of the key ingredients in the poison that almost killed Kaminari"

Jirou responded still following the trail like a dog tracking a scent.

"Poison? But Kaminari got sick right? It was an allergic reaction"

Jirou froze as she realized what she said. She got so caught up in finally having a lead that she forgot that she was the only one in the class who knew the truth about what happened. Yaoyorozu slowly started putting the pieces together, especially after she remembered lending Jirou her family's book.

"You didn't borrow that book for Gang Orca...."

Jirou ran over and grabbed Yaoyorozu by the shoulders.

"Yaomomo you can't say a word about this to anyone. I'm gonna track this guy down I just need some more evidence"

"Kyoka are you insane? We should tell Aizawa! The police!"

Yaoyorozu stammered but was quickly hushed by Jirou.

"They already know Momo. They didn't want to tell us for this exact reason. They feared we'd all freak out if we knew the truth"

"Hang on... how do you know he was poisoned then"

Yaoyorozu asked.

"I may have used my super hearing when they were at the hospital"

Kyoka replied slyly as she continued her search. They had traveled quite a bit from the main road and were now following a dirt path leading into a small forest.

"Kyoka this is dangerous. If you say Aizawa and the police are handling it, we should just leave it to them"

"Well they're moving way to slow. I'm not gonna sit around waiting while the guy who tried to kill my friend is still out there"

The sound of footsteps alerted Jirou as she suddenly pulled Yaoyorozu behind a bush as a mysterious armed guard emerged from a clearing in the woods. A minute later a small truck pulled up in front of them. The driver got out to open the back while the guard began poking his head around. Jirou slowly crawled along the bush to get a look at the contents. Inside were a bunch of large white barrels. The writing was faint from a distance but Jirou thought she could make out one word.


Satisfied with his inspection, the guard opened up a gate off the path covered with leaves as the truck pulled off into the thicket. When the coast was clear Jirou ran over to the gate and hopped the fence. Yaoyorozu was pleaded with Jirou to turn back but the punk hero was having none of it. Sighing in frustration Yaoyorozu got up and followed her friend.

Jirou lay prone underneath a shrub as she observed her surroundings. About fifty years ahead lay a clearing in which sat a small building Jirou assumed to be some kind of factory or laboratory.

"Yaomomo could you make me a pair of binoculars please?"

Yaoyorozu sighed as she popped them out of her arm and handed them to Jirou. As she scoped out the building, Jirou saw a security guard watching the front door while another guard patrolled the roof. Guys in white lab coats flooded out the building as they helped unload the benzotipethonite and other items from the truck.

A secret lab carrying benzotipethonite surrounded by Welwitschia Mirabilis? This can't be a coincidence. They have to be making strychnine in there which means I'll find out who tried to kill Kaminari

Satisfied with her investigation, Jirou put a pin in her phone so she could find the location again. Yaoyorozu breathed a sigh of relief that they could once again return to safety.

"Now remember Yaomomo. Not a word of this to anyone"

The rest of the patrol carried on as normal, except Kyoka could not stop smiling to herself.

I'm coming for you son of a b*tch

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